3.08 Stryke Out

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Nightshade, Toothless, and Hookfang all swoop low over the water as they fly toward their destination.

"The Dragon Hunter base is just up ahead," Snotlout says with a point.

"Now, remember, approach with caution," Hiccup warns. "They might be expecting us."

Snotlout waves him off. "Hiccup, Hiccup, this is the easiest mission ever," he says with a cocky smile. "We fly in, blast the Hunters, and then be home in time for lunch. Boom!"

"Arrogance kills, Snotlout," Ragnar says quietly. He's had a bad feeling since they left the Edge and it's only getting worse the closer they get.

Unfortunately, he also has the distinct feeling this is one of those things he can't do anything to stop.

"Hey, what have we said about you making vague and creepy statements like that?" Snotlout asks with a shudder. "Gives me the willies."

Ragnar smirks a little but doesn't bother to reply.

Hiccup gives him a concerned look even as he tries to corral Snotlout. "While I appreciate the enthusiasm, I-"

"Come on, Hookfang!" Snotlout urges his dragon forward and they go shooting past the other two toward the upcoming Hunter base.

With matching exasperated sighs, the other two speed up a bit as they follow him to the small and rocky island up ahead. They're careful as they make their way to the nearby cave, but all they find are empty and abandoned dragon cages.

"There's no one here," Hiccup notes. "It's completely abandoned."

"This place was crawling with Dragon Hunters this morning," Snotlout tells them with a frown.

"And now it's not," Ragnar says, hand flexing even though he doesn't pull his axe quite yet. "Sounds like a trap of some kind to me."

Snotlout looks around them, futilely trying to find any other signs of the Hunters. "I don't know about that, but something's definitely wrong."

"Did you see anything else?" Hiccup asks. "Any dragons?"

"Well, no."

Low growls and snarls make them all turn to look at their own dragons. Ragnar rubs at the underside of Nightshade's large jaw when she crowds against him in the way he knows lets her shield his back.

"Maybe there is something wrong," Hiccup agrees, whipping his head around to look at the cave entrance when they hear an unmistakable roar. "Yeah. Really wrong. Come on!"

Ragnar is right by his side as they run into the cave with their dragons at their heels. Snotlout, however, takes a second to look at Hookfang.

"Why'd you tell me to be proactive today?" he complains.

Hookfang snorts at him, sending a cloud of steam in his face before they follow their companions.

There are natural stone steps inside the cave itself that lead down to a larger and more open cavern.

"You know, I think we've seen way too much of this place already," Snotlout tries. "What do you think, Hookfang?"

Ragnar rolls his eyes when he hears Snotlout shriek before there's the unmistakable sound of him and Hookfang coming down the stairs. "Seriously, Lout? Are you a Viking or not?"

"Yeah. Come on, Snotlout," Hiccup agrees. "This was your idea."

"Yes. That was before the bloodcurdling dragon screams."

"I wouldn't call them bloodcurdling," Ragnar says as another screaming roar sounds.

Despite his complaints, Snotlout follows right behind them as they descend the rest of the stairs. They come out in a large cavern, surrounded by natural caves that have been made into cells.

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