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Regular show

By: JG Quintel

(Your POV~)

I hummed in delight as i walked through the park. Then i heard crying as i perked up. "Huh?" I asked as i followed the crying as i see pops crying on the swings. "Pops?" I asked as i walk to him as i sit on the swing next to him. "Are you alright?" I asked as pops shook his head. "No, My father wanted me to give a speech in front of all of his friends. But i can't." He said as i turn my head to the side. "Why not?" I asked. "Cause i'll mess it up! I'm too scared to even say a single word!" pops said. "Oh! Stage fright! I hate those sometimes!!!" I said as pops nodded. "How about i help you out pops." I said as pops smiled. "Hooray!" He said as i smiled wide. We went to an open field. "Ok, Just pretend that i'm the crowd and i have your family and friends right beside me." I said as i sit down and look at him. He stammered and took out his notes as i smiled and listen. He looked up and perked up. "Where did everybody go?" He asked as i shake my head. "Like i said, we're pretending." i said as he nodded with a smile. "But i'm not good at pretending." He said. "Then practice on me. Easy peasy." I said. He stammered a little bit as i frown then smiled. "Here, Try smelling the roses and blow out the candles. It helps me calm down when i'm nervous and i just do it like it's no problem." I said. He nodded as he breathe in through his nose and out through his mouth. Then he tried again as i smiled and listened. After that he smiled then sit next to me as pulled his knees up. "Still think you can do it?" I asked as he shakes his head. "Well... Why don't you just picture your favorite person as The crowd." I said as he perked up. "Really?" He asked as i nodded. Pops smiled as he stands up as he starts spinning as i grew confused. "Ok, what are you doing?" I asked. "Usually i spin a little bit to remove my nervousness." He said as he spins faster. "Um... Are you sure about that? Cause i don't think it is a really good idea." I said. He kept spinning as i started to get worried. "Um, pops. I think that's enough." I said as he still spins as i noticed he's getting to dizzy. He then said he's not nervous anymore. "Pops, that's great and all. But you have to stop before you get way to dizzy!" I said. Pops then stopped as he grew too dizzy. "Oh, crud!" I said. Then he falled to the ground as i caught pops. "POPS!!!" I said as i hear a bush rustle as i put his head on my lap as i see him knocked out. "Pops? Pops, wake up!!! Can you hear me?!" I said as i see benson, skips, mordecai and rigby came out. He grumbled 'help me!' as my eyes widen. "Oh, this is bad! I told him not to spin when he did it. Why does he need to spin when he's nervous?!" I said as i look at the others. "What happened?!" Benson said worried. "I was trying to help pops out with his speech, Until he started spinning and i told him not to do that! Now, He's so dizzy that he passed out and stumbled to his own dizzy world." I said. I got pop's head out of my lap and put him on the grass softly. "There's only one way to get him out. Skips find the longest rope you've got!" I said as skips nodded and went to get a long rope. "Mordecai and rigby, You're coming with me in case the rope is too short. I need you both to hold onto me while i'll reach for pops." I said as the two nodded. "How did you know all this?" Benson asked as i look at him. "Cause it happened to my family before on my grandma, She is called by 'nana'." I said with a soft smile. "Luckily, we managed to get her out of there and we'll do the same thing as pops." I said. Skips came back with the rope as i smiled. "Will this do?" Skips asked as i look at the rope. "Perfect! Just long enough. You two, get ready!" I said as i go to the two. Rigby holds mordecai's hand as i hold on to both of their hands. "Ok, Skips once we get dizzy. Lassoed mordecai before we go into pops." I said as skips nodded as i look at the two blushing. "You two ready?" I asked as they nodded. "This is weird." Rigby said as i nodded. "I know, but's it's our only shot." I said. We then start spinning fast as we grip onto each other as i start to feel dizzy. Then we stop as we stumbled into pop's head as skips lassoed mordecai just in time. We all screamed as i got rigby and hod onto mordecai tightly. We then made it to the dizzy world as i see pops. "There he is!" Rigby said as i smiled. "POPS!!! POPS!!!" I called as pops turn to see us. "(Y/n), mordecai and rigby, hello!" Pops said as i smiled. "Pops, i know what your thinking. But you have to come home with us, even if your afraid of giving out a speech we can still help you." I said. "But i don't want too! I've gone through enough turmoil because of this confounded speech! Why is it me that needs to speak? Surely there are those more qualified than i. I hate speaking in front of crowds, and we've tried every which way for it to work, but i just simply cannot do it. Why am i like this? I don't know. But surely my father must understand that there are limits to my abilities. I'll never be able to give a speech, and that's just fine by me." He said as i clap happily. "Until now that is, Great speech pops!" I said as pops perked up in surprise as mordecai and rigby agreed. "What?" Pops asked. "You just gave out a speech! You just have to face away the crowd is all!" I said with a smile. Pops gasped in realization. "I did! I did give a speech!!!" He said as i noticed the weird giant blue jay and raccoon looked angry. My eyes widen. "Pops! Run to us, quick!!!" I said as mordecai grabbed my ankles and i swing upside down as pops then grew confused. "You have broken the law!" The blue jay said. "No speeches!!!" The giant raccoon hissed as pops screamed scared and run to me as i got his hands. "Skips! Pull!!!" I said as we are being pulled out as i climbed up as pops holds onto my back and hold onto the rope. I see the blue jay after us as i growled. "Hey weird bird! Take this!!!" I said as i through a rock as it hit the blue jay's eye as he screamed in pain an landed on the ground as we made it out of the dizzy world. The three of us plopped onto the ground as pops wakes up. "Pops, you're awake!" Benson said as i smiled and untied the rope off of mordecai. "Benson, my good man! Pardon me. I just came back from a strange place!" Pops said as i smiled and got up and went to him. "The good news is that he can still do the speech, But he needs to do it away from the crowd." I said as benson perked up. "Luckily, i know the solution. Pops turn around, please." I said as pops turned around. "Rigby, marker please." I said. Rigby gave me a marker as i opened it and start drawing his face perfectly. "Luckily, my aunt taught me how to paint and draw. Done!" I said as They took a look as they smiled to see my art look just like his face. 

(At the preparations~)

We all stand beside pops as i see pops looking at his note as his eyes looked at my as i motion the breathing of smelling the rose and blow out the candles. He did the same and cleared his throat. "Ahem. Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby dedicate this new statue to the park." He said as skips pulled the curtain out to see what it looks like a William Shakespeare statue. I smiled and gave a thumbs up as my two buddies grew shocked. Then pops snip the red ribbon with a large pair of scissors as we clapped. After a while, we are eating some snacks as i look at pops. "I'm so proud of you, pops." I said. "Yeah, that went well." Rigby said as Mordecai nodded. Maelard came in as i smiled and move back a little. "Son... you gave a fine speech up there. I'm so proud of you." He said. "Oh. Thank you, papa! Thank you." pops said as i smiled. "You pulled it together out there today, ball bucket. Good job." He said as i smiled. "Mr.maelard, It's been a long time hasn't it?" I asked as he perked up as he turned around and saw me. He smiled and went to me. "(Y/n)! What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in a long time!" He said as he went to me as i giggled and hugged him as he hugged back. "It has been, hasn't it? I just went to get my dad's working system energy. You know how my dad is." I aid as we departed. "Indeed, he is a very hard working man. I'd best be off. Be sure to watch over this park." He said as he walks off. "Way ahead of you." I said. "You know him?!" Benson said. "Yup, he's a friend of my dad's." I said as i look at pops. "I believe you should wash the marker off before anyone gets suspicious." I said as pops nodded as he walks off with skips and benson. "Thanks again, (Y/n)!" Pops said as i smiled and look at the two. 

'It was no trouble at all, pops.'

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