Free cake!

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By: JG Quintel
(Your pov ~)
Me and mordecai went in the kitchen to get a snack. "What would you like Mordecai?"I asked. "Let's see i would like-" mordecai got cut off when Rigby comes in excited, holding something. "Guys, check it out!" Rigby said as he shows us what it is. It is a plate with a picture of Simon kipner saying 'godfather of the soul patches'. "I found it in the trash, in the back. Is it cool?"Rigby asked. "Dude, you gotta stop pulling stuff out of the trash. It's unnatural."Mordecai said. "Your unnatural! Besides it's different, it is a treasure of the past." Rigby said. "Rigby is right. It is a treasure of the past... some we wish we could never forget."I said. "We should put some food for this baby!"Rigby said as he lifts the plate. "Agreed. You know what would be good for this plate? Chocolate cake."Mordecai said. I smiled widely. "Ah! Yes! But how could we afford something like chocolate cake?"Rigby asked. "Don't worry dude. I know where could we get some."Mordecai said as they both took off. I smiled. 'It is skips birthday today. Oh, why not!'I thought as I gather the equipment. 'Oh, wait I forgot to ask Benson. I guess I can go ask him.'I thought as I leave the house. I run pass a butler guarding a wedding. "Tell the couple my congrats to them. It is from (y/n)." I said as I run pass them. "Of course, ms.(l/n)!!!" The butler said. I found Benson. "Benson, I heard it's skips birthday today." I said. "Why yes it is. How did you know that?" He asked politely. "Pops let me have his calendar." I said. Pops come out of the Bush. "Of course! I like to give her some notice about what's happening at the park." He said then comes back to what he was doing. Then mordecai and Rigby showed up. "Hey, is it either of our birthdays?"mordecai asked. "It's none of your birthday's." Benson said. "Aw, man. He's killing us with that." Rigby said. "🎵no cake, no cake." They both singed in unison sadly. Pops came out again. "But it is skips birthday today." Pops said. "🎵free cake! Free cake!"They both singed. "But he's really private about it." Benson said. "🎵no cake, no cake." They singed sadly again. "Come to think of it...I think we don't have ever had a birthday party for skips." Benson said. I gasped in shock. "You never through a party for skips?! That's sucks, he deserves a party! Whenever somethingwent wrong, skips fix it, he's been always therefor us even when we need him the most! I bet he wants a party. But he's such a quiet guy to ask. We owe him a party because we are his friends and friends stick together no matter what!" I said. Pops looked like he's gonna cry, Benson is astonished, mordecai and Rigby looked very surprised. "Good show! Jolly good show!!! Benson a party for skips what a crack-ajack idea!" Pops said. "Your right! Fine if you two can get skips on board we'll throw a party for skips." Benson said to mordecai and Rigby. "Got it." Mordecai said. They took off. I smiled. "I'll get his present and some ingredients." I said as I head off.
(Time skip~)
"Ok, that should be it."I said as I put the stuff down. My phone vibrated. I looked to see I got a text from Benson.
B:Hey! We decided to throw skips a surprise party. You'll be in charge of what you are doing for skips.

I smiled widely and got started baking. 'Skips is going to love this.'I thought as I continue turn on the oven.
(Time skip~)
I may be a mess but I finally finished. 3 batches of butterscotch chip cookies, 2 huge caramel chocolate pies, and a chocolate cake with white chocolate frosting. I text Benson to get vanilla cake to be sure for the party. "Ok it's 7:00. Skips should be in the woods." I said as I wrote a note saying, 'do not touch, there for the party.' And sighed my name. "There." I said. "What you doing?" A voice said. I looked to see muscle man. I walked to him. "Just making sweets for skips birthday party. Could you take them to his home while I pick him up?" I asked him. "Sure, only for you cause your awesome." He said as I give him a cookie. I walked past him. "See ya at the party."I said as I go to the bathroom to take a shower.
(30 minutes later ~)
I am now in the woods, looking for skips with my party dress.

I see a glow in the bush

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I see a glow in the bush. I looked at through the Bush to see skips chanting with a star rattle. "Skips?" I whispered. Then I see Rigby trying to get skips. The blue fire went out. I gasped. "FOOLS! You interrupt my spirit dance. Do you realize what you have done?!" Skips said. Then a car come down and someone came out with star eyes. They were having a conversation until skips got in the car. "Come on,  we better follow them!" Mordecai said as they run and got in the back. The car begin to drove off. 'Oh no you don't!'I thought as I run and hid behind the car. We went up high. Then we transport to a god hall which contains 5 giant babies. 'The gods of youth.'I thought. We landed and I hid. Skips and the star guy step forth. "Guardians of eternal youth. I have brought you the condemn." The star guy said. "Skips, you have failed to complete the spirit dance and thus the pack for your eternal youth has been broken. Now you shall shriveled into dust to disappear forever." The guardian said. They all waved there rattles and skips became very old. He felled to the floor. I gasped. "Skips!" All three of us said. He's starting to become dust. "Wait it's not his fault!" Mordecai said. "What's done, is done." The guardian said. Mordecai got off the truck and so did Rigby without the cake. I grabbed it. "But this is our fault,  we interrupt his dance before he can finish!" Mordecai said. "Yea man. Let him finish the dance thing."Rigby said. "The decision of the guardians can not be overturned." The guardian said. Skips is still turning into dust. "Skips!" We all said, as for me I whispered. I hold the chocolate cake. 'This must be the chocolate cake from the snack bar.'I thought as I looked at skips. Mordecai and Rigby is apologizing to him. 'Ok that's enough. How am i gonna stop this? What there babies, so that means...' I thought as I get up. "STOP!" I shout. The guardians looked at me. "What's the meaning of this?" The guardian said. I opened the lid and let the smell out. "Wait, I smell something like... cake. Do you smell it as well?" The guardian said. The other guardians agreed as well. "I gotta surprise for you!" I said. I lift the chocolate cake. "You want this cake?" I asked smiling. "The girl has the cake!" One of the guardians said. "Cake, give us the cake!" The leader of the guardians said. I took it back. "The cake for skips life." I said. Mordecai and Rigby came to me. "(Y/n), what are you doing?"Rigby asked. "You want skips to die on his birthday? Cause I sure don't!" I said. We all looked at him to see he's almost being a big pile of dust. "Alright." Rigby said. I lift the chocolate cake. "Do we have a deal?"I asked. The guardians gather up and whispered to each other. "What flavor is it?" The guardian asked. "Chocolate."I said. They get back to whispering to each other. "We have reached a new decision. We will restore skips youth in exchange for your cake!" The guardian said. I put the cake in front of the stairs. "Done! Now restore skips youth!" I said. "Done!" The guardian said as he snapped his fingers. The dust gather up and restore skips youth. The guardians float down and begin smearing cake all over themself. 'Aww so adorable!'I thought as I smiled at help skips up. "Aw What! They're not even eating It! There just smashing it on they're faces." Rigby complained. "Be gone with you!" The guardian said as he snapped his fingers again. It only transport us to skips home. The guys just looked at us. "SURPRISE!!!" They said. I laughed. "Let the merry-making comense!" Pops said as he begins the music. "You guys almost kill me for some cake?" Skips asked. Rigby comes forth with the plate from this morning. "Here skips. We got ya something." Rigby said. I smiled and went to muscle man. "Hey (y/n), what's up?" He asked. "Did you bring the sweets?"I asked. He nodded as we head outside. I grabbed the pies and cake. Muscle man got the cookies. " by the way (y/n), that cookie taste AWESOME!" Muscle man said carrying the cookies inside. "What the?" Benson asked. I laughed. "Aw, vanilla."Mordecai said disappointed. I come in with the pies and chocolate cake that I made. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKIPS!!!" I said with a smile. I put the treats down. "Oh my! Who made these wonderful treats?" Pops asked. "Your looking at her."I said.  They all stared at me. "You made these?" Benson asked. I nodded and grabbed a cookie. "Go ahead and try it."I asked. I cut the cake I made and got myself a slice. Mordecai and Rigby gasped. "Chocolate!" They both said in unison. I moved so they can have a turn.
(Time skip ~)
"See ya tommorow!" I said as I walked to the house. 'Not bad for a birthday.'I thought. "Hey (y/n)!!!" A voice said. I turned and got hugged by skips. "I heard it was your idea. Thank you..."he said. I hugged back. "It'swhat friends are for."I said with a smile.
(3rd person pov ~)
For what (y/n) didn't know is a very certain two has seen everything. They could not help but smile for what she did.




"Come on dude, let's go home."
(Boom chapter done, hope you all like it. Be sure to check out the truth or dare and a ask blog. Stay fabulous darlings~)

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