Hardships And Pleas

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The next day every thing seemed like a blur. Jamila had woken up with pain. She groaned before hopping into the shower. She hissed as the pain hit hed shoulder. She had started to stress about last night. Steven had seen her use her powers and Marc? He was real and in Stevens body.

Just as she turned off the shower she heard luna crying outside the door. She wrapped a towel around her and opened
the door.

"Oh cookie. Dont be scared mummy's right here." She said as she held her baby girl. Luna hugged her back and hid her face in her mothers neck.

"Did you have a nightmare?" She asked and luna nodded. "Oh baby dont worry its only a silly dream. Come on lets get you ready for nursery. You get to see a you're friends." She said as she wiped luna's tears away.

She had dropped luna off and was setting off to work. She cleared her throat and started tapping her fingers against the leather of her wheel. Would steven even want to see her?

She finally arrived at work and saw Steven stood at the steps outside. Jamila parked up and caught up to him. "Steven." She said softly as she put her hand on his shoulder. Steven had visibly stiffened which made Jamila pull her hand back. She gulped as Steven slowly turned his head towards her.

"Why didnt you tell me?" He asked her sternly. "I was scared Steven im sorry." Jamila told him. "Are you working with him?" Steven asked. "Wha-what?" Jamila asked confused. "That man who wanted the beetle? And the American man inside my head? Are you working with them?" He asked.

"No steven no." Jamila said shaking her head. "And why should i believe anything you say." Steven huffed as he began walking up the steps. Jamila's heart broke as she followed him up the stairs desperate to get him to listen to her.

"Bruv, hey. Its proper mad in here." J.b said. "What happened? What is it?" Jamila asked praying that it had nothing to do with the both of them. "They're saying burst pipes, but don't look like that to me." J.b replied. "Has anyone seen the security footage?" Steven asked.

"Well, yeah, I was about to." J.b told them. "All right yeah. I think we should go with you. We may have some information on it. " Jamila told him.

J.b nodded. "All right then come on." They stood in front of his screens. "Do not tell Donna that I let you into this arena." J.b told them.

As they started watching they loaded up the screen. "Bruv, listen, I must warn you. What you're about to see is gonna melt your brain. Yeah?" He told him. "Come on." J.b said in disbelief.

Jamila remained silent. Biting her nails stressing out as Steven tried to explain. "It's like Area 51, like MI6 bonkers, bruv. Yeah?" Steven said. "All right. All right mate." J.b said eager to watch the tape.

J.b put on the tape from last night as Jamila's heart begun beating fast. "Oh man. Is that you two Scotty? Jamila?." J.b asked as they watched the tapes. "Still Steven and uh yea that's us." Steven said beginning to get nervous.

"Are you crying?" J.b asked. Steven cleared his throat. "A bit yea. Wait for it here it comes." He replied. "Yea just uh just wait for it J.b." Jamila added. J.b had started to get restless. "How long am i waiting for?" He asked.

As they watched the footage they saw Jamila and Steven running away from something but that thing wasn't showing on the tape. "Damn it." Jamila muttered of course it wouldnt show up on the screen why would it?

"Bruv what are you two doing?" J.b questioned just as he watched them enter the loos. The loos had been busted and J.b widened his eyes. "You two messed up the loos." He said accusingly. "Donna's not gonna be pleased with this." Jamila commented. "Forget Donna, Larry in maintenance is gonna kill you." J.b corrected.

"I swear to god it was a dog that was chasing us. It was like a big hound." Steven explained. "Hound of the Baskerville was it?" J.b asked. "Egyptian jackal. It was a jackal." Jamila told him. J.b scoffed "i've heard it all now."

"Fast forward till we've come out." Steven said. "Oh yea. Sure why not? that'll make a difference." J.b said sarcastically. "Here let me do it." Steven said looking for answers himself. Jamila closed her eyes in worry. "Now there, have a look." Steven said.

Jamila opened her eyes and looked at the screen. Who she saw was not Steven. Marc was holding her in his arms as he walked. He then stopped and stared at the screen. His gaze was cold. "It still looks like you two bruv." J.b said.

Marc. It was definitely Marc.
"I am disappointed in you Jamila. I really am." Donna scolded her. Once J.b handed in the footage. They were done for. Actually scrap that. They were done for since last night.

"I know you and Steven are close but i didnt think you would play into his creepy little fantasies." Donna continued. "It's not like that Donna." Jamila said. She was kind of relieved that the cameras didnt pick up her using her powers.

But she wouldnt be for long. "I'm sorry Jamila im going to have to let you go." Donna said. Jamila had to stop the tears from falling "donna please. I have a child to provide for." Jamila pleaded.

Donna scoffed. "Lots of people have kids who get fired everyday. What makes you so special?" She retorted. "Donna i need this Job. Ple-" "Jamila. I haven't pressed charges against you for the damage you've done take the advantage and leave." Donna said before turning away from her.

Jamila wiped her tears away before getting up and leaving the room. She slowly walked outside where she saw Steven who also looked upset. She walked to him "Steven are you okay?" Steven shook his head. "Just got fired. But their not pressing charges so thats something." He said.

"Yea. They fired me too Steven." Jamila told him. Steven gave her a look of sympathy but remained quiet. "Look Steven about last night. I know i should have told you but i was scared and i didnt want to scare you off." She explained.

"Jamila you dont have to worry about scaring me off im not going anywhere." Steven said as he hugged her and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry you got fired Steven." Jamila said.

"I don't blame 'em. I'm a vandal. I should've been arrested." He said. "Steven honey." Jamila consoled him, but Steven continued. "I did find things hidden in my flat." Jamilas eyes widened as she looked up at him and he continued. "I swear. I'm not joking. That's worth exploring, isn't it?" He tried to confirm with her.

"Steven i told you we're in this together. I want to help you. Tell me what did you find?" She asked him.

"A key to a storage locker. Like if i could find that storage locker that might be my one chance to prove i'm not mad." He told her.

Jamila placed her hand on his cheek. "You're not mad Steven. But if this gives you some kind of closure then I'm happy to help." She told him.

Steven smiled at her as they both walked to his flat.

"So what else can you do with your powers?" Steven asked as the arrived at his flat. "Not much right now. I mean i still have a lot to learn about them. I can sort of create a wisp and summon an object... to...me." Jamila said a little confused.

"I can show you instead." She said as she lifted her hand and a long golden wisp came out and grabbed Stevens glasses from the table. She then passed the glasses to him.

"Woah. Thats pretty cool." Steven said. "Thank you. I can also shoot fireblasts which is what i like to cool them even though its not fire. I can also create small golden wispy animals? But thats mostly for luna. She loves watching them dance around. Ooh and if you habe pain i can make you feel better" Jamila told him.

"Thats cute. Got it!" He said holding the key in his hand. Jamila walked up to him and looked at the key. It already had an address on.

This was going to be easier than they thought.

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