Opposite attracts 2

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Sana is the real top here, honestly. It gets fluffy towards the end, but I think it's in a good way.

“My turn.”

Tzuyu inhaled sharply and felt her thighs squeeze together as Sana pushed her hips down against the mattress, her back propped against the pillows slightly. Tzuyu's fingers threaded into the older girl’s hair, and she lightly tugged against the girl’s dark locks, silently urging her to move faster. Her need increase with every passing second, and she could feel Sana hungrily staring at her exposed body.

But she didn’t move to relieve Tzuyu's desperation yet. Instead, Sana reached to gently knead Tzuyu's breast, pulling a needy sigh from the small girl. Tzuyu tried her best not to tug at Sana's hair in fear of hurting her, but she could feel small shockwaves pulsing through her body with every move Sana made.

“ Please ,” Tzuyu gasped, back arching as Sana sucked dark purple bruises into the soft skin of her stomach, and she felt her desire increase tenfold. Sana chuckled to herself, her hands finally tracing their way down Tzuyu's body, scratching light pink lines into her sides and sending chills running down Tzuyu's spine.

Tzuyu felt her head clouding with every move the older girl made. Never before had she felt like this, and she had to close her eyes because even with the room so dimly lit, she could feel the world spinning around her. Part of her wanted to understand someone she hated so eagerly, a girl , could make her feel so fucking much , when her own boyfriend couldn’t even get her going. Every time he had tried to move past a light makeout session, Tzuyu had stopped it, and yet here she was, in her boyfriend’s parents’ bedroom, with a girl between her legs, more than ready to give up all her resolve for her rival to fuck her senseless.

But Tzuyu was pulled out of her thoughts the second Sana's tongue dragged through her folds. She let out a sigh of relief at finally being touched, but the sigh soon turned to a needy moan as Sana circled her clit with her tongue. Tzuyu had to grasp at the bedsheets beside her, biting her lip to suppress any other noises she would make. But the feeling between her legs lessened, and she felt a light touch on her jaw. When she finally opened her eyes, she saw Sana looking at her curiously, her finger lifted Tzuyu's chin to better look at her.

Although she was dazed, she had enough sense in her to pout at the loss of contact, to which Sana responded with a laugh.

“I just want to hear you, baby,” Sana whispered, smiling with enough sincerity for Tzuyu to feel at ease, but her desire was evident by the darkness of her eyes. As she returned to her place between Tzuyu's legs, the younger girl tried her best to let herself make at least a small amount of noise, no longer suppressing every sound that threatened to leave her mouth. And with every light flick of Sana's tongue, Tzuyu released a sound of pleasure, making Sana grin triumphantly.

“Sana-,” Tzuyu's hips lifted off the mattress, but Sana pushed them back down, and the taller girl couldn’t help but whimper at the display of dominance, “Please, more .”

Sana was more than eager to comply, teeth nipping lightly at Tzuyu's clit and two of her fingers moved toward Tzuyu's entrance. Sana pushed two fingers into Tzuyu, who gritted her teeth in an effort not to cry out in pleasure, afraid of alerting any other partygoers of their activities . She lightly rocked her hips, urging Sana to begin moving, her hands desperately grasping at the sheets below her.

Her stomach tightened and Tzuyu craved more, needed more. Her hips canted up, and she lightly grinded against Sana's tongue. Sana eagerly lapped at Tzuyu's wetness and slid a third finger into the younger girl, who let out a strangled moan at the feeling.

“I’m-,” Tzuyu's eyes squeezed shut as Sana pushed her further toward the edge, “I’m close. Fuck, please…” Sana curled her fingers and Tzuyu's mouth fell open in a silent moan. Sana could feel the smaller girl clench around her fingers, and although her arm ached from the energy she was exerting, she pushed through, angling her wrist to brush against Tzuyu's most sensitive spot. Tzuyu moaned as she tipped over the edge, pleasure wracking her body as Sana continued thrusting her fingers, helping the smaller girl ride out her climax.

Slowly, Tzuyu regained her ability to think coherently, her insecurity and doubts rerooting themselves in her mind. But Sana crawled up to the top of the bed, lightly sucking Tzuyu's cum from her fingers before placing a kiss on the girl’s cheek. Tzuyu blushed, feeling her pussy clench once again, but reached out to trace the older girl’s jaw before leaning down to kiss her. She could feel Sana gasp slightly, but she took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, forcing all of her previous doubts to the back of her mind as she moved to straddle the girl’s lap. When they finally separated, Sana reached up to tuck a strand of Tzuyu's hair behind her ear.

“I’m starting to think you’re not so bad, Minatozaki,” Tzuyu finally said breathlessly.

“Are you just saying that because I gave you an earth-shattering orgasm?” Sana smirked but draped one arm over Tzuyu's waist.

“Maybe…” Tzuyu blushed but leaned in closer to Sana's body, “But there might be another reason…”

“Another reason?” Sana raised an eyebrow, but kept a joking tone. “Well, if you haven’t fallen for me yet, I’m not sure what more I can possibly do.”

“I mean…”

“You mean what?” Sana tried to laugh it off, but her eyebrows scrunched together and Tzuyu couldn’t help but think how cute she looked when she was concerned.

“I was just stirring shit up because…”


“Because I was jealous…” They stared at each other for a moment before Sana spoke up.


“You know why.” Tzuyu looked past Sana and to the wall behind her, but Sana reached down and tilted her face toward her own, forcing Tzuyu to meet her eyes. Tzuyu wasn’t sure why, but she felt herself tear up at the action.

“Everyone’s eyes were on you. Because you were a devil, and you were fucking hot , and even his eyes were on you, but I didn’t even care about that. It was just the way you looked at that stupid guy, and I-”

“Why are you with him?” Sana asked with a frustrated sigh.

“With Jae?” Sana nodded, and Tzuyu buried her face in the crook of the older girl’s neck. “I don’t know. He’s there. He’s rich, popular. He's an actor. Everything I need.”

“He’s not everything you need.” Sana glowered and Tzuyu felt her grip around her waist tighten as she said it.

“What do I need then?” Tzuyu pulled back to look into Sana's eyes, hoping she could communicate exactly what she wanted the older girl to say.

“Well…” Sana trailed off and Tzuyu looked at her hopefully, “I think you need me.”

Tzuyu couldn’t help but smile, her face glowing from the moonlight flooding the room and her post-orgasmic haze.

“I don’t think I can disagree.”

“And I don’t think I want you to.” Sana smiled and Tzuyu returned with a look of contentment, but her face soon fell.

“What’s wrong?” Sana asked hesitantly.

“Can you promise you’ll be here?” Tzuyu's voice shook as she asked, and Sana's chest clenched at the sight. She raised a hand and cupped the younger girl’s face, kissing her gently before pressing their foreheads together.

“I promise.”

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