1.13 Total Nightmare

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As usual, Hiccup and Toothless are the only ones fast enough to beat the dome above the arena.

Ragnar smiles as the two of them land. He gives a playful wolf whistle, laughing when Hiccup's cheeks turn red. He blushes so much more easily when other people are around.

"Okay. Enough flirting," Snotlout tells them. He gestures at Hookfang. "We're up."

Fishlegs scoffs lightly. "Come on, Snotlout. Nobody's been able to beat the dome except Hiccup."

"Nobody 'til now," he says confidently.

"Guys, this was supposed to be a drill," Hiccup cuts in. "Do you have to turn it into a game?"

Astrid shrugs. "Don't we always?"

Ragnar nods in agreement, one hand scratching at the base of Nightshade's head spikes. "We are a competitive group. Some more than others," he adds with a pointed look.

Astrid, surprisingly playful for her, sticks her tongue out at him when she sees it. She laughs when he returns the gesture.

"Fair point," Hiccup admits, smiling at their antics.

"T'was once a drill," Tuffnut says dramatically. "Then it became a game. Now it is theater!"

Ruffnut mirrors her brother's grand gestures by throwing one arm up toward the sky. "Let the drama unfold!"

"They're into theater now," Ragnar deadpans. "Great."

"Whatever it is, it's my turn," Snotlout says, completely dismissing everything else around him as he walks over to the starting point with Hookfang at his heels.

"I'll wager he loses an eye," Tuffnut says.

Ruffnut scoffs. "Ha! On the contrary, I predict that act one, scene one will conclude with the loss of a gallbladder."

Tuffnut hums in thought. "Or perhaps a leg." He looks over when Toothless lands beside them. "What say you, young Hiccup?"

"Okay," Hiccup mutters with a roll of his eyes. "How about we try to avoid any more missing limbs, hm?"

"Or organs," Ragnar adds. He thinks for a second then nods toward the twins. "Though I am impressed you two even know what a gallbladder is."

Astrid smirks. "Not gonna ask them to tell you where it is?"

He shakes his head and holds up one hand to stop them from answering. "No. No. Let's not ruin it."

Snotlout and Hookfang start their drill and things seem to be going well. Everything changes when they fly over the surrounding trees and Hookfang jerks his head to the side like he hears something. The two of them are still having trouble when they come into the others' view again.

"He hath emerged from the forest!" Ruffnut announces, still unnecessarily dramatic as she peers through a spyglass.

"And what of his gallbladder?" Tuffnut asks.

"Impossible to say."

"The tension continues to build."

Hiccup trades an exasperated look with Ragnar as they walk over to the twins.

"And time runs out for our plucky little anti-hero," Tuffnut declares, gesturing grandly at the closing dome.

"I love a ticking sundial, don't you?" Ruffnut asks.


Hiccup shakes his head. "Guys, please?"

Ragnar sighs and shakes his own head. "With any luck, this new hobby of theirs won't last."

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