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Regular show 

By:JG Quintel

(Your POV~) 

I smiled as i get to the living room as i sit down at the couch excited as i put the snacks down at the table. "OK, Mordecai should be here with the popcorn along with rigby." I said. They came out with a bowl of popcorn. "Movie night!" Mordecai said as he put the bowl down. "I got the popcorn." Mordecai said as he sits next to me. "And i got the movie." Rigby said as he shows the movie. "Huh, I thought we're watching shy guy." mordecai said as i giggled. "No, i asked rigby to pick out a movie. Besides I've already seen that movie a bunch of times." I said. "Yeah, check it out." Rigby said. I got the movie and my heart dropped a bit. "E-Ello'govner? Rigby, are you sure about this?" I asked as i handed him the movie. He nodded as he reads the description about a taxi being possessed by the driver as my heart increase it's beat. I absolutely HATE scary movies. (Sorry if you love scary movies, i don't. Every jump scare or any horror movies gives me a fright and shits. I get scared to easily when it comes to horror movies~) I watch a horror movie once, and i had nightmares about it for a month. "Oh no, not another horror movie! last time, i have to take you to the bathroom for a week!" Mordecai said as i look at rigby as he blushed embarrest. "It was only one time! Ok? One time! Besides it's gonna be different. It's old and cheesy." Rigby said as i gulped. I heard Ello'govner is one of the greatest old horror movies in all history. "Are you sure you can handle it?" I asked as he nodded. "Ok." Mordecai said as rigby put the movie in as the movie plays as i took a deep breath.

(After the movie~)

My heart is racing with fear, My pulses are shaking, My skin is pale, I clutched onto the pillow as to shield my eyes from horror. Mordecai fell asleep, I'm not sure on rigby though. I heard one last scream from the movie as finally i hear static. I lifted up my head to see the movie is over as i turn to Mordecai. "Mordecai, wake up. Movie is over." I said as mordecai woke up. "It's over?" He asked as i nodded and he yawned. He turned off the tv as he gets up. "Come on, dude. Let's head to bed. Night, (Y/n)!" Mordecai said as he heads upstairs as i see rugby immediately went after him like he's scared. I gulped as i head upstairs to my room. 'Thank goodness, I didn't see the whole thing.' I thought.

(Time skip~)

I couldn't sleep, I don't want to have scary nightmares again. I took a deep breath as i hold my head. "Calm down, (Y/n). It's just the movie, It is not scary-" I got cut off by a soft knock as i perked up in fear. I got out of bed carefully and went to the door shaking in fear. I made it to the door and opened it only to see rigby shaking. I opened my door wide. "Rigby? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" I whispered as he looked up to me tear-streaked as my eyes widen. "I'm sorry, (Y/n). It's just... I had a really bad nightmare and i just want to make sure your ok." He whispered as i made a soft look as rigby was about to leave. I grabbed his hand as he perked up. "How about you sleep with me? Only for tonight." I whispered as then he embraced me whispering 'please' over and over. I smiled and gently picked him up and close my door as i head to bed with him. I set him down on my bed as i joined in as i smiled. "Thanks, (Y/n)." Rigby whispered with a soft smile. "No problem, If you or mordecai ever get any nightmares, You know where to go." I whispered as i yawned then drift off to sleep with a smile as rigby did the same.

(Next morning~)

I yawned as i opened my eyes to see a surprised mordecai as my eyes widen as i look at the side to see... R-R-RIGBY IS CUDDLING ME!!! HE'S STILL ASLEEP!!!! I blushed madly as i looked at him. "Hey, Mordecai! It's not what it looks like!!! Rigby had a nightmare and went to my room for comfort so i let him spend the night here!!!" I whispered as mordecai then... sighed in relief? 'Why is he relieved?' I thought as i felt movement as i look to see rigby stirring awake. He then saw me as i smiled softly. "Morning." I said as his eyes widen and jumped off of me but accidentally fell out of bed as me and mordecai gasped. "Rigby!" I said as mordecai went to him. "Dude, You ok?!" Mordecai said as Rigby gets up. "I'msosorry,(Y/n)!!!" rigby said as  giggled and got out of bed. "It's ok, Rigby. Now, I better go change and head out." I said as i grabbed some spare clothes. "Head out? Where are you going?" Mordecai asked as i head to the door. "A test drive, pops has own a taxi and he wanted to try it with me." I said as i look at them. "Um, is alright if we come with you?" Rigby asked as my eyes widen in realization of what rigby's nightmare could be. "Rigby, Did you come to my room last night... because you have that nightmare of the British taxi of Ello'govner?" I asked as he perked up then nodded shamefully. I smiled. "Then of course, if you want to concur your newest fear. Then we'll do it!" I said as mordecai nodded then punch rigby's arm as rigby rubs it. "OW! What was that for?" Rigby asked. "That is me being right. I told you this would happen." Mordecai said as i giggled then got out of my room and towards the bathroom to get changed.

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