The bathroom encounter 2

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It’s been two months since the encounter in the bathroom with Tzuyu. Not that I’ve been counting days or anything. Ok truth be told I haven’t stopped thinking about her. When I think back to that day, my whole body starts to quiver and my knees buckle. Her intense gaze as she entered me, considerate enough to ask if I wanted more. I’m not sure what my feelings are or my sexuality anymore. I’m very confused at the moment.That was my very first encounter with a girl and I must say it was way better than anything any guy has done. I mean I was wet within minutes. Her delicate hands on me oh my…I need to stop.

Tzuyu's POV

I haven’t stopped thinking about Sana since our encounter. I’ve been looking around to see if I’ll find that smile in the crowd but to no avail. I’ve even stopped my casual sex because I couldn’t stop thinking about Sana.

Tonight was Huong Shin's opening night after moving to a bigger location. The girls and I arrived pretty late as the place was very crowded when the manager and new owner saw us and approached us.

“Hey girls” he said

“Hey Jang, I like what you’ve done with the place”

“It’s very spacious” I said

“Thanks girls, have fun tonight. Drinks are on me” he said winking at us.

Dahyun and Jeongyeon started dancing together but Nayeon stayed by me, we ordered a Daiquiri because we were not planning to get drunk. Soon enough, Nayeon left to dance with some guy who was way taller than her. I was lost in thought hoping Sana shows up tonight when all of a sudden I saw her boyfriend walk up to the bar. He winked at me as he ordered a Dry Manhattan and a Cosmopolitan. My heart started to thump hard as I turned around in search for Sana. I looked around but I didn’t see her.

I walked outside to get some fresh air, that’s when I noticed someone walking towards the lounge, in a mini skirt “Dammn” I muttered. As the person came closer it was none other than Sana. Her jaw dropped when she saw me. No matter how hard my heart was thumping at the moment I had to keep it cool.

“Hey it’s meant to be” I said smiling, repeating the last words she told me when we first met.

“Hi” she stuttered

I looked around and pulled her close to me. “You still with your douche bag boyfriend?” I whispered.

She looked at my lips and pulled away and walked inside.

I waited for some minutes to see if she’ll return. Then I headed back to the lounge to see what was happening. She was saying something to her boyfriend and he looked pissed. I watched as she gracefully walked to the bar her skirt inching up her thighs, I could almost see the color of her panties. I was so turned on all I wanted to do was rip the skirt off of her. She ordered an Apple Martini and turned to look at me. She smirked and mouthed “Let’s go”. I felt an immense heat all over my body and I nodded my head as she downed her Martini and left.

As I was about to leave, Nayeon walked up to me.”Hey Tzu, where have you been?”

“Just getting some fresh air…you girls okay going home without me tonight? because I’ve got to go”

“Uh…we’ll find our way… what’s wrong?”

“Nothing I just need to check up on my dad”

“Oh ok…see you later” she said

I hurried outside and I didn’t see her so I walked to the back. And that’s when I was pulled by someone in the alley.

“What took you so long?” she said pulling me close to her.

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