a new power (part 2)

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Im sorry i haven't updated i was taking a break and i may do more slower updated because i do rp in my mind to make this story so again im sorry but i do hopw you enjoy!
•<back at the village>•

Songjiang was with ice vile inside of the fox themed palace with was bigger than the house of the town yet not as big as a normal palace would frankly look like. The two demons were inside the dojo part of the palace.

It was the only place in the fox demons home that was not as shiny as the monkey thought it would look like and only very few weapons in the dojo as well yet it was still the main dojo. Songjiang, the small cat demon was trying to teach the monkey a meditation stance and how it would work yet the monkey was just confused about it. (Got her legs stuck as well trying to get in the right position)

The cat demon thought was pathetic with her and did not yell or get upset from the lack of knowledge that was given to the young demon. They were like a 7 year old child who new a good amount yet was still to young to understand the world fully.

The cat demon gave the young monkey demon life, fighting, magic and farming lessons. Yet magic was not going well for the young monkey, they had to be focused on many things at once which made it difficult for her to understand Songjiang's lessons.

She did try her hardest to make out most of the lessons and for most of the time she made good progress. Yet she was not able to produce and type of minor magic.

"Miss Songjiang i don't think this is working....i feeling dizzy- OOF!"

Just then Ice Vile had fell off of her tail trying to make a summoning circle and fell on her back. "You will be able to my dear, have patience if you want to be able to defeat your enemies you have to focus"

Said Songjiang with a calm yet strict voice looking at Ice Vile and also helping her up in the process of her speaking. "We may take a break for now, i have to help Huo Zhao with the paper work this month".

Songjiang then walked out of the dojo and to  Huo Zhao's office to help him but Ice Vile just stayed in the dojo thinking of how to get more control of her power.

But then....she heard a voice...a voice that she didn't recognize yet...sounded a bit like her..who was it?...were was it??...

"Hello? Who are you?"

"---- ---- ----- "

"Oh what a pretty name!" "Are you here to help me or something?"

" ----- "


Ice Vile then looked out of the dojo's window to see some mint green type of colored herbs tided with a blue ribbon just sitting there on the window sill. She then pick it up as she listened to the voice.

"What do i do with this?"

" -- --- --- --------"

"Oh alright"

As Ice Vile walk out of the dojo she felt the voice following her as she saw her vision go a bit blurry for a moment. She then walked into the kitchen and opened a cabinet and grabbed a grinder and smashing the herbs in it.

She then poured some water that was almost ice cold into the grinder and looked like it would turn to ice at any moment yet it didn't. She then put some salt, a purple powder, and a liquid that she didn't know the name of but it had a red tint in it.

She mashed it into a paste and then waited for a new item or thing to do to the paste but nothing came...no one answered...it was like they had disappeared from the world.

Ice Vile just stood their blankly then suddenly she became hungry and looked at the paste. "Should i really eat this?.." she said to herself out loud unsure if it was even okay to do so to a unknown substance that her herself created.

Despite her worrys and concerns she grabed a spoon from the drawer and took a spoon full of the paste and ate it. It was bitter and salty, she didn't like it at all but kept on eating it. She didn't know why she kept on eating it if she didn't like it...it was probably because she didn't know what else to eat.

Their wasn't anything she could eat without making more of a hassle to the farmers that had to make the crops in the freezing cold and with barely any success on growing enough for all of the town.

Then she heard Huo Zhao calling out to her to ask if she wanted to help him in the crop fields to try and make for food for everyone. She then ran to the front of the palace knowing that this may distracted her hunger and stop her from eating that paste she didn't like.

As both of them walked into the fields she felt....off about herself as her body felt more warm and it didn't seem like the wind from the snow bothered her at all anymore. 'I just might be getting used to the weather here' she thought as she walked near the fox demon.

"Hey are you okay Ice Vile?" Said Huo with a worry look on his face

"Im find dont worry...but i think im getting use to the snow here" she said calmly to Huo Zhao as they finally made it to the fields. They then started to try and clear the snow off of the crops so they could grow.

Then Ice Vile starts to feel off again unable to move now, this made her scared a bit but then she looked infront of her to see a blue figure that looked like a spider yet they didn't look like they were alone...their were three of them now!

The first spider looked like the biggest of them and smiles softy waving hi to her and the other two looked like they were fighting.

<pls pretend that they look more blue pls>

Ice Vile just stared at them at first but not wanting to be rude to the big spider man she waved back and gave a soft smile to him

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Ice Vile just stared at them at first but not wanting to be rude to the big spider man she waved back and gave a soft smile to him.

He then turned to the two and both of them had stopped fighting and look at the big spider and then her Ice Vile. The one tha had been on top of the other spider and bowed amd the other on got up and scoffed and looked away.

She had no idea what to do with the three spider and yet kinda want to ask for their help with the fields and hopefully not die by the three. "Um..hi? I hope this isn't rude of me to ask but-". And before she could even finish her sentence the three demon spiders started to work on the fields and clearing the snow.

"So you finally found out one of your powers." Ice Vile jumped and turned around ready to fight but then floped on the ground and sighed. " Miss Songjiang you scared me". "Im sorry my dearie but i do say that the lessons have been paying off you did your first summoning spell without even knowing im proud of you" said Songjiang pating the monkey demons head.

"Now lets go inside and ill make us some tea." Said Songjiang and walked way with ice vile behind her. Yet Ice Vile was confused for a moment...how DID she summon those three?....
Word count :1288

i know this took a long time i just had a lotnof things on my plate abd b-days to celebrate

I do hope you like this and ill try to make more soon

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