Own me

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Warning: GB

Sana had been waiting for an opportunity like this: no auditions, no work scheduled, no place to be early the next morning, and Tzuyu, asleep in the living room, sprawled half on and half off the couch. It was the perfect opportunity to set up the little... surprise she'd been planning. She moved quietly around the living room, carefully setting up the tripods and cameras as stealthily as possible - Tzuyu was a heavy sleeper, but too much activity risked waking him. When she'd finished, she made a final pass of the room, checking that each of the video cameras were fully charged, stable on their tripods and angled to capture the entire area around the couch and coffee table. The little handheld camcorder was in standby on the heavy, oak coffee table, with a brand new memory card. The brunette clicked each of the cameras on, pausing in front of the last one to stare into the cold lens. Everything was going to be perfect.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time," Sana addressed the camera in low murmur. "I hope you enjoy this as much as I will... happy anniversary, baby."

She smiled and stepped back from the camera, dropping her silk robe to the floor to reveal a matching black lace bra and panty set. They probably wouldn't stay on long, but she wanted Tzuyu to have the fun of taking them off. Sana moved to kneel on the floor in front of the couch, knees on either side of the one foot the boy had resting on the floor. She leaned down to lay chaste kisses along an athletic thigh, hands gently pulling on Tzuyu's loose boxers, working them halfway down his thighs. She was once again glad the boy was a fairly sound sleeper; he stirred, but didn't quite awaken at the disturbance.

Sana wrapped one hand around her lover's toned leg, the other reaching up to explore between the boy's legs. Tzuyu's penis was soft and smooth, the head like silk under Sana's stroking fingertip. She slid her fingers higher to encircle the flaccid member, squeezing and massaging gently until it was half-hard, long and thick against Tzuyu's thigh. Tzuyu groaned and shifted in his sleep, unconsciously responding to Sana's ministrations. The brunette smirked up at the camera angled at her face, lust and mischief sparkling in her dark eyes. Her fingertips slid lower, stroking the baby-soft skin of Tzuyu's full testicles; she cupped the heavy orbs in her hand, rolling them in her palm, one finger creeping out to stroke the line of Tzuyu's groin. A gasp sounded above her, hips bucking at the touch.

He's awake... good...

Looking up into sleep-clouded brown eyes, Sana began kissing her way up Tzuyu's leg, her hand encircling the now-fully hard member where it lay throbbing, flat against her lover's toned abdomen. Body arched above the boy, Sana paused to tongue Tzuyu's sensitive balls while she reached over to pick up the handheld camcorder. She pressed the small device into Tzuyu's hands, glancing up to wink playfully at her gradually comprehending lover. Tzuyu looked around the room, finally understanding just what was happening; Sana felt a brief flash of trepidation - this was the moment she'd find out if she'd really made a mistake. Her fear was short-lived; Tzuyu's eyes darkened, a pink tongue darting out to moisten his lips as he turned the camcorder on and aimed it down his chest to where Sana's hand loosely stroked his hard shaft. Sana looked directly into the camera lens while she licked a path up Tzuyu's cock; she paused to mouth the tip, lips making love to the sensitive glans, eyes still trained on the glittering lens.

"Mm, oh, fuck yeah," Tzuyu's voice was still sleep-rough as he urged Sana on. "Do you know how sexy you look? Suck me, baby."

The corners of Sana's mouth curved upwards and she held the boy's rigid member upright, showing off the full length for the cameras. She wrapped her lips around the tip to tongue the little slit, cheeks hollowing as she sucked. She brought her other hand into play, gently squeezing Tzuyu's balls and eagerly slurping the spurt of pre-come she was rewarded with. Sana began to slowly lower her head on Tzuyu's cock, taking the thick length deeper into her throat. The spongy head dragged across the ridges on the top of her mouth before hitting the softer flesh at the back of her throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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