Rigby's body

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By: JG Quintel

(Your POV~)

"So, Me, Mordecai and rigby got snack bar duty?" I asked as benson nodded. "Oh. Well... It's just that... Working in the snack bar is kinda lame sometimes." I said as benson looked at me as we walk towards it. "How can it be boring? You're making snacks after all." He said. "Well, It's not that. It's just that the only worker who gets snacks free is pops. I'm kinda jealous on that." I said as he chuckled. "Well, pops is innocent. He is to pure for this world you know." He said as we made it to the snack bar. "Alright, Mordecai and rigby should be in there. Have fun." He said as he walks off as i walk to the door at the side o the snack bar. I opened the door to reveal them fighting. I perked up and close the door behind me as i sighed and pulled mordecai back as i push rigby back. "Boys, Boys calm down!" I said as they noticed me and broke apart with a grumble. I sighed in relief as i get to the counter i hummed in surprise. "Well, On the bright side rigby. You did picked a good spot for a great view." I said as the two perked up and look outside to see a beautiful field as the sun glimmers it. "Huh? It really is a good view from here." Rigby said as mordecai nodded as i giggled. "Yeah, it is." I said. I see pops walk in as i smiled. "Hey, pops. ya need something?" I asked as he nodded. "You do have popcorn, right?" He asked as i nodded. I went to the popcorn stand and got some popcorn in the bag and gave him it. "Here you go, pops. Have a great day." I said as pops nodded and took off. Mordecai and rigby looked at me shocked. "Pops only gets food for free for the snack bar." I said sweetly. Our stomachs growled as i smiled as i took some money out and put it in a cash register. "Go ahead and pick a flavor donut you two." I said as we crouch down as i picked (F/f) donut. (Favorite flavor~) The two got their favorite's as we took a bite. "Mmm, These are good." I said as they nodded happily. 

(Time skip~)

It's nighttime and i close up the snack bar as the three of us left with a bag of chips. "Well, that wasn't so bad. Wasn't it?" I asked as mordecai and rigby shook their heads. I see the house as i smiled. "Wanna play some video games while we have a snack fest?" I asked as they perked up happily and nodded. Then i smiled wide and look determined. "Then... RACE YA!!!!" I said as i started running as they run after me as i whoop happily!

(The next morning~)

"Uugh, my head... What happened?" I asked as i opened my eyes groggily as i sit up with a groan as my stomach growled as i groan again and hold my stomach. "How many snacks did i eat? I need a salad or something healthy." I said as i hear another groan as i look around as we see a huge snack mess. 'Holy shit! What did we do last night?! I've must've been snack drunk!' I thought. "Mordecai? Rigby? Where are you?" I asked. I see a blue wing on the side of the couch. "Right here." Mordecai said as he groans in pain. I got up holding my stomach and went to him. I see him laying down holding his stomach in one arm. "Mordecai, are you ok?" I asked as i help him up without him being in pain from his stomach. "I'm fine, i just need soething healthy to eat for my body." He said as i smiled. "I think i do too. What did we do last night?" I asked as i look around to see the mess. "I don't remember to be honest, i can't seem to remember." He said as we started heading towards the kitchen to get something healthy. "Where's rigby?" He asked as we enter the kitchen. "I don't know." I said then we saw the mess on the table. "But i know rigby is here." I said. He nodded as i open the frige as we see three plates of salad. "I've must've prepared them just in case." I said as i took out a plate and mordecai's as we started eating at the table. My stomach feels so much better as we finished. "Much better." I said as i patted my stomach. "Me too." Mordecai said as i smiled. "Now, let's find rigby and cleaned the mess up." I said as he nodded. "Um... guys. Help!" A very known voice said as we perked up. "Rigby? Where are you?!" i said. "In the bin! Hurry!" He said as we looked at the trash bin and went to it as we see a green blob with a face as i scream a little bit. "AW,SICK!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Mordecai said as the green blob waved at us. "Woah, Guys! It's me, rigby!" it said. My eyes widen as i come close. "Rigby?" I asked as the blob nodded. We crouched down to the bin. "Rigby, What happened to you?!" I said as i grabbed the bin and hoist him up. "I don't know! One minute, We were haven't a snack fest. The next minute, I woke up like this!!!" He said as my eyes widen. "You must've ate too much snacks, Your body must've given up on you!" I said as his eyes widen. "What?!" Rigby said. "Dude, this is bad!" Mordecai said. "We need to go to skips!" I said as we went towards skips place.

(At skips place~)

"What happened to his body?" Skips asked. "Rigby must've ate too much snacks and his body gave up on him. We were hoping for you to know how to fix this." I said as mordecai nodded. Skips hummed and sighed. "Once the body departs, you only got till sunset. Otherwise, you'll never get it back. Any ideas where it went?" He asked as the three of us shook our heads. "Then we have to find it, before it's too late." He said as i grabbed the bin and we took off. "Hang on, rigby. We'll get your body back." I said as the green blob smiled softly at me. 

(Time skip~)

We're hiding by the bush cause we saw rigby's body holding a plate of salad, he's eating it right now. We got close to it until i stepped on a branch as it perked up and saw me holding the bucket that has rigby. "Wait, please don't run off. Rigby, didn't know he had to many." I said as the body crawled away a little bit as i put the bin down as i slowly walk towards him as the creature noticed rigby's distressed and went towards me slowly. "That's it. It's ok." I said softly as the body made it to me as it grabbed my hands as i smiled. "I think i got through to him." I said as i turn to rigby as he smiled. Then it hugged me as i blushed and hugged back. Then i heard a shout as i look to see rigby being taken by a hawk as i gasp. "Rigby!!!" I said as his body noticed and went after him as me, skips and modecai followed. I grabbed a rock and threw it and it got the hawk as it dropped rigby as a garbage man took the snack bar trash out and he landed next to him and he dumped him in there as we gasped. "RIGBY!!!" I said as i grabbed his body and jumped in once the garbage man drove off as i hold on to something and rigby's body. "(Y/N)!!!" Mordecai shouted as i pulled in with rigby's body and went to find him. I hear him and saw him talking to a redish pinkish blob. I gasp and kept the body close. "Rigby!" I said as the green blob turned to see me and his body. "(Y/N)!" He said as the other blob gasped. "A body!!! Give it to me!!!" He said as he went towards me as i kicked it all the way to the other side of the truck as i scoop up the green blob as he shout surprised. "Let's get out of here!" I said. The truck stopped as we got out as i turn back to see the basketball with a face after us. "We have to get away from him. We can't let him take your body." I said as i run as fast as i can and made it to the others. "Run! There's another conscience after us and he wants his body!" i said as i grip onto the body. "Run to the mountains, We'll hold him off!" skips said as i nodded and took the cart and drove as rigby hold onto me. Along with his body. I step on it as we move faster and up at the mountains. Then i made a stop as we got out. "Ok, rigby fuse with your body quick." I said as i put the goop down as the body went towards him. I see the sun is setting as i see rigby fusing with his body as my eyes sparkled. "Beautiful." I said as rigby blinked and check to see he got his body back. I smiled as rigby turns to e and hugs me happily as i smiled and hugged back. "We did it!!! I got my body back!!! Thank you so much, (Y/n)!!!" He said as i tighten it as the others come in. 

"Your welcome, Rigby."

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