space grilled cheese deluxe.

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Regular show
By:JG Quintel
(Your pov ~)
I am in the computer room. Looking at videos. I hear mordecai and Rigby calling my name. "I'm in here." I said. They came in. "There you are. Want some grilled cheese?" Rigby asked. "Is that a grilled cheese deluxe from cheezers?"I asked. They nodded. "Then yes." I said. Then looked at the bag to see Benson name and the other bag my name. I smiled. "Mordecai, how about you share mine with me."I said. Mordecai looked at me and nodded at me. I gave him my half and we took a bite. Rigby took a bite at Benson's. "How did you manage this?"I asked. "I bought it with money."Rigby said. "Nice, hey you know what would make good for these sandwiches? Funny internet videos! Dude I got to show you this." Mordecai said as he types on the computer. But Rigby stopped him. "No wait, I know a really good one!" Rigby said as he types on the computer. "No man. Your just gonna put the ostrich with the balls thing again." Mordecai said. "No I'm not." Rigby said. "Your typing it in, I see it!" Mordecai said. "Don't look, your gonna ruined it." Rigby said. I look to see him typing it the ostrich with the balls. Mordecai cover his eyes. "Fine. It better not be the ostrich thing with the balls." Mordecai said. Rigby put the video in. "Is it ready?"mordecai asked. "It's loading. Ok... NOW!"Rigby said. Mordecai uncovered his eyes. I looked at the video. "Don't get to close now pa." An old lady said. The ostrich hit the ball and kick the old man in the privates. Rigby laughs, I giggled. "Man. It's the ostrich thing with the balls! Why did you got to lie with me dude?"mordecai said. "Cause lying is my specialty." Rigby said. "Hey Rigby, do you know why I want to share my sandwich with mordecai?" I asked. He shoke his head. Then Benson comes through the door, with a mad face. "That's why. Sorry Rigby."I said. "What are you doing with me and (y/n)'s sandwiches?" Benson asked. "What?"mordecai said. "Don't worry, I'll take care of this with my specialty. 'This isn't your sandwich. This is our sandwich.'"Rigby said. "This is your sandwich huh? Then how come it says Benson in the bag." Benson said. "It's suppose to say Rigby but they spell my name wrong." Rigby lied. I took a bite of my sandwich. "Stop lying!" Benson said. "Dude, I thought you said you bought this!" Mordecai said. "It's ok mordecai. I expected the unexpected. That's why I shared you some of mine." I explained. Benson looked at me. "First off that's sweet of you, and second...NO! HE DIDN'T BUY IT! Now get off your lazy butt, and go buy me another grilled cheese deluxe! And (y/n) You can go with them, if you don't mind." Benson said. "Of course. Oh. And thanks for buying me some lunch. That's sweet of you." I said. He nodded and closed the door. Mordecai groans. "You ruined our day off, and maybe (y/n)." Mordecai said. I shoke my head. "Don't worry, the line can't be that long." Rigby said.
(Time skip ~)
' you have to jinx yourself, Rigby.'I thought as the super long line goes on."thanks for saving the day with your specialty. You idiot."Mordecai said. "Whatever. I bet you could do any better." Rigby said. "I'm a better liar then you are."Mordecai said. "Oh, really? Well only thing your better than me is being a big piece of -" Rigby got cut off when Mordecai punched him in the stomach. Rigby falls to the ground and groans in pain. The astronauts walk passed us. I smiled. "Hey guys!" I said waving. "Hey, (y/n)! How have you been?" They both said in unison. "Doing pretty good. Why are you going to the front of the line? If you don't mind me asking."I said. The lady turn around. "Because they deserve it. Are you an astronaut too?" She asked. "Yup, I have a metal to prove it for being the first little girl to travel space." I said as I show my gold medal. "It's just no one ever told me about it."I said. "Are these two your friends?" One of them asked. I looked at mordecai and Rigby. I nodded. They smiled. "Then come with us and bring your friends too." The other one said. We all went inside cheezers. I giggled. " thanks everyone!!!" I shout. They all said 'Your welcome.'. We all walked to the counter. " one grilled cheese deluxe please?" I asked giving her some money. "Here you go." The lady said as she gaves us the grilled cheese deluxe. "Give me a minute guys." I said. They are having a conversation. "Can you give me another one it's for my friend." I whispered as I give her 40 dollars. She gasped. "Wait, your..." she said. I 'shhh' her and looked at them, still talking. " yes I'm her. Just don't tell anyone okay? Just gave me another grilled cheese deluxe and you can keep the change okay?" I said, good thing I'm rich. She nodded and hand me another grilled cheese deluxe. I give her thanks and walk to the guys. "So what's up?" I asked my astronaut friends. " we were just thinking of taking you to the compound with your friends. You know For Old Times Sake!" One of my astronaut friend said. " come to think of it it has been a long time since I haven't been to the compound. What the heck!"I said with a smile. They smiled. " then what are we waiting for let's go." My other astronaut friend said. We went outsideto see the shuttle. We got Inside. " just like old times."I said. We drove off to the compound. "We're here." One of my astronaut friend said. We got off to see the space compound.we got Inside. " gentlemen, welcome to the compound." They both said in unison. " it's beautiful just like I remember."I said. " guys I forgot my ID card back at the house. Could you help us?"I asked. They nodded and help us get in."thanks so much guys. Can I have a word with you two alone?" I asked my astronaut friends. They nodded and mordecai and Rigby covered there ears so the won't hear me. " okay, we have a problem..." I said as I explained everything.
(After the whole explanation)
" so you're telling us that you're in love with your two friends over there and you haven't told them you're rich?" They both said in unison. I nodded. " please keep this a secret between you and me and my besties. I want to tell them after months okay. To see who I truly am without any money like I did to you guys. Do you understand?"I asked. They nodded understanding of the whole situation. I smiled. "You guys done?" Rigby asked. I gave them a thumbs up. They uncovered they're ears. " you might need to wear these. So that way you can be safe." They said in unison. They gave us space coats to keep ourselves safe. We thanked them. "wait a minute... Is she still here?!" I asked them excitedly. "Is who?" Mordecai asked. " her favorite professor. Dr. Asinoshovich. Don't worry she's right here." He said. She is right next to my astronaut friends. She turned around her stitch is still there. But the eye patch is new. "(Y/n)?" She asked. I smiled. "Dr.asi!!!" I said as I hugged her. " I have to go now, I'll see you later okay." She said that she runs off. I waved bye. We continue the tour. So many beautiful sights to see.
(Time skip~)
" welcome to the antimatter chamber." My friends said. I looked to see a black line. ' no correction yet.'I thought. While my friends are patting the scientist in the back, he dropped the clipboard and press the green button. My eyes widen. ' oh no...' I thought. " luckily for (y/n), she's great at everything antimatter, dark matter, speed runs, Flite test, anti-gravity, and all other space stuff. She can do anything!" One of my astronaut friend said. I nodded in agreement. I hear the alarm going off. " that's not good. Your name is Jimmy right? What's happening to the matter?"I asked. "W-well let's see." He said pushing the buttons to fix it. But it got worse. Alarms go off. I gasped and so did the guys. The generals come in. "What's going on he- (y/n)?" He asked. " major Williams!!! You might want to get back cuz something's wrong with the matter!!!" I said looking at the problem. ' the matter is unstable, I need to get this fixed now.' I thought as I see the matter going crazy. " you can fix this right?" Mordecai asked. I nodded. I pushed the door button in the door opens. " captain (y/n), what are you doing?!" Major Williams asked. "CAPTAIN?!" Mordecai and Rigby shout in unison. " no time for explaining, Mordecai, Rigby come with me!!!" I said as I grabbed them and head inside. " okay you to go ahead and try to figure this out. I'm going to figure out the calculations and find out what to do on this, till then cover me!" I ordered them as a captain. They nodded and guard me. ' okay how do I get that matter to calm down, since it is unstable I'm pretty sure it's going to take anything a matter of cost... Which means, it can absorb anything all we need to do is to find the right valuable tool. But how? Wait a minute...'I thought as I opened my bag to see two grilled cheese deluxe. I smiled widely. "THATS IT!!!" I said got an idea. " what's the holdup?" My friend asked. " the mother is unstable and needs to have a product as soon as possible. It can absorb it, and become stable again there's going to be a 1% chance that we're going to live but the other 99 percentage that we're going to die. We have to penetrate the nucleus with a solid product. It's our only chance!"I said through the speaker. I grab Rigby. " wait what are you doing?!" Rigby said. I grabbed the grilled cheese deluxe. "Benson's grilled cheese!" Rigby said. I threw it to the matter. I grabbed mordecai's hand, and run to the wall. "Hang on!"I said as I hugged them tightly as I can. It blasted me. I screamed. "(Y/n)!!!" They both said in unison. They both got blasted too. I can feel myself being torn apart and melting back together. We all screamed. Then whiteness as all three of us hit the door. The matter was back to normal and stable. ' it's restored thank God...'I thought. The door fell down and weak ground in pain. "Captain (y/n)! Are you alright?" Major Williams asked. " thanks to Mordecai and Rigby, I'm fine." I said. They applauded to all three of us. "let's go home you two. We had a long day." I said. "Where do you live?" One of my astronaut friend asked. "We live at the park." I said.
(Time skip ~)
The van stopped as they dropped us off. " thanks guys!" I said as I waved. "if you ever need us call us. See you then captain." One of my astronaut friend said. " see you then!!!" I said. They drove off. We walked to the computer room. "Where have you been? I've been waiting all day." Benson said. I gave him the second bag of grilled cheese deluxe. I threw the old one away. "Woah, what happened?" He asked.  " this happened." I said as I show him my gold medal. " we save the city by the first bag. Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to go lay down." I said as I take them to there room. I placed Rigby on the trampoline and mordecai on the bed. " you both should rest since you did save my life again, you deserve plenty of rest."I said as I kissed there for head and left the room. I walked to my room and change into comfy clothes. Then finally get in bed and sleep. ' best day off ever... Even though it's scary still best day off.'I thought as I sleep.
(3rd person pov ~)
What she didn't know is that mordecai and Rigby are red as tomatoes for what she did.





' I'm in love with (y/n)!!!'
( boom chapter done, hope you guys like this be sure to support the creator of Regular Show. And don't forget to check out Truth or Dare or ask blog that me and my sister made. Hope you enjoy this book. Stay fabulous darlings~)

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