Opposite attracts

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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” was the first thing Sana heard when she walked through the door.

The music was booming around her, and the smell of beer and sweat permeating the air, made her head spin. The fact that it was Jyp's house definitely didn’t make it better. Saying she felt out of place was an understatement, but she was there nonetheless, donned in shortest dress she could find in her closet, blood red, with horns sitting atop her head.

She looked around to find the source of the comment when her eyes fell on her co-track star. Sana's eyes glanced over the taller girl’s body, her own outfit nothing short of scandalous.

“What are you looking at?” Tzuyu jeered, her lips pulled into a taunting smile. Sana's mouth fell open at the question, her eyes wide as she stared at Tzuyu's fit body, graced with a white crop top and the shortest skirt imaginable, sparkly angel wings peeking out from over her shoulders. She snapped out of her daze soon enough, smiling cheekily back at Tzuyu.

“Nothing much, just your uh… costume ,” Sana winked and Tzuyu's jaw dropped, a glare setting itself on her face but her eyes dilating nonetheless.

“You’re not wearing much yourself, Minatozaki. ” Sana couldn’t help but laugh at the taller girl’s commentary, and she thought she saw Tzuyu smile back before clearing her throat and taking a sip from the solo cup in her hand.

Sana was the first to turn away, her name rising from somewhere in the crowd next to her, where Jae-Rim stood with an overly desperate gaze. She could feel Tzuyu's stare from across the room, but refused to turn and stare back, afraid Tzuyu would be a bit too alluring for her. So she turned away and took small sips from the cups her friends thrust into her hand, swaying her hips to the unknown beat pulsing through her body, trying her best to find jae-rim just slightly more attractive than she usually did. The alcohol definitely helped.

It wasn’t until later in the night that Tzuyu finally cornered her. Sana had been trying to escape one of the jocks’ drunken attempts at flirting, which led her right into the corner of the large house, in a hallway lined with closed doors. She had been just coherent enough to get away, but the alcohol in her blood was definitely starting to get to her.

Suddenly, her back was against a door, Tzuyu directly in front of her, her eyes filled with lust and loathing.

“You have a lot of nerve showing up here as my opposite, Newton.” Tzuyu's gaze was intense and Sana could feel her heartbeat pickup as Tzuyu's eyes raked over her body. Her stare lingered just a little bit too long over Sana's exposed cleavage, her tongue darting out to wet her glossed lips.

“Jyp invited me. I thought he would’ve told you something like that, seeing as you’re one of his closet friend. Guess not.” Sana's attempts at teasing were clearly futile, Tzuyu looking far more lustful than scared.

Without warning, Tzuyu's hand was against her chest, pushing her farther into the door behind her, Tzuyu's other hand grasping at her hip. Sana felt her breath hitch from the girl’s display of dominance, and tried her best to suppress the desperate whimper that bubbled from her throat, yet her attempts were futile.

Tzuyu smirked at the sound, reaching behind Sana to turn the knob, both of the girls stumbling into the dark room. She silently fumbled for the light switch as Sana pressed their fronts together, more skin in contact than she would’ve thought necessary, but neither of the girls complained.

Tzuyu pushed the door shut behind them and Sana's forehead pressed against Tzuyu's, both girls breathing heavily before their lips met in a heated kiss. Sana's arms wrapped around the taller girl’s waist, pulling them tighter together. Tzuyu groaned into the older girl’s mouth, rolling her hips against Sana, who let out a deep sigh in response.

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