Brain eraser

771 17 9

Regular show

By: JG Quintel

(Your POV~)

I hummed sweetly as I left the bathroom from a nice long shower. I sighed as I entered my room, I started drying myself off as I hummed a beautiful tune. After that, I put the towel up until I heard my door open as I perked up. "(Y/n), We found your mail for you." I hear Mordecai say as I look to see Mordecai AND Rigby as I shout surprised. They perked up and saw me and blushed very madly as they both covered their eyes fast. "WE'RESOSORRY,(Y/N)!!!!" Rigby shouted as they ran out and shut the door fast as I groaned in embarrassment. I immediately got dressed fast as I ran out of my room and went downstairs to see them in a blushing state. Mordecai's face is on his hand blushing as Rigby has his face on his knees blushing also.  I also sighed as I sit down between them. "How about we try getting rid of that memory by watching a movie? Is that ok?" I asked. They look at me with a blush then nodded and I smiled as I get up and extend my hand. "Then come on... let's go." I said as they nodded with a small blush. 

(At the video store~)

We look around as I sighed to see the two still blushing to see every movie case with a lady. I know that an image of me is stuck in their minds. I blush as I got some movies and went to the counter. "We'll take these, please," I said sweetly as the employee checks them and I look at the Tv screen he was watching as I raised my brow in curiosity. "Um.... what exactly am I seeing?" I asked looking away from the screen when I saw it was some type of anime. "Planet chasers starlight excellent." The employee said blandly as I hummed and Look at the employee to see he is glued to the screen. It looks like he hasn't taken care of himself for a month! My eyes widen as I got an idea. 'That's it!' I thought as I got the tape out. "We'll take this too," I said with a smile. I checked them out as I got Mordecai and Rigby and head out.

(At the house~)

"Okay, this might help us forget what happened," I said as the two sat down. I put the tape in and sat down between them. "Are you sure about this, (Y/N)?" Mordecai asked as I nodded. "Just look at the screen and it'll be out of your heads before you both know it!" I said as the two looked at the screen. They stared at the screen but suddenly their pupils grew big as I raised my brow. "Guys?" I asked and soon I see film tapes coming out of their eyes as my eyes widened. "G-Guys?! What is that?!" I said worriedly as the films get to the VHS player. I got up and looked at the films but gasped to see it's their memories! "NO! WAIT! STOP!!!" I said, trying to stop it but the films went through my hands. It soon lifted both their bodies up as the films went faster and soon all the memories are inside the VHS and they both plopped on the couch. They looked drained and they just both groaned as I went to them. "Mordecai? Rigby?" I asked as they only groaned in response, I'd try snapping my fingers, pinching them, punching their arms but nothing. "What was in that tape?!" I said as I looked at the VHS. Then I looked at the two as I looked serious. 'This is bad! I've got to get their memories back!' I thought as I went to the door. "You two stay here! I'm going to get Skips!" I said as I left the house quickly.

(20 minutes later~)

"And after the video, they just stayed limp like this! I think that tape stole their memories or something!" I said as Skips inspected them as I hold my hands in worry. "It wasn't that 'tape', was it?" He asked as I raised my brow. "Which one?" I asked. "Planet Starlight Chasers Excellent? Did they both see it?" Skips asked as I flinched. "That's the one! What do we do?" I said as Skips looked serious. "We have to watch the tape." He said as I nodded and we both sat down. I reminded the movie and let it play. We stared at the movie deeply and soon I feel myself slipping into the screen.

(In the tape~)

We both appeared in some kind of black void and I looked around. "Where are we?" I asked as then I heard two familiar voices. "(Y/N)!!!" They shouted and I looked to see Mordecai and Rigby. "Guys!" I said happily as I hugged them when I went to them. "Thank goodness you both are alright," I said happily. "Yeah but... we both still remembered the issue," Mordecai said as I blushed. "Seriously?!" I said as they both nodded with a blush. "What issue?" Skips asked as I blushed. "These two accidentally walked in on me naked out of the shower, they didn't know but they were giving me mail." I said with a deep blush as the two nodded blushing in shame. "I see, then we have to change both their memories." Skips said as I grew confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. "If we find the memory of you being naked and cover it, they both won't ever remember you being naked." Skips said as I then smirked and grew determined. "Then where do we start?" I asked. Skips then pointed towards the memories and saw a door of Mordecai's and Rigby's memories. I went to the door and opened it as we entered inside, we see the coffee shop and I saw myself with the two but most of them is just the two of them. "Now all we have to do is find my room." I said as we went to the exit. It was the video store with the same guy I checked the tapes out. We went to another exit and soon made it to the house! I hear a faint giggle from upstairs echoing as my eyes widened. We quickly went up the stairs as I went up first. We finally saw my door as I got the handle. "You three, brace yourselves," I said as I opened the door and I saw myself on the back fully naked. "Oh, Jesus!" Rigby whispered as he blushed deeply. I went over to my bed and got the covers gently. I took a quiet step until the floor creaked as I flinched. My past self turned around with a playful smile. "Damn it creaky floors!" I said as my past self giggled and ran towards me as I tried to cover her but I missed her by her climbing up the ceiling and escaping my room. "COME BACK HERE!!!" I shouted as we went after my past self but we were dropped to the grass ground. I see my past self running through some Benson's as I ran after her as the three trailed behind. I soon made it across as I went through another exit and popped out of the sofa as I grunt and hold my blanket. I see myself and ran through another exit as the guys followed as I grit my teeth. Then I got an idea. "You two!" I said as they flinched. "You remember the time we went Go carting together?" I asked as the two nodded until a Go-cart appeared, I smiled wide and the four of us hopped on. "STEP ON IT, MORDECAI!" I said as he nodded and step on it as we went faster. I soon talked about memories to help my past self slow down! Then I got an idea and told them about the steep cliff at the end of the park and soon the cliff appeared as I smiled. My past self kept going and soon jumped off as we drove off the cliff and Me, Mordecai and Rigby jumped as I spread the blanket as we get close. I hear myself laugh until the three of us covered her and I smiled wide. "GOT HER!" I said and saw below. We screamed until Mordecai remembered the bouncy castle and we landed inside the castle. We all got out as I pant softly. "Nice move, Mordecai," I said as Mordecai blushed softly. "Is everyone alright?" I asked as Rigby nodded and Skips gave a thumbs up. "Now we have to get out of here." I said as I got up. "I think I can help with that." A voice said as I looked to see it was the guy from the video store but he looks clean. "There is a tape sticking out of that wall over there. Grab it and you should be home free." He said as we looked over to see a large tape at the end of the wall. We went to it as I looked at the video store guy. "What about you?" I asked. "I'll be fine. You just go on ahead." He said as I made a soft look as we went to the large tape. We soon grabbed the tape and felt like we were being spat out!


I grunt as I move the films as I see the living room. "It's gone! We don't remember it anymore!" Mordecai said as Rigby nodded as I smiled. "We're back! Thank god." I said. I gathered all the films and went to the kitchen to throw them away, I did and pat my hands. "There..." I said and soon left to the living room only to see Benson rushing upstairs as I raised my brow. "What's up with Benson?" I asked as I look over to the three to see them frozen and soon saw a towel behind the couch. Slowly my eyes widened meaning one thing...


(Hey everyone! I know it's been a while but I was trying to inspire myself to write more of this fic. I need your guy's help to inspire me to this fic again while I still have the chance! Send me your best Regular show x reader stories that you ever read and I'll be sure to write the chapters down!)

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