You distract me [ Genderbend]

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A/n: This part is definitely for shippers who have no problem with GB or who enjoys GB and that's why I specify as you can see by the title. If genderbend is not your cup of tea, you can stop reading from here.

For the most part of the past thirty minutes, Tzuyu had lost count of how many times he rolled his eyes and the times that his co-worker had been fumbling through his presentation. He'd kept track at first by writing sticks and crossing them off when the number got to give, but he got tired of that too. His notebook, which should have contained notes, was empty except for the stick count that he had given up on.

It was most definitely not the first time that he found himself wishing that he should have skipped the meeting and gone back home. But he knew that one of the ways in getting a promotion was attending these meetings without fail. Even if the presenters were, unfortunately, lacking in the confidence department.

Just block them off and endure, he would tell himself nearly every single time that he entered the conference room.

It seemed like rolling his eyes was already an involuntary reaction when it came to listening to these kinds of employees. Patience wasn't exactly one of his stronger suites, but he was slowly improving himself. Blowing up wouldn't do him any good, and it would be sure to land him a demotion instead of a step higher up the corporate ladder.

He was close to nodding off when he felt his phone buzz inside his bag. Arching an eyebrow, he took it out and grinned when he saw that it was a photo message from his wife. Glancing left and right to make sure that no one was looking at him, he opened the message and nearly groaned at what greeted him.

It was Sana. In a silky jade green robe that was untied, wearing nothing else underneath it, the swells of her breasts and her flat tummy peeking out. Throat drying, Tzuyu felt his cock stir in his slacks, sweeping his gaze down the photo in hopes that he'll find something else down there.

His face fell in disappointment when he realized that the picture was cut off at Sana's hips.

Again, his phone buzzed and it was a follow-up text from Sana.

I can't wait until you get home, baby. ;) - Sana

Now Tzuyu found himself regretting attending the meeting even more. His thumbs were quick as he typed out his response, the image of Sana in that new robe still fresh in his mind.

I'm going to fuck you in that robe, baby. I'm going hard right now.

Tzuyu sent the text to Sana and looked down between his legs, where a bulge had already formed. Well, at least he finally had something to get his mind off the ridiculous presentation in front of him.

No more than a minute after sending his reply, Tzuyu received his wife's answer.

Take a picture, daddy. I want to see. -Sana

Biting his lip, Tzuyu glanced at his surroundings and saw that everyone else was distracted, paying no mind to him. He turned off the sounds of his phone and opened the camera, pointing the lens at his crotch. After snapping the photo, he immediately sent it to Sana.

Oh, wow! I want to sext you, but you're in the middle of a meeting. :( You'll just have to make good on that promise to fuck me when you get home.

Tzuyu managed to hold in his whimper as he read through Sana's text. The things that his sexy wife did to him.

You know I will. I love you, baby! -Tzuyu

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