Dirty Teacher

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Tzuyu Chou is the English teacher at Sana's school, she had all the boys drooling over her. Her perfect body and long golden curls, she was so perfect that not a single person in the school disliked her; No matter how much homework she set. But little did they know, she wasn't interested in any of them. She had her eyes set on her star pupil, Sana.

The two had been lusting over each other for almost a year now, staring at each other during class while the other wasn't looking, Sana drawing dirty drawings of her teacher during class, Tzuyu fucking herself during lunch break while thinking of her student. Neither of them had done anything of course, both too scared of getting in to trouble. Plus, at the time, Sana had been a minor and she was disgusted with herself for the way she acted around her.

But that changed on Sana's 20th birthday.

Miss Chou was sitting at her desk, marking papers and waiting for class to start, she had her hair up in a bun and was wearing a blue, knee length dress, that sat off her shoulders.

The bell rang and student's began pouring into the class, Tzuyu noticed Sana immediately.

Sana was wearing black wavy skirt  with a cute t-shirt that was surprisingly revealing. She was surprised at that, Sana was usually the type of girl to cover up. She was shy and sweet and tried to avoid attention. As always, she sat in the back of the class and gave Miss Chou a wave before looking away with pink cheeks and getting out her books and pencil case, letting her short black hair fall in her face to hide her blush.

Tzuyu waited for the class to fill before she got to her feet and began teaching the lesson as usual, avoiding looking at Sana's cleavage. Tzuyu noticed Sana occasionally spreading her legs apart which revealing her pink panties but she was smart enough not to let anyone suspect, she only did that when Tzuyu came closer. But the way the girl was leaning over and staring at her, it was almost like she wanted her teacher to look. She struggled to keep her mind out of the gutter as she avoided looking at Sana all together.

She gave out a worksheet for the class to complete. The class began to do it, talking quietly among themselves as they spoke.

When Sana got the worksheet, she answered all the questions easily and then took out her sketchbook and pencil, she checked if Miss Chou was still sitting down and the rest of the class wasn't focusing on her as she began drawing. Her drawing was of Miss Chou with her tits out, guessing by the way they looked through her shirt. She'd occasionally look up at her for reference.

Near the end of the lesson, Tzuyu walked around the class to check how everyone was getting on. When she got to Sana, she froze, seeing the drawing and immediately recognising herself. She leaned over, her face right beside Sana's as she spoke, "What is that?" She asked quietly, so only Sana could hear her.

Sama gasped and slapped the book shut, her face and neck going bright red as she looked away in embarrassment. "O-Oh its nothing! Just a small doodle!" She mumbled nervously as she let out a shy chuckle, trying to play it off as nothing.

"I saw... I'm going to have to confiscate this." She said, glancing at the class before running her hand down Sana's arm to her hand and taking the sketch book from her hands. Her core was tingling in excitement, thinking of all the things she could to do Sana now that she knew feelings were mutual and she was legal. "Come back at lunch please."

Sana stared at her for a moment before nodding quickly. "Y-yes Miss." She stuttered out. She didn't know if she was in trouble or not, Miss Chou didn't seem too mad..

Tzuyu sat at her desk and put the sketch book down, she couldn't wait until this class was over for her free period to look through the book. After a few minutes she got one of the students to collect the worksheets and bring them to her.

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