Muscle woman

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By: JG Quintel

(Your POV~)

I clipped the last leaf on my bush as I smiled. "Done!" I said sweetly as Rigby whooped saying he's done too! I smiled and then noticed Muscle Man didn't even snip a single leaf from his bush. He looked sad and had been crying all day as my look soften. "Muscle Man?" I asked as he flinched and looked at me as I went to him. "Are you okay?" I asked as he looked away. "I... I gotta go!" He said and took off as I flinched. I see High Five ghost and I went to him. "Fives!" I said as he turned to me as I approached him. "What happened to Muscle Man? He looked like he's been crying all day and he hasn't even touched his bush." I said as Mordecai and Rigby went beside me. "last night he got dumped by his girlfriend." He said as I gasped. "What? Muscle Man had a girlfriend?" Rigby asked as he nodded. "But why? What happened to them?" I asked. "Muscle Man hates talking about his feelings and she had enough and broke it off." He said as I sighed. "Right... you two. You go cheer up Muscle Man and do some work for him, I'll go talk to his Ex." I said softly as I got Five's hand. "Huh?" He asked as I looked at him. "Can you take me to her?" I asked as he nodded and soon we left the park and I texted Benson about my absence for now. 

(At the mall~)

"This the place?" I asked as I looked at the store and he nodded. "It's where she works." He said as I nodded. "Right, you go help your buddy." I said as he nodded and float away. I walked inside as I hummed softly and looked around. "Not bad at all-OOF!" I was cut off when I bumped into someone and I backed up. "Sorry, ma'am!" I said as I looked at the woman as she looked just like Muscle Man but more lady and her name tag says... Starla! That's her! "Can I help you, ma'am?" She asked as I flinched. "Oh, well my name is (Y/N). Do you happen to know a guy named Muscle Man?" I asked softly. "Yeah, I know him. I dumped that loser." She said as I look confused. "I heard from his friend that Muscle Man hates talking about his feelings. Why?" I asked as she sighed. "He just won't tell me what his heart was saying. So it's over now." She said as my look soften. "What if it isn't?" I asked as she looked confused. "Look, I can understand love clearly and I know how love feels. Muscle Man felt that too, he just doesn't know how to express it. He might be worried that people will judge him for him being a softy, but he still has a heart y'know. He knows better about this and right after you dumped him, he took a turn for the worse. He's just as fragile as I am when it comes to love. We're just looking for someone to laugh with, to share with... to love with. Throughout everyone's emotions at heart, I can feel it... I even fell in love with two guys!" I said as Starla stares at me in awe as I smiled softly and looked at her. "So... I think you should give him a second chance or at least help him open up his heart... because I sure as heck will. Just think about it." I said softly as I went to leave until Starla got my hand. "Wait! You... You have such a way with words. Muscle Man never talks to me that way. He didn't even like talking about it but you... You're different... like I can trust you dearly." She said as I flinched and looked at her softly. "Really?" I asked as she nodded and I smiled softly. "Then how about we hang out together? To get to know each other." I said as she smiled. "Yes! Hang on, let me get my purse!" She said as she went to the back as I smiled softly. 'Did I just gain a new bestie?' I thought. 

(After a few hours later~)

"So you're telling me that he's all sad and he can't work?" Starla asked as she took a bite of her piece of pie and I nodded. We're at the coffee shop after we went to get burritos, went biking around the park, went to a baseball game and I bought us a deluxe seat, and finally, we went to a beach and now the coffee shop to talk about Muscle Man. I told her about my boys and how Muscle Man is taking the break up. "Yes, and now he can't get out of the shower or anything. My two men are now doing his job for him and I don't think they can take much more of it." I said as Starla covered her mouth softly. "Oh my god..." She said as I nodded. "I'm worried about not only my men but I'm worried about Muscle Man too. If he doesn't cheer up or get back together with you, I don't think they'll have time to spend with me. Plus I like you two together... you both seemed like a perfect couple." I said as she looked at me softly than at the pie. "Y-... You're right." She said as she got up as I looked confused. "Starla?" I asked confused as she went over to my side until she picked me up as I flinched. "H-Hey! What are you doing?!" I said as she then burst through the window as I shouted in surprise and we landed on the road. "What are you doing?!" I said. "We're going to his house. I'm going to give him one last chance to talk about his feelings, if not then we can't go back together!" She said then took off as I shouted and hold onto her. We made it inside the park as I look around and she busted through the trees. "STARLA STOP! YOU'RE DAMAGING THE PARK!" I said as she looked at me. "I'll pay for it later! I want to see him!" She said as I see a helicopter on the way as I sighed. "Great the news," I said as then she grabbed a tree and threw it at the helicopter and it exploded as I covered my mouth and soon we went to the house and burst open the door as I coughed. "You are definitely a Muscle Woman," I said as she smirked and then went over to the couch and placed me there as I grunt and I looked at the window to see Muscle Man, Mordecai, and Rigby running to the house. "Is this where he lives?" She asked. "Nope but I see him coming," I said as she looked at the window, and the three run-up to the steps and entered inside. "(Y/N)!" Mordecai and Rigby said in unison as they went to me in relief. "Starla?" Muscle Man asked as I got up. "Starla is going to give you one more chance if... you say something to her," I said as he flinched when I point my chest. "From here," I said as he looked at me then at Starla. "Starla?" He asked as she raised her brow. "I can understand that you're upset. When I look at you, I think of someone I know, someone who is fragile and vulnerable deep down. Someone who does have feelings. That someone is me.... Mitch Sorrensteing." He said as I flinched. 'That's his name?' I thought as I covered Rigby's mouth softly before he could say anything. "I've been so upset since you left me, baby. You're the light of my life, the fire that burns my heart, the one and my only." He said as Starla felt heartwarming as she teared up. "Starla... will you be my Muscle Woman?" He asked as I smiled softly as she looked at me. "Go for it," I said softly. She turned to Muscle Man. "Oh, Mitch!!!" She said as she went towards him as Muscle Man shouted Starla's name and they both went to watch other. Then they slobbery make out as I look away at the scene because that's just gross even for me. Mordecai and Rigby did the same saying 'Aw, sick!'. Soon they got back together and Starla looked at me as I smiled softly. "Thank you, (Y/N)." She said as I smiled softly and soon she and Muscle Man took off happily as I crossed my arms. "Glad they're back together, they are perfect for each other," I said as the two nodded. We watch them go as I crossed my arms...

"Wanna go play video games?" Mordecai asked as I smirked.

"Oh hell yeah." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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