Sweet revenge

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After a stressful week at school, Tzuyu looks forward to having a much-needed good night’s sleep. But due to her dorm neighbor having loud sex, Tzuyu ends up barely being able to sleep at all. When Sana comes to visit the next day, Tzuyu decides that she will have her revenge by doing the same thing: fucking Sana throughout the night.

After an exhausting week of rushing to meet the deadlines for schoolwork, Tzuyu was overjoyed when Friday night finally came. The sleep she so desperately needed was finally within her clutches, her bed already calling out to her and promising a well-deserved rest.

And tomorrow, Sana will be there to visit her.

With those thoughts in mind, Tzuyu smiled as she slipped underneath the covers, the tiredness slowly draining away from her weary bones.

She closed her eyes and sighed happily, silently thanking the heavens above for the existence of weekends.

But just as she was about to slip away into dreamland, a muffled shout jolted her back into a state of awareness. Grumbling, she tossed over to the other side and closed her eyes again, but stopped short when she felt something banging against her wall from the other side.

Another muffled noise, but more distinct this time. Followed by more rhythmic banging sounds and loud, exaggerated moans and groans.

Tzuyu saw red. Of all the times her dorm neighbor had to fuck around, it just had to be now. In her rage, she muttered angrily about hoping that the guy wouldn’t last more than a minute. And that he couldn’t get his little friend up again after one round.

It was common knowledge that the walls of the dorm weren’t thick enough to silence annoying sex noises, which was why whenever Sana visited, they only had sex in the morning or the afternoon. Not in the middle of the damn night when everyone was supposed to be sleeping.

Apparently, her neighbor didn’t have that kind of courtesy.

It went on for at least half an hour, and all Tzuyu could do was stare at the ceiling while she waited for the noises to stop.

And when they did, she heaved an irritated sigh and attempted to go to sleep again.

Only to be interrupted again just a few minutes later. Her neighbor was obnoxious as hell, or maybe Tzuyu was led to think that because she was pissed beyond words. 

But as she lay there, unable to sleep and exposed to hearing their stifled cries, she decided that they really were insufferable.

She wondered if she would be able to get any sleep like this.

No, Tzuyu barely got any sleep at all. So, when she clambered out of bed the next afternoon to open the door and invite Sana in, she was cranky and her hair was a mess from tossing and turning all night. It must have shown in her face, because Sana had a look of concern on her face when she caught wind of Tzuyu's sour mood.

And Tzuyu was never in a bad mood when Sana came over to visit.

“Didn’t you get any sleep last night?” Sana asked worriedly, skimming the dark bags underneath Tzuyu's eyes with the pad of her thumbs.

“I barely got any,” Tzuyu replied dryly.

“Why? What happened?”

“Why don’t you ask my neighbor? It sure sounded like she had a wild time last night.”

Sana dropped her hands and frowned, making Tzuyu feel guilty. She didn’t mean to sound so terse with Sana, but the lack of sleep had really gotten to her. She knew it shouldn’t be an excuse for her to behave that way, especially not with the person who tried the hardest to understand her and put up with her mood swings.

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