Appreciation day

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Regular show

By: JG Quintel

(Your POV~)

I sit at the porch along with everyone else as benson is handing out rewards. "The next person receiving an appreciation plaque is ...skips." Benson said as we applauded as skips came up. "It says here in the book of park records that you went the whole year without taking a day off." He said as i smiled. "Oh, man. That's like 400 days." He said. "No, it's 365. But 400 still can go on for skips. I bet he can do two years." I said as muscle man smirked. "Good thought." He said as i smiled then noticed my two buddies frowning a little bit. I grew confused as i look at benson. He hands out a plaque to skips as he thanks him. Skips walked away with a smile. "Next is pops..." Benson said as we applaud as pops cheered happily to himself and went to him. "... for helping a baby bird back into it's nest." Benson said as he gave pops a plaque. I hear my two buddy's whisper something as i pay attention. "Next person goes to... (Y/n)." Benson said as the boys cheered as i went to benson as he gave me a plaque. "For working hard and made great friends to everyone." He said as i smiled as i walk away from the table. "And last but not least, two guys who've really pulled it together this year, two guys that remind us to not just work hard but to work hard at having a good time, two guys that we couldn't do without. And these two guys are... Mmmmm... Muscle man and high five ghost." He said as i perked up and look up to see mordecai and rigby frowning as they sighed and went inside as the other two went to get their plaque's then they drove off with a golf cart. I went to benson. "What about mordecai and rigby? How come they don't get a plaque?" I asked. He perked up and look in the book. "Well, they have not done anything valuable or appreciation. So, i can't give them any plaque's." He said as i look at the house then i smiled. "Keep my plaque until you finished with mordecai and rigby's." I said as i give him my plaque as he grew shocked. "What? why?" He asked as i smiled. "If i get an award, They'll get it with me. We will earn it, together." I said as i went inside the house as benson then smiled at me as i got inside.

(In the morning~)

I got and check to see it's 6:30 as i changed my clothes as i left my room and went to mordecai ad rigby's room. They look so peaceful, too bad i'm gonna have to wake them up. "Mordecai, rigby. Time to get up, Let's make breakfast." I whispered as they both groan as they sit up. "(Y/n), What time is it?" Mordecai asked as i smiled. "6:35 almost to 7. Come on, Let's go make breakfast." I said as they yawned and got out of bed as we went downstairs as we start cooking. 

(After a little while~)

I wipe the sweat off as i now just finished the dishes as mordecai finished with the floor. We noticed the kitchen was a little messy so i ask mordecai to do the floors while i do dishes as rigby cooks a little bit. "How are you doing rigby?" I asked. Rigby gave me a thumbs up as we got next to him as i decorate a plate for benson and poured some orange juice. "What are you two slackers--" Benson was cut off by the delicious smell of blueberry pancakes. He saw us as we smiled. "Morning benson! Want some pancakes?" I asked. "Wow, rigby, those smell great!" Benson said as rigby perked up. "I helped him out a little bit with it. Otherwise, he's doing petty good." I said as rigby smiled. I grabbed a plate and hand it to benson as we made our own and pops. "Thanks." He said as we sit at the table. "Wow, these are incredible!" He said as i smiled happily along with rigby. Then he noticed the dishes. "Oh no! Oh no you didn't! Did you guys do the dishes, too?!" He said as i raised my hand. "Guilty as charged." I said as the two chuckled. "And you washed the floor too?!" Benson said as i smiled. "All mordecai." I said as he chuckled. "I appreciate that! Look at that!" He said as i smiled big as we all high fived. "I'm gonna need reliable guys to do some hard jobs for me today." He said as i nodded. The two nodded also.

(Time skip~)

I got some heavy boulders in my back as i walk, the two boys followed me also. Luckily, it's the last load. "Done." I said as i wipe off my sweat along with mordecai and rigby. Then we got to the cart as i start it up. Then i got a text from skips, he accidentally broke his leg. I gasped and stepped on it. "Woah, (Y/n)! What's wrong?!" Mordecai said. "It's skips, he broke his leg!!!" I said as i hear the two gasped. We made it as i see skips with a broken leg. We got out as the boys help him in the cart as i drove towards the hospital. Once we did, I told the nurse about it and he helped him get inside. Then we drove back to the park as we see benson coming down with my plaque and two more. "hey, you three." He said as we get out. "Sorry about that. I got a text from skips saying that he broke his leg and we got him to the hospital." I said. "I know, The book told me somehow. Which is why i wanted to give you these." He said as he give the three of us our plaque's. I smiled as the three grew shocked. "Keep up the great work." He said as he walks away as i smiled softly. "(Y/n), did you help us get plaque's?" Mordecai asked as i nodded. "Oh, wow!!! Thank you so much!!!" Rigby said as the two hugged me as i blushed then hugged back.

"It's what friends are for."

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