Mordecai and the rigby's

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Regular show

By: JG Quintel

(Your POV~)

I sip at my (F/d) as i sighed happily, mordecai did the same. "This is a nice day, isn't it mordecai?" I asked as he smiled at me. "Yeah, it sure is." He said then we hear the doors opened as we look to see rigby holding a box with a happy grin. "Guys, check this out!" He said as he placed the box at our table as i chuckled. "What is it, Rigby?" I asked. "There here! Mordecai, remember we were ordering our fake band t-shirts. I asked ya if you wanted to be on a band and you said yes!" He said as i blush lightly as i smiled wide. "You are creating a band?! Can i join in?!" I said as they perked up. "Wait... you wanted to be in a band with us?" Mordecai asked. I nodded happily. "I've always wanted to sing in a band, but i have always been a shy person. Now, i can stand up and sing it out loud to the crowd." I said. I opened the box and pulled out a shirt that says 'Mordecai and the rigby's'. "Mordecai and the rigby's? Whatever happened to mustache cashtache?" Mordecai asked as i snickered. "You would have called yourselves that if you do have mustache's." I said as the two blush in embarrassment. I toss a shirt to mordecai and gave a shirt to rigby. Rigby put it on an i giggled as mordecai puts it on. "Woah! Nice shirts!!!" Margaret said as i smiled and hand one to her. She got it with a smile. "What are they for?" She asked. "They said that their creating a band and i wanna join in!" I said as she gasped happily. "You both have to put her in a band!" She said excited as the two grew confused. "Why?" Mordecai asked as we both giggled. "Oh my god, It's (Y/n)'s voice. She is the greatest at singing! Name any song and she's got it!" Margaret said as i blush lightly. "Margaret, Stop. It's embarrassing and besides singing brings me back memories too. I may be rusty." I said as she smiled. "I know, but i actually want to hear the sweet harmonizing voice of your again." she said as i chuckled as i look at the boys. "Your in!" Rigby said with a huge smile on his face as mordecai nodded. "Awesome, cause you can start with this!" she said as she gave me a flier that said an open mike night at the coffee shop. I smiled as i got it. "It's perfect! When is it?" I asked as i show the file to the boys. "Tomorrow night." She said as i smiled. "Perfect, and i think i know just the song to practice!" I said as the boys smiled. "I'll see you then!" she said as she gets up and leaves as then the boys turn their looks into panic mode. "What they heck was that?! Now we have to play a song and we're just a fake band!" Mordecai said as i smiled softly. "Don't worry, i'll teach you to play. It would only take one song." i said. "One song?" They both asked. "One song, and i know just the one." I said. 

(At the garage of the house~)

We hooked everything up as they each hold a guitar as i grabbed one. "Ok, as you can see you just strum the guitars to find your own music and spark inside." I said. "Wait... A spark?" Mordecai asked as i smiled. "The spark in music is something that you feel in your heart and you follow it, which will lead you to the power of music. Watch." I said as i begin to shred beautifully as i smirked widen. I kept playing as i see the boys jaws dropped then i stopped. "And to also follow your friends spark. That is the power of the music. Now, you try?" I asked. They nodded and begin strumming their guitars to find their spark as i smiled. "Ok, Your getting it. Here, take this. It's the music for the song." I said as i give the music sheets to both of them. They got it and grew confused. I chuckled cause it's the name. "You'll see why it's name like that. My mom and dad used to sing this to me all the time." I said as they looked up to me and smiled. I left the garage as a tear fell as i chuckled. "Can't say much of how i miss them though." I said as i head inside as i hear them practicing. I made it to my new room as i bent down and took a box out as i opened it to see articles of me and my family then i found the song and took it out as i closed it and pushed it back under my bed. "Don't worry, mom and dad. I'll make you proud." I said as i look at the song as i head downstairs and wet to the garage. I made it to see them playing very well. "I think i got it!" Mordecai said as he keeps going. "Me too." Rigby said. "You are!" I said as thy look at me with a smile. We all got together as i smiled happily. "We'll still be ready to play. Right now, we keep practicing." I said as the two nodded as we continue to practice. 

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