the chairs/ new employee.

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( credits to The Creator.)
Regular show
By: JG Quintel
( Benson's pov)
I am gathering up for the staff meeting. Everyone is here so we can get started." All right, listen up. We've got this birthday party today, so lots to do, lots to do. We've also got a new employee. And just so let you know it's a girl so we must show her lots of respect. She said she'll be here in an hour. Muscle Man, High Five Ghost, you're in charge of picking up the special entertainment." I said pointing to the two Pranksters.
"Skip's, you set up the bouncy castle." I said, Skip's nodded and went into the bush." Let's see. I'm picking up the kids, so, Mordecai and Rigby, you set up the chairs." I said. Both of them grown as Mordecai slid off the stairs." Oh, what about me? Shirley I'm invited to my own birthday party!" Pops said. " um, your birthday was last week. Remember? It's a kids party today." I said." I still have balloons!"Pops said. " we got it covered, pops." I said. " oh. I see." He said as the balloons flown off with him away from the house. Still with a sad face. " dude, how come we always get stuck with the lame job, sending up the chairs?" Mordecai asked."lame!" Rigby Shout." I can't trust you guys with something actually important. You're always slacking off." I said." You calling us slackers?" Mordecai asked." Did he... Did you..." Rigby said offended." He's calling us slackers." Mordecai said also offended." Look, dude, we can totally set up all those chairs without slacking off." Mordecai said. " good. Do it, then." I said. "We will." Mordecai said."yeah. And then next time you'll get someone else to set up the chairs?" Rigby asked. I looked at Mordecai to see he raised his arms up." Fine." I said. They both 'ohhed'. "🎵 not setting up the chairs next time, not setting up the chairs next time. Unh!" They said. I just sighed and walked away." Just set up the chairs. Oh and by the way the new employee will be working with you so she'll be here in a few minutes. Have fun." I said as I get on the bus and drove away.

( time skip~)
( Mordecai's Pov)
We are walking to the birthday tent talking to prove that we are not slackers." Benson's gonna drop his balls when he sees how good we set up these chairs. He's going to be all like,' oh, no. My gumballs.'." Rigby said. I laughed and agreed with him." We Rule at setting up the chairs. I just wonder when she's going to get here?" I said. Then I hear footsteps.
"Seriously if you guys rule at stacking up the chairs, then you guys would almost been done already." A beautiful voice said. I looked over to see a beautiful woman.
( your Pov)
I made it to the park and walked inside.' So this is the part that the girls were talking about. It's so beautiful, okay a guy named Benson right? He says to be at the birthday tent which is near by the house. That shouldn't be a problem.' I thought as I started to walk to there. I see a tent with a bunch of balloons and inside is a merry-go-round.' That must be the birthday tent!' I thought. Then I see a brown raccoon person and a blue jay person. And I got to say they're really cute and the most handsomest boys I ever seen. My heart begin to beat fast.' Oh no it's love at first sight! Okay, okay. You got this (y/n) sure they're cute... But I'm pretty sure you got judging by their personality Then Fall for them'I thought as I listen to them. " We Rule at setting up the chairs. I just wonder when she's going to get here?" The blue jay asked. I blushed that his voice.' Oh god his voice...' I thought as I knew what they're talking about. I walked out and walk towards them.' Okay you can do this, you got this (y/n)...'I thought as I stopped walking." Seriously if you guys rule at stacking up chairs,then you almost been done already." I said. They both turned around to look at me, then they... Blush madly? I shake it off cuz maybe I'm just being crazy.
"Hi I'm (y/n), your new employee. I hope we can become friends." I said. They both clear their throats."m-my name's Mordecai." The Blue Jay said.
"A-a-and I'm Rigby." The raccoon said. I smiled and shake their hands." Nice to meet you. Ready to stack the chairs." I said. They nodded, Mordecai grab a chair and unfold it." One." Mordecai said as he passed the chair directly to Rigby." One."Rigby said as he throw the chair and it landed sideways. I sighed and fixed it. I smiled.' I wonder how Benson's doing when he's picking up the kids?' I thought as I start to work.
( meanwhile...)
(3rd person pov)
There was a traffic going on in the highway. And on the bus Benson was driving and the kids is all here including the birthday boy. " happy birthday-" Benson said but got cut off by the birthday boy." Just drive the bus, you crazy slop jockey!" Said the birthday boy. You look back at the road with an angry face.
( meanwhile back on the 3...)
( your pov)
" okay we're doing good guys." I said as I stuck up a chair. Then on Mordecai side Rigby just ran through them with a chair armor. Mordecai went like 'what the hell dude.' Well Rigby is laughing. I giggled a little bit too. At least Rigby didn't mess up my side of the chairs." Can we please just focus?"mordecai asked. Rigby sighed loudly." When you say that, it makes me tired."Rigby said. Mordecai try to get his attention. Rigby sat down. He groans loudly cuz he's bored." You sound like Benson." Ricky said.' Okay I have enough of this...' I thought as I Whistle for their attention. They looked at me." Listen, if we pass through this, we'll never have to do this lame chair stuff again. Maybe next time it could be us picking up..." I said waiting for them to finish." The special entertainment." They both said in unison." And besides, I may have an idea, a fun set up the chairs." I said as I gathered the two and tell them the plan.
(Time skip~)
" 37."I said as a chair is thrown and I catch it with my hands then did a trick and put it down." 38... 38... Guys I said 38."I said. " that's all the chairs."Rigby said. " what?" I asked.
"they're supposed to be 50."mordecai said. " that's Benson's problem."Rigby said. "Nnnnoooope. That's our problem." I said as a look at Rigby. Rigby sat up with a grumpy face, and I gotta say...It's cute." Come on, we got to find the rest."I said as I walked to the old shed." Fine. Let's find your stupid chairs."Rigby said as he runs in all 4 and runs passed me. Which caused me to get giggle. Then I heard a thud. I look to see Rigby running to the door. I 'ooooooohhhhh.' While I flinched. I run to him. " Rigby are you all right?"I asked. He groaned in pain." Yeah,I'm okay."Rigby said.I looked at the door and pushed the door to see if it was open.mordecai walked over here." It won't open. Let's get out of here." Rigby complains.
"You tried the actual door knob?"mordecai asked."ooh. You're killing me."Rigby groans as I tried the knob. It was locked. I groaned an annoyance." It's locked. Let's do something else."Rigby said groaning in annoyance." Come on, dude. Take this seriously."mordecai said as he tries the doorknob also. Still locked."oh,it is locked." Mordecai said. We both nodded in agreement." We got to get those chairs."mordecai said as he...RAMMED THE DOOR!!! I gasped."MORDECAI!!!!" I shout as he falls to the floor. Rigby ran to him. "DUDE!!!Are you alright?!?!"Rigby asked. He nodded still in pain. I sighed in relief. "Oh thank goodness cause I thought you are hu-" I cut myself off as I gasped loudly for what I am witnessing. I walked past them with a huge smile on my face."uh, you see the chairs?"mordecai asked in pain.
"Even... Better!" I said as I was breathtakend to what I see. " what do you me-OH!"mordecai said as he is looking for what I am witnessing."MY!"Rigby said as he sees what I am witnessing."GOD!"I finished as I see... old arcade games!!! I walked around with a huge smile on my face. " this is old-school heaven!!!"I said as I jumped around." Check out the old arcade games I've been trying to collect them for years!!! Look!!!" I said as I pointed the one of the games."Ball of yarn,lemonade stand,hats 4 sale,clap like this!,candle maker,Deli dude, staring contest?! Why are these even here?! Won't you agree (y/n)?! (Y/n)?" Mordecai asked. I am lost in a trance because of the games. I smiled widely. "Who cares? Let's play!"Rigby said as he is running for the games. I snapped out of it and grabbed." Wow there, hold your horses. You want your boss to think your Slackers forever? Cuz Mordecai doesn't. And i appreciate you don't want that either." I said." Please (y/n)? Just one game?"Rigby asked looking at me in the eyes. I sighed. There's no way I couldn't ignore those eyes, they're just too adorable!!!" Okay fine, but only one game understand?"I asked, Rigby nodded and did a little victory dance, then ran to the game." Not cool dudette." Mordecai said. I looked at him. " sorry Mordecai at least I said one game. That's the bright side."I said. Mordecai sighed then smiles at me." I'm taking my break."Rigby said as he starts the game then to...smashing buttons.' Are you fucking kidding me with this shit...'I thought as I giggled at him being so childness. "dude, you're not even doing it right. You just mashing the buttons. "Mordecai said. Rigby ignores him. " whatever. Why don't you go back to work?"Rigby asked. I cracked my neck." I know, how about I take my break to?"I said, then move Rigby out of the way and play the game professionally. As a game a new high score and win the game."🎵ooooooooohhhhhh!!!!!" I sing. Mordecai and Rigby's Jaws dropped." What? I forgot to tell you I'm a professional at games. And also video games." I said." Man, that was just luck."Rigby said.I smirked.
"Mordecai you might want to sit down on this cuz I think I have a challenge."I said."bring it on!"Rigby said. I smirked challengly. Let's do this. Then the competition begin...
(Time skip~)
"Ooooohhhh~. Ten in a row!!! Alright let's find the chairs..."I said as I walked away. Mordecai and Right's faces are shocked because on all games, got a new high scores. I giggled as I see there reaction is priceless.
"Wait dude... what about that one?"Rigby asked as he goes to the out of order. I shake my head."Didn't they teach you how to read....out of order."mordecai said. Rigby then uncovered the sheet to see...'The destroyer of words.'!!!!!I gasped and ran off. 'I thought that game is destroyed!!!!' I thought as I continue to run for my dear life.
(3rd pov)
"In the name of all that is holy, don't connect the red wire to the blue wire." They both said in unison. Then looked to see two separate wires."I don't think we should do this."mordecai said. Rigby just stared at him and threw the note then connect the wires."come on, come on!"Rigby said as he connected the wires. Causing a smoke that looks like a devils head and went off causing a evil laugh. Then the lights turn off."dude what just happened?"mordecai asked."I don't know."Rigby said frightened. Then a glow occurred to the two friends. Then the game exploded causes to blow the two friends back all the way to the wall. Once they got up, they see a video game devil head floating towards the wall."that can't be good."mordecai said."I don't know, maybe he can be cool..."Rigby said. Then he lookedat the window to see (y/n) running for her life. He laughed evil as he destroys the wall and went to follow her. "Oh man, we're so dead."mordecai said."maybe no one will notice."Rigby said. He begin blasting towards her, she screamed as she dodges for her life. "Oh someone released the destroyer of world's. Good show." Pops said as he is floating around with the balloons."we better go find skips."mordecai said. Rigby looked around to see no body but mordecai."wait, where's (y/n)?"Rigby asked panic tone. The boys eyes widen with fear as they ran to find skips.
(Skips pov)
I was finishing placing the bouncy castle until I sense a presence. "skips dude..."mordecai said out of breath."what did you guys do?"I asked knowing that something wrong."what nothing..."mordecai said. Then a laser beam hit the slide, I looked up to see the destroyer of world's coming through."you ignore my note did you?"I asked."uh note? What note?"mordecai asked saying that he didn't do anything. "You mean like a musical note?"Rigby asked doing the same thing. Then the laser hit the castle."YOU FOOLS!!!!DESTROYER OF WORLD'S WILL KILL US ALL!!! MOSTLY TO THE NAME OF (Y/N)!!!!!"I shouted. The two gasped in horror. "(Y/N)!!!!!" They both yelled. " So this is why she ran off...."mordecai said. "BECAUSE SHE'S GOING TO BE KILLED!!!!!" Rigby said panic tone. I sense another person. When I looked, i see the newcomer running for her life.
(Your pov)
I was still running for my dear life and saw a yeti skipped to a bush. Then a rock hit the destroyer of world's. I looked to see Mordecai and Rigby. I gasped."Get out of here!"Rigby said. Destroyer smile fell. I run inside a shed. I panted and looked to see where I'm at. 'The extra chairs!!!'I thought as I bring it close to me. I hope they're doing ok. I opened the door to see kids running. ' Benson must have arrived.'I thought as I opened the door. Then I have an idea."ATTENTION KIDS! COME OVER HERE QUICK FOLLOW MY VOICE ALL CHILDREN COME OVER HERE!!!!" I yelled enough for the children to hear. They all gather around."Alright children listen up, I have a game for you. You must collect each chair. And head for the birthday tent and stack them up. Whoever steps up the chair most wins. And also get a prize. Got that everyone?"I asked. The children nodded." On your mark... Get set...GO!!!!"I shouted as kids grabbed the chairs and run for the birthday tent. I looked up to see...A giant video game dude. "Woah..."I said as the last kidgrabbed the last chairs. " all right...GO!"I said as the last kid ran off to the birthday tent with the last two chairs. The ray zapped through the wall. I gasped to see the destroyer of world's looking at me. He evil laughed, and begin blasting towards me which is behind the wall. I screamed.(kinda like the fifth element where leeloo is being shot through the vents but way louder.)
(3rd person pov)
While (y/n) was taking care of the children. Skips came back with a go kart full of old video games. And they press play which shows a video game dude. Pops was driving the kart until the laser hit skips which made him fall off. "Pops stop! We lost skips!!"mordecai said. Pops stop the kart, because he got off and went to find skips. Then destroyer of world's hit the shed where (y/n) is at. The destroyer laughed evilly as he begins blasting the wall where she is behind at. "Dude, I'll do the kart. You deal with the destroyer of world's."mordecai said. Then they heard a scream that they know. They gasped."(Y/N)!!!!!!" They screamed in unison. She keeps screaming. Then Rigby begin mashing button which hit the destroyer of world's. It is almost defeated. She smiles."the button mashing is working! Finish him off, dude!!!"mordecai said. He reached all levels and mashed the buttons and finished him off. He turned into a cherry and the video game dude ate it. They got off the kart.
(Mordecai pov)
"That was some pretty sweet button mashing."I said. "I told you I got skills."Rigby said. I smirked at my friend. "YOU!!!" A angry voice said. I turned around to see Benson. "Whoa. Hey, Benson. Before you freak out, we totally set up those chairs." I said. Pointing to where they are at. All chairs stack up. "So, we're cool,right?"Rigby asked. "YOU IDIOTS!! That's the last time I entrust you with something important, like the chairs!!" Benson yelled. We dance victoriously."🎵oooooohhhh, not setting up the chairs next time, not setting up the chairs next time." We singed."but you are gonna clean up this mess,and you can start by sweeping up the special entertainment. Oh and remember the newcomer...She will be working with you from now on. Got it?" Benson asked. 'Oh shit, (y/n)!!!' I thought. "Yeah, no problem." I said. "We got it."Rigby said. "Don't worry about us." I said. " dude! We gotta find (y/n), NOW!!!" Rigby said. He took the words right out of my mouth. Then we got tackled by...(Y/N)!!! "Thank you both so much for saving my life!!!" She said as we hugged back.
(Your pov)
'Looks like they are perfect ones after all.'I thought as I squeezed them. This is a brand new beginning...

( boom chapter done!!! I hope you guys enjoy it cuz trust me it took me like I don't know 2 days or so. And you I hope you guys enjoy it. Don't forget to give credits to the creator of Regular Show. And don't forget to check out our truth and dare ask blog. Be sure to put some truth dares or questions at the comments below. Till then have fun darlings~)

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