♡stay with me♡

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(The pictures up top is not mine and the credit goes to the original artist on tumbler)
Thank so much for reading and this will be a yandere of wukong x macaque so if you do not like dark this this chapter i would recommend skipping.
TW: kidnapping, harm, creepy visuals.
Macaque's diary POV

Dear diary.

It had been six months since the defeat of the LBD and i became free from her chains, i had finally let go of my revenge plan on wukong finding out that i could do so many other things in my life.

I had bought the theater and started to make more shadow plays and adopted the kid that the LBD possessed for her form, she was in so much pain i just took her in, sure there may have been some people who judge my division to adopt her but what do they know.

Although life has been going pretty well for that past months some weird stuff has been happening lately, mk has been hanging out with bai he a lot more with is not the issue but more like wukong coming over and acting my we are a family is the issue.

I've tried to tell him to stop and i may have went overboard by yelling at him once in front of the kids but it was only to get him to stop...but he didn't, it may have even made him more determined to get me to like him.

It all started when me and bai he were out with pigsy to help with getting some food, pigsy and i kinda made a agreement to get along by helping eachother like he would watch bai he when i was busy or i help him with his shop and its been going well so far.

When i was getting some ingredients for the ramon that pigsy needed i felt a tap on my back. When i turned around to see wukong i was still holding a grudge during that time and kinda punched him in the gut. (Well deserved in my opinion.) After i did that i just walked away yet he started to follow me.

I tried to get him off my tail my going through my shadow portals yet he always seemed to find me and then he would try to talk to me about my kid, and then i punched him again in the gut he left me alone after that.

Later in the month he had knocked on my door and gave me a Bouquet with my old favorite flowers from when i was younger and he started to talk to me like we were some type of couples, i slapped him in that face that time and shut the door in his face.

Yet the flowers i kept maybe i shouldn't yet they smelt pretty good for some reason, I knew that this flower wasn't supposed to smell like mangos yet it did. I kept it in a vase within my room to make it smell nice yet i am starting to wonder why it smells like mango's...oh well i dont think it will be that bad i mean how can flowers like these do anything to me there supposed to be lilys any how.
                           Write later bai he is calling me something about someone at the door later.
                           # 7 days later #

Macaque diary POV

Dear...oh forget it!

I've been kidnapped by fucking wukong and i know it! The room im in reacks of peaches even though the room has the same flowers that smell like mango's from my room and still looks my room, i don't know what happened or how this happened it feels like  its been at least four days I've been here im not fully sure but he did give me my diary back yet he keeps asking for it back after 9pm.

If i don't give it to him he...he starts to hit me and i cant even do anything because of theis stupid punishment cuffs! I cant use my magic, i cant use my glamor. And i cant even see bai he anymore im worried that he's hurting her but he keeps telling me that he would "never hurt OUR children" but i know thats godda be a lie and why is he calling them our childre they aren't our children its MY child!.....

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