The power.

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( Warning: all chapters are in foul language but to say there lines clearly. If you don't like it please leave. just to let you all know. I'm going to start this before you arrive. So that way you can adjust to your characters. For those of you who are very known to these characters. Want to give a little bit of a good beginning. At the end that's where your Pov is.)
Regular show
By: JG Quintel
(3rd person pov)
Inside was a room showing a tv full of wrestlers wrestling. Moving to a raccoon person known as...Rigby. "All right, Beef Burrito... I'm gonna give you one more chance to take back what you said about my mom!" He said as He looks at the Beef Burrito doll. He said nothing. "I'll kill you!" Rigby said as he brings out his elbow and taps on it. He then jumps off then to the trampoline then to the Beef Burrito doll, he wrestled the doll while moving in a circle. As he got up with the doll, he grabbed the dolls fabric arm and punched in the face twice. He groans in pain. "Tag up! Tag up!" A voice said known as mordecai, the blue Jay. Rigby walks like he is being beat and tag him. He jumps out of the bed and grabs the doll and drags him. During that Rigby is chugging his soda to get his strength back. Then throws it down and roars. Mordecai puts the doll next to the bed, then climbs to where Rigby was at. They looked at the doll. "What?" Rigby asked. The doll said nothing. "Oh you want us to put 'The hurt' on you?" He asked again. Mordecai picks him up as Rigby curls into a ball. "I think he wants me to put 'The hurt' on him."  He said. "I think he wants you to put 'The hurt' on him." Mordecai said. "You think he wants me to put ' The hurt' on him?" Rigby asked. "Yes,I do." Mordecai said. Rigby screamed manly, then mordecai, then both. Mordecai throws him in the trampoline then went crazy fast but missed the doll and hit the walks instead causing a big hole then Rigby fell to the trash can, then fell on the side. He then got up with the bin while groaning. He then lift the bin up with a smile on his face. "Yeah! Did you see how awesome it was when I hit the trampoline?" Rigby asked as mordecai walks to him. He chuckled. "Yeah, I did. But it wasn't as awesome as when you punched that hole in the wall." Mordecai said. They both laughed then stop realizing there mistake then look at the wall to still see a giant hole in the wall. They screamed in horror, after that Rigby open the door to see no body there then close it. " I can't believe I listen to you. I knew I should have gone out to do some work. But no...' let's wrestle this stupid doll, it'll be fun.'" Mordecai said, as he sat at the end of the bed. "But it was fun." Rigby said. "Well, yeah, but now there's a big hole in the wall. Dude we're 23 years old. We shouldn't be busting holes in walls, we're gonna get fired for this." Mordecai said. "You mean, you're gonna get fired for this." Rigby said. "What?" Mordecai asked. "You're the one who threw too hard, you hole." He argued. "Don't call me a hole. You're the hole, you're the one who wanted to wrestle." He argued back. "Okay, okay. Let's not blame anyone. Now, how in the hell are we gonna fix this shit?" Rigby asked. "I don't know, man. We can't pay for it, and we definitely can't pay for it, cause we don't have any money. Unless you have some money." Mordecai said gestering to him. "No. Besides, I don't even know how much it costs to fix a hole like this. Probably a ton." Rigby said. "Exactly. Which leaves us with only one possible solution...We convince Benson to give us raises so we can afford to pay someone else to fix it." Mordecai said. " are a genius! Of course, raises." Rigby said as he kick the floor. "Okay, dude -" mordecai said as Rigby cuts him off. "Let me stop you right there, because I already know what you're going to say. Hamboning." Rigby said. "What?" Mordecai asked. "Yea dude Hamboning. We just go up to Benson. And we'll be all like, 'we both want raises.'" He said as he tap on himself then to mordecai. He shoved Rigby off. "No, man! Stop it! We just need to ask him for a raise and just explain all the-" mordecai got cut off again. "No,no,no! That's not gonna work! What are you, 65? 'Excuse me, sir, can I have a raise?' Come on! I'm telling you, dude... hamboning." Rigby said. Mordecai crossed hid arms and shake his head. "No." He said. "Hamboning will save your life someday. It'll be like, 'what? You trying to mug me?'" Rigby said as he starts tapping on himself then almost to mordecai until he shove him off again. "No! We're not doingthat okay?okay?!" Mordecai said mad toned. "Fine."He said then gasped giving him an idea. "I know what to do!" He said as he go to the pile of dirty clothes. Also known as his bed, he digs to find something he is looking for as mordecai waited. He found it, take it and walks to him. "Are you ready for raises? Boo-bwee! Boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo." Rigby said. "Woah. How did you get that?" Mordecai asked. "I have my methods." Rigby answered.
A wizard ran here puts the keyboard on the bench and peed in the bush. As the wizard saying 'ahhhh' while peeing, Rigby comes in stole the keyboard and ran off without any notice from the wizard.
[Flashback over]
Rigby was smiling as he hold the keyboard. "I don't know, dude. How's that gonna get us raises?" Mordecai asked. "Aw, come on man. Look, just come check it out." Rigby said as he sat the keyboard down. Mordecai went next to Rigby. Then he played the keyboard which made some cool and sick sound off of that. Mordecai was surprised and awed at this. "Whoa. This is the answer to all of our problems. Have you named her yet?" Mordecai asked. "Actually, I thought you could do the honors." Rigby said. "Really?"mordecai asked. He nodded with a mm-hmm. "You know, I've always wanted to date a girl named 'the power'." He said. "The power?" Rigby asked. Mordecai nodded with a mm-hmm. "I like it."Rigby said, then the keyboard carves it's name 'The power' on its own. "Cool." They both said in unison.
(Time skip to where they get to benson)
There is a shed being heard and clanking inside. Coming out of the shed was a humanized gumball machine known as Benson, the park manager. "Hey, Benson." A voice said. Benson looked to see mordecai and Rigby. They played the keyboard. "5,6,7,8. Gives us a raise benson." The both said.( sorry I don't like when they said losers on Benson. When he's the boss or go like 'I am not doing this' and not to mention it's scary.) Then finished it off dancing. They back up a little bit. "You know, you guys have been working harder. I think you deserve a raise. We can negotiate your new rates later in the week, but for now, how's 20 bucks sound?" He said as he take 40 dollars. There jaws dropped. They both took a 20 each. Benson got in the go-cart. "Keep up the good work." He said as he went off. "Do you realize what this means?" Rigby asked. "We can fix the hole?" Mordecai asked. "No! We can do everything we ever wanted!"Rigby shouts. And with that they went buck wild with the keyboard.
(Time skip~)
They were both running having fun. Until they bumped into a very certain someone. "You guys shouldn't be doing what you just did." A raspy awesome voice said known as skips the yeti. "What? The flying or the hole?"Rigby asked. "What hole?" Skips asked. "Dude, get to the power. He knows." Rigby said. "Knows what?" Skips asked again. "Nothing,skips. Uh, we were just getting back to work. Dude kick it to max power." Mordecai said as they back up and played the power. "5,6,7,8. Using the power in your face, sending you back to your place. Don't looked at our crotches, while we synchronize our watches. Boop-boop bweep. Bwee-boop-boop bwee-bwee boo-boo. Beep,Beep,Beep. Beep,Beep,Beep. Synchronized..." They sang as they put on red shirts. "Go away, skips. It's time for you to go away." They sang. "It's time for you to go to your room."mordecai singed. "Yeah, skip, it's for you to go to the moon." Rigby singed. Then skips disappeared without a trace. Mordecai gasped. "Where'd did he go?" He asked. Rigby answer is just 'uh'. Mordecai then realize. "Did you just send skips to the moon?" Mordecai asked. " isn't that what you said?"Rigby asked. "No 'room' I sent him to his room not the Moon, you idiot! Dude wish him back."mordecai said. " but it doesn't work that way." Rigby said. " what do you mean?" Mordecai asked. " I can't see him, can I?"Rigby asked. " Then we have to go get him."mordecai said. " but he's gonna be pissed." Rigby said. " better than him being dead!" Mordecai said mad toned. " hey. Hey, have you two seen skips?" A voice said known as Benson with a nice round head gentle men known as pops. "R-Rigby sent him to the Moon." Mordecai said as Rigby give him a punch. Which is he's not good at. Mortdecai hit in back which is twice as hard and hurts him a lot. Rigby groans in pain." Wait, what?" Benson asked. " we accidentally send skips to the Moon with this keyboard, and now we have to get him back." Mordecai said. Benson laugh thinking it was a joke. "Ooh, I love the Moon." Pops said. " come on. Where's Skips?" Benson ask again. Mordecai sighed. " look, we'll show you." Mordecai said.
(Time skip~)
Mordecai, pops and Benson went out of the house. " come on! Let's go! Geez! You take forever!" Rigby said.
"sorry. Pops had to go to the bathroom." Mordecai said. "Twice." Pops said. They all got in the go-kart. " so, what do we do?" Benson asked. " don't worry. We got it." Mordecai said. " take us to the Moon, take us to the Moon. Whoa-oh. Won't you take us to the Moon?" They sang as they play the keyboard. Nothing happened."Ha ha. Very fun-" Benson said, but was cut off and disappear Without a Trace. While during your journey to the Moon, the four screamed  as they are going fast as Lightning. Then they crashed in the moon at the go kart go to the side. Everyone was okay. They all ground in pain. " what is all this junk?" Benson asked. As the other three looked where Benson is looking at they see a broken rocket, oldride, Bunch of Baby Ducks with the mom, and a broken soda machine." Um, don't get mad at me, guys, but I kind of sent a bunch of stuff to the Moon while you guys were in the house." Rigby said while fiddling with his fingers.
[ flashback~]
Rigby was playing the keyboard." A Bunch of Baby Ducks Send them to the Moon. soda machine that doesn't work send them to the Moon." Rigby just kept singing.
[ flashback over]
" you drill bit! What else did you send?"mordecai asked. Then a loud Roar occurred. It look at the source to see a giant monster coming towards skips. " look! It's skips! There he is!" Pops said. As the monster was about to reach him. " oh, great. It had to be a monster." Mordecai said. " what is that?" Benson asked. " Rigby, you guys go get skips. We'll pick you up." Mordecai said. Rigby runs with the keyboard. "Okay,okay."Rigby said.
"pops, help me with this." Mordecai said. As Rigby runs with Benson. The monster Roars as he has skips in his hands. Rigby puts the keyboard down."come on!" Benson said. "Give me a break! I have to come up with the words, you know!" Rigby said as he starts thinking of lyrics."Okay,I got it.🎵G-g-go away, Big monster. Go,go-🎵 No,no,no,no no,no!"Rigby said. "What?" Benson asked. Rigby tried to play it but no avail. " dude, I think the batteries just died." Rigby said."what?!" Benson asked. As the monster roars and walk towards them. "hurry up, dude!" Mordecai shouts. " the batteries are dead!" Rigby shout back. "What?!"mordecai shouts panic tone. Rigby doesn't know what to do until a flashback hit him.
" hamboning will save your life someday. It'll be like,'what? You trying to mug me?'/ I'm telling you,dude...Hamboning." it's said as the flashback is gone. "I know what to do. Hold this." Rigby said as he give Benson the keyboard then went off. As the monster was about to eat skip, Rigby screamed out no. Then the monster feel tapping all around. Skip's managed to be free from his hand, and jumps off . he runs to Rigby, he grabs Ruby before the monster can punch him. The monster got confused and looked at the guys. Rigby was whooping." Hamboning." Rigby said ask it's managed to get into the go-kart." I can't believe you just did that."mordecai said. The monster was chasing after them as they were driving away. The monster starting gained dangerously close." Use your keyboard." Skips said. " the batteries are dead." Rigby said. The monster was getting closer and closer. Skip punch through the Kart, grab some wires and plug it into the keyboard which made it fully charged." Play it!" Skips said. As the monster made it to them, he reeled in the punch. "🎵 take us home, take us home. Take us all to our home." They all sing then disappear before the monster punch the go-kart to pieces. They travel back while screaming. They fell in Mordecai and Rigby's room and the whole walls fall down. Rigby laugh victoriously as they get up." We did it! Yeah!" Rigby shouts as Benson swipes the keyboard." Hey, that's mine!" Rigby said." Nope. You sent him to the Moon, so the least you could do is give him your keyboard. Right, skips?" Benson asked giving skips the keyboard. " right." Skips said as he breaks the keyboard. Mordecai and Rigby groans sadly." And let's have it." Benson said. "What?" Rigby asked. " the $40 you too Conned out of me with that stupid keyboard crap! I know you still got it. Now give it back." Benson said very angrily. Rigby sighs as they both give him back there $20." Now clean up this mess, or you're fired!" Benson said very angrily. As Pop, skips and Benson leave the room. Benson sighs. " can you believe this?" Benson asked." No." Skips said has the door shuts. " oh, dude, this sucks. The hole's still there. Do you think Benson noticed it?" Rigby asked. Mordecai looked at the poster and grabbed and pinned it where the hole is at. " he won't now."mordecai said. "Dude, you're a Genius!" Rigby said as they both high-fived.

( your pov~)
Uuuugh, this is so boring I want something to do instead of doing nothing while being rich. I walked over to the coffee shop and went inside there I met my 2 besties, Margaret Smith, and Eileen a humanized beaver. I smiled. " hey girls." I said as I sit down. They looked and smiled. "(Y/n)!!!" The girls said as I sit down. "What could we get you this time. The usual?" Margaret asked. "You know it." I said. Eileen went to get it. " so how's life doing for you Margaret?" I asked. " our lives are doing fine (y/n). Things are starting game better or so. How are you doing?" She asked. I sighed in annoyance." Terrible. I may be rich by want something to do. Something that can make me work out get me a little tired you know the good stuff. I believe you know how I am." I answered. Then and ideal came up to me." I could get a job. That's what I'll do." I said. Margaret almost dropped the glass of water luckily I managed to catch it." Are you sure (y/n)? I mean sure you can get some more money but, why a job though?" She asked." Cuz that's how I am I love helping people you know how much kindness I have, and besides I have my father's working side. I got to have a job somehow and a place to live. Cuz I don't want to live in a mansion for so long. Sure it's big but can also be very lonely. And not to mention that I need some friends no offense on you too. you two are perfect besties in my book." I said. Margaret 'aaawww' and hug me." Okay let's go get you a job." Margaret said. I did a little victory dance. Eileen came back." I heard your conversation, and you were looking for a job right?" Eileen asked. I nodded. Then Eileen brighten up which means she has an idea." Why don't you work at the park?" Eileen said. I got confused." The park? Well it is an outdoor job and you know how I much I love the Sun. Not to mention it also had a house there. And why not, looks like I have a job at the park then." I said. The girls squealed with excitement." Not to mention you also meet our friends there also. Their names are Mordecai and Rigby. They're very awesome friends." Margaret said. I smiled. Eileen gave me the managers number. I dialed the number, then wait for him to answer." Hello?" A voice asked." Hello is this the park manager?" I asked." Why yes how may I help you?" He asked." My name is (y/n) and I'm here to have a job at your Park?" I said as the girl sit down. I'm so excited for the new job.

( boom chapter done!!! That was the longest chapter I read on all the entire books that I've created cuz holy crud that's a lot of words cuz I got to say it's over 3000. I hope you guys enjoy the story. I'll be looking forward to post some chapters soon. Don't forget to check out the ask, truth or dares blog and ask them at the comments below. Be sure to like and vote. Till then have a great time darling.)

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