Tzuyu's property

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The twice members are screaming for joy and are celebrating for winning two melon music awards.

"Thank you guys so much. This is such an honor. Oh my goodness! Just to be even in the category with those people is such an amazing opportunity. We love every single person in that category and shout out to JY Park! We love you so much!" Nayeon said while they received the award for Best Collaboration together with Jy Park.

After the show, everybody congratulated the girls at the backstage. They were so overwhelmed and were literally screaming their hearts out.

"Oh my goshh! I can't believe it guys!" Momo said while jumping out of happiness.

"Two melon awards! This is so dope!" Dahyun exclaimed. "We should celebrate!"

"Y'all should really celebrate," Jy said smiling while entering the dressing room and walked towards the girls.

"You should too, Jy," Tzuyu said. "You're part of this and we love you!" she added and embraced him.

Jy chuckled and smiled widely as he took Tzuyu for a tight embrace.

"Thank you," Jy replid. "You look smoking hot, by the way," he added that made Sana roll her eyes.

Sana tried to act normal and just smiled while watching Tzuyu and Jy share a hug.

"Oh yeah, you should celebrate," Sana proclaimed. "I mean, we should all celebrate. Congratulations to all of us!"

Sana widened her arms and went in between Jy and Tzuyu and everybody shared a group hug.

Sana tapped Jy shoulder and congratulated him once again before he left.

"Bye, Jy," Sana waved at him and grinned.

"What was that for?" Tzuyu whispered.

"What?" Sana asked in the most confused manner.

"That was weird" Tzuyu asked and chuckled.

"What do you mean weird? I just congratulated him and gave him a Twice group hug 'cause he's part of us," Sana said. "That's not weird. You said it yourself. He's part of us and we love him."

"Are you jealous of Jy?" Tzuyu chuckled as she watched at the smaller girl cross her arms in front of her.

"Lovebirds," Dahyun blurted out and pulled Momo and Nayeon's arms. "Let's get outta here, ladies." she added before they exited the scene while softly laughing.

"Excuse me? Me? Jealous? I am not jealous, okay? You assume a lot of things, Chou," Sana defended herself.

"Oh really?" Tzuyu said in a sarcastic voice. "Well, if you say so."

"You know what? Why don't you go out and party with him?" Sana said in a higher volume. "Atleast you guys can both show affection in public."

Tzuyu sighed and cupped Sana's face and smiled.

"Sana, Jy and I are just really good friends, okay? and besides, he's our manager" Tzuyu said in a soft voice. "Chill, babe. I'm yours."

"Why don't we just confess to the world that we're together?"Sana pouted. "Tell them that you're mine and I'm yours."

"Baby, c'mon," Tzuyu said in a calming voice. "You know we can't. Besides, it's not just for our own good but also for the girls."

"I hate this," Sana hissed as she removed Tzuyu's hands from her face.

"Believe me, I hate it as much as you do, baby."

"Okay, fine, whatever," Sana said. "I'll continue the acting and don't you dare go near me or touch me in public."

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