potion failure (macaque x wukong)

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\a side story till i get a new idea for the next chapter/

Mk was watching his two teachers fight again after macaque was telling mk how to use shadow telaports to get around easier....yeeet monkey king didn't approve.

So now both of the monkeys were fight about mk learning what magical abilities mk would be able to know and not know. And mk was getting way to tired about it and decided to leave and go to the local market.

Along looking at all the small shops he had seen a shop that catched his eye. A small shop with a lot of heart shaped bottles on the tables booth yet he didn't understand why the bottles looked like heart's.

That was until he looked at the label's 'love potion' said the label of the bottles yet they were all for didn't things like friend love, baby love, LOVE love, lust love, almost every bottles had the word love in it.

And Mk being mk asked if he could get one to help macaque and wukong to try and stop them from fighting so much. Yet he did not know that this may be a bad idea.

The old yet sweet demon came up to the man and asked him "what would you happen with the love potion my dear?" And the old demon woman "i want my two mentors to stop fighting and get along like they used to back when they were still with each other, at least i think."

The old demon gave a soft smile and gave him a small heart bottle that was a pinkish redish color. "Put a drop of the potion into a drink or food they may eat together and make sure they at least think of them or look at them after they drank or ate the potion"

Mk being excited paid the demon and left as fast as he could. He then invited the two monkeys to sandys boat to have a picnic, the two monkeys at first didn't like the idea of seeing each other yet for mk they agreed.

As the two monkeys waited for mk on a blanket that sandy had mk was making some milkshake for the two and he added the drop of the love potion in it...yet he wondered. What would happen if he added all of the potion to the drinks? Would it have a big impact on their lifes AND WOULD IT MAKE THEM INTO ROMANTIC MONSTERS?!?!?

Yet he already added all the potion to the two milkshake by accident. He shruged think that it would be fine and that nothing would go horrible wrong. So he grabed the drinks and gave them to the monkeys.

But before they took a sip wukong to a sniff of the milkshake and asked "hey buddy? Um what in this?" Mk thought that his plan was doomed but macaque said "chill out, im sure its fine unless you don't trust mk~." This kinda saved his plan when mac said that.

"OF COURSE I DO WHAT DO YOU THINK??" And with that wukong drank almost all of the milkshake and with macaque drinking the milkshake as well. Mk basically ran and hid behind a hallway just enough to both of the monkeys didn't see him.

"SEE i told you! I trust him maca-." Wukong stopped speaking and just stared at macaque for a bit. Did macaque just because a bit cuter then he did before or was it just him and also why did he smell like peaches?

As wukong stared at Macaque, Macaque had finished his milkshake and looked him as well both of them just staring at eachother for no reason but yet it felt right for them.

Mk waited for a response from either of them until he heard..a thud? He looked at the two monkeys CUDDLING EACHOTHER!!
Mk had did it they weren't fighting he was so glad that he fixed their relationship.

At least at first.... the first day mk went to flower fruit mountain he saw the two monkeys talking so he hid behind a big rock to listen to what they were saying "did i ever tell you your eyes look like gold?" Said macaque " and have i every told you, that your fur is one of the softest thing i have ever felt in my entire life?" Said wukong as he put macaque on his lap petting the top of his head hearing purrs form his mate.

The two just kept on talking and enjoying eachothers company which made mk very happy and went to say hi and to start his training. "Hi monkey king, hi macaque!" Said Mk "im ready for my new lesson!" Mk said happily "um maybe later buddy i kinda wanna spend some time with my love for a while." That made mk shocked a bit but he understood and left leaving the two alone.

The second day mk couldn't even find them until he went to monkey kings layor where he found the two...um kissing which made mk shocking and understandable kinda uncomfortable seeing them like this.

However before mk could leave them alone macaque saw him and kinda had a paniced look on his face after seeing him and taped wukongs back and then point to mk with his tail. And making them pull away as fast as they could with both of them kinda embarrassed and apologized for what mk saw, so the were able to teach their lessons to mk though didn't go very we because of one or the other kept on flirting with eachother saying thinks like " you can do it hun" or "thats my love!"

The third day was the day mk learned that the potion was a mistake and that he could never stop hearing the noises from wukong house and hoped that they were just playing...deeply hoping.

Mk then told them that the love they had for eachother was fake and was apart of his plan "im sorry i didn't want this to happen i promise ill fix it i-" he was stopped from talking after he heard both of them laughing   "bud um heheh we know that you used a love potion on us..it wared off after the first day." Mk was shocked (again =_=) and asked "then why were you acting all lovely dubby??" Macaque then said "to make you see that this was a stupid idea of using a love potion and how it can affect people" mk felt ashamed and sorry "i wont do it again i promise" "good now go ahead and fight macaque shadow clones" said wukong as five macaque clones should up and started attacking mk and he ran to fight them.

As the two monkeys laughed there buts off they put their arms around eachother and huged "i guess it was fun while it lasted huh?" Said wukong "definitely." Macaque said as there tails made a heart shaped and them giving eachother a small peck on the lips.
Work count : 1177

Im sorry for the dumb story i just ran out of ideas for right now ill get the story back on soon i promise.

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