gender curse (pigsy x tang pt. 2)

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The art over head is not mine and also im sorry that the next chapter is taking so long TwT im working on it im promise)


It had been a month now and tang was still a girl and it just kept getting worse for him in the way people that he didn't know treated him. He had to stay away from most man except for pigsy and his friends and most girls (although friendly most of the time) would be a bit to much for this not fully social butterfly and would have to ask may to tell them to in that mei's words say "BACK THE FUCK UP".

Today however was a day that pigsy finally closed so him and tang can just relax and be all lovely dovely 'valentine's day'. The day tang was so excited to have because they would do ones a year to show how much they loved eachother.

Pigsy had gone out to get supplies for todays events while tang stayed home and decided to look and make something good for pigsy before he gotten home. He went upstairs to put on a dress that was red with bits of gold in it making him look a bit shiny and put his long hair into a bun and put and golden pin to keep the bun in place, he then went back down stairs to try and make something that pigsy would enjoy.

Meanwhile with pigsy he had went to grab some chocolates, a new book about some Chinese foke lore, a new recipe for noodles for tang to try, and the supplies for the flying lantern. They had done this every year on valentines day in the park at midnight, then walk home and sleep with eachother for the next day not caring about work.

Sure pigsy didn't really like closing his shop but for tang he had nothing but love to prove to tang and more than anything he cared for. It was already 9:50 when he was walking back to him and tang's house he walked pass a shop that sold couple necklaces and were free for couples on valentines day. Pigsy thought it would be a good idea to get one for him and tang and went in.

Back with tang he had finished making some sweet buns and put them on the table, he was proud of his work because he actually didn't burn the food this time and he didn't make a full on mess in the kitchen. Tang heard the door open and got even more excited to see pigsy. "Tang, im back" said pigsy as he walked into their home, tang ran into pigsy giving him a big hug as he then gave him a small peck on the cheek "happy valentine's day pigsy" said taing with a big old smile on his face.

Pigsy blushed and smiled as well pevking his cheek right back. "Happy valentine's day to you too you freeloader. After a bit of love and showing them what they made of eachother pigsy pulled out the stuff to make the lamps, him and tang then started to making the flying lanterns and eat the sweet buns that tang made. Pigsy and tang then went to the part with their lantern and sat by the water fountain as they started to cuddle eachother in a loving inbrace.

They gave one last peck on the lips before lighting the lamps and letting them float in the sky, tang and pigsy would both agreed that this was a night they wouldn't forget. They both then started to walk home hand in hand not caring who was watching they were happy that they were together.

Then the got home they layed on the couch and started to watch old romance drama's as they cuddled up together and started to sleep after the third movie. When pigsy woke up and turned his head to tang he was that the curse had wore off and tang was a boy again.

He didn't have the strength to wake tang up and just continued to sleep next to tang.
Here's part two and im sorry that this isn't the new chapter i have been buzy and been have also kinda took a break but i do hope you enjoyed even though this is pretty short

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