Game or me

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"Food is served," Sana said as she placed their food on the table.

"Stupid!" Tzuyu cussed while scrolling down her phone.

"Where's my banana?" Sana asked and turned her head to find her banana. "Oh, there you are," she said as she took the banana on the kitchen counter of the hotel they are in for the tour.

"How can you even say that?" Tzuyu said and took her food.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Sana asked and sat near Tzuyu.

"These guys on Twitter are insisting that I'm gay."

"Hmmm...Is it about-"

"SaTzu. Tss."

Sana just nodded and although she was hurt, she just kept it to herself and decided not to let her know how it make her feel.

"Okay, at first it was okay but now? It's really getting me annoyed," Tzuyu said and mixed up her spaghetti. "They're all delusionals. This is sick."

"Well, why are you so pissed off? I mean, whatever floats their boat right?" Sana said while mixing her spaghetti too.

"I just don't get it," Tzuyu said while scrolling on her phone. "Why do they ship us so much? Are they seeing things we don't?"

"Hmmm...Maybe?" Sana said and peeled her banana slowly. "I feel know? We have the chemistry just like how well this banana go with this spaghetti," Sana said, trying to lighten up the conversation.

Tzuyu exhaled a heavy breath.

"And another thing, why don't you just let them ship us? It's making them happy. You want our fans to be happy, right? Why can't you just ignore them? Why is it affecting you like it's real?" Sana said.

"They're just lying to theirselves."

"Are they really lying to theirselves or is it you?"

Tzuyu's eyebrows met and looked at Sana.

"What do you mean?" Tzuyu said.


"What are you trying to say, Sana?" Tzuyu said and arched her brow.

"Nothing," Sana said and smiled mischievously. "Here, just eat,"

Sana lifted her fork and scooped some spaghetti.

"Open your mouth," Sana said as if she was feeding a child. "Come on, taste my spaghetti."

Tzuyu shook her head and smirked before finally opening her mouth.

"How was it? What does my spaghetti taste like? " Sana asked.

"It's sweet."

Sana just smiled as she watched the brown-eyed woman chew the food in her mouth.

"Oh, uhm, you have a little something in your-"

Tzuyu held her breath when Sana leaned towards her, wiping the sauce on her lips with her thumb. The brown-eyed woman watched Sana as she puts her thumb in her mouth and sucked the sauce from it.

Tzuyu felt as though Sana's lips were on hers and her tongue along her bare skin. All she could do was to part her lips under her touch.

She inhaled deeply and shook her head.

Tzuyu didn't want to admit that Sana bring sensations like no one else can.

"Excuse me," Tzuyu said and walked towards the kitchen counter, trying to fight the tension growing inside her.

"What's the matter?" Sana followed the confused woman and stood behind her.

"I don't like this," Tzuyu answered.

"What do you mean?"

"This feeling. I don't like this. I don't want this."

Sana brought her lips to Tzuyu's ear and whispered, "But your body tells me otherwise."

Tzuyu felt her stomach flutter and her nerves trembled. She shivered as she felt Sana's body pressing behind her back and she twitched when she felt her hand trailed down to her body.

From her already hard nipples...

To her stomach...

To her...

"Sana, stop," Tzuyu faced Sana and used all her remaining strength to stop whatever was about to happen.

"What's wrong?" Sana asked.

"I-I'm straight."

Sana displayed a smirk on her face.

"So is spaghetti until it gets wet," Sana said.

Tzuyu gasped as the brown-eyed girl finally touched her wet core from behind and sucked her nape gently.

Tzuyu's lips betrayed her when it let out a soft moan.

Sana smirked.

She rubbed Tzuyu's center painfully slow, making Tzuyu beg for more.

"Ugggghhh....." Tzuyu couldn't help but moan.

Sana continued to pressure the brown-eyed woman's core with her finger, thumb rubbing circles on her clit.

"Sanaa... ughhhhh...."

Sana stopped teasing and went deep.

Tzuyu almost lost her mind.

"Fuck...just like that, Sana," Tzuyu demanded as she guided Sana's fingers inside her.

"Does that feel good?" Sana asked while still thrusting her fingers inside her.

Tzuyu felt her knees weak so she held on the edge of the counter.

"Ahhh..yes," Tzuyu responded with heavy breaths.

Tzuyu came with a loud cry and trembling knees.

But Sana wasn't done yet.

She pulled Tzuyu's shorts down and made her sit and spread her legs on the kitchen counter.

"Let me taste you," Sana said before kissing Tzuyu's lips.

The brown-eyed girl's lips were warm and hungry...soft, yet demanding.

Her hand slid under Tzuyu's shirt and easily cupped her breasts since Tzuyu wasn't wearing any brassiere.

Sana's lips went down from Tzuyu's neck...

To her stomach...

To her legs...

And to her wet folds...

Sana licked Tzuyu's lower lips clean.

The green-eyed woman's breath became heavier as Sana continued sucking on her clit.

"Mmmm..." Sana said and scooped Tzuyu's juices with her finger and sucked it. "You're sweeter."

Sana inserted 2 fingers and thrusted, going deeper inside the brown-eyed woman's cunt.

"Ohhhh...... Ughhhh.....D-deeper, Nana, fuck," Tzuyu said and pushed Sana's fingers further inside. "I want your fingers deep inside me..."

Sana granted the brown-eyed woman's request and dipped her fingers deeper and faster. She put her warm mouth on Tzuyu's clit and draw circles around it with her tongue.

"Fuck," was all Tzuyu could say.

The brown-eyed woman clenched her pussy hard around Sana's fingers as she came hard.


Sana stood up and gave Tzuyu a quick peck on her lips and winked. She sucked the tip of her fingers off individually.

"So sweet," Sana said with a smirk.

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