The bathroom encounter 3

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"Uh...I love you" I blurted out. My stomach started to turn, my palms became sweaty. It was in the heat of the moment, I still don't know how I feel. I've messed things up! Me and my stupid mouth. What am I going to do now? I thought.

"What??" She asked with wide eyes.

I took a deep breath "I'm not in love with you loser...chill out" I said laughing lightly, but scared out of my mind. She sighed.

"I just love the way you want me, I love the way you please me and I love the way you are with me" I said.

"Nobody has ever showed that they wanted me as much as you do and pleased me as good as you do, it makes me feel like I'm desirable and not some object like Baekhyun treats me."

"We aim to please" she said. I smacked her arm. She laughed lightly, took my forehead and kissed it. "Sana you're beautiful". I smiled shyly at her and she smirked."Now let's get some sleep, I'm exhausted" she said.

Tzuyu's POV

When she blurted out that she loved me, my heart literally almost jumped out of my chest. The sexual attraction I feel towards her is immense and I told myself this was just about sex no strings attached. However with all that she's told me tonight, things might be more than that with her for me and to be honest, I'm a little scared.

I woke up the next morning with the warmth on my body gone. I turned over to see that Sana had left. I felt a little bad because I didn't really say much after all she told me yesterday night. I got up from my bed and noticed a note on the coffee table.

I'm glad I came over yesterday ;)

I had so much fun ;)

I would like to get to know you more Tzuyu. You have my number now.

Until next time ;)

As soon as I read the message, I went to my phone and saw that she had changed my display picture to her lying next to me smiling while I was sleeping and added her name to my contacts with a winky face. I got dressed and went for a short jog to relieve some tension from my tired limbs .The thought of the previous night filled my mind and warmed up my body. I smiled remembering her face and how she wanted me to continue. Even though I was exhausted, there was a sudden boost of energy when she whispered in my ear "Again".

A sudden buzz woke me up from my nap; I looked over and saw it was my phone.

One text message from Sana ;).

Hey – Sana

Hi, how's your Sunday going?

Very good ;) – Sana. She attached her message with a picture of her in a bikini.

I looked at the picture, her body was beautiful, curvy and dammmmnnn that ass, she is trying to kill me. I thought

I seeeeeeeeeeeee lol

Wanna hang out? - Sana

What do you mean by hangout ;)?

Not what you're thinking loser lol... I mean get drinks together eat dinner nothing sexual - Sana


Why?? - Sana

Ok nvm - Sana

Just teasing I'm up for it

Not funny shithead just come over to my place at 128 Kwyun district opposite the new Jinny's restaurant by 8pm. - Sana


I looked at the time; I only had an hour and a half to get ready. I took a quick shower; after a lot of debate I settled on wearing skinny jeans with a crop top and my beanie and rushed out the door.

I breathe in as I pressed the bell to her place.I heard some shuffling before the door opened. My jaw dropped when I saw her.

Sana's POV

I've been ignoring Baekhyun's calls for days now. I took a break from him some weeks after I met Tzuyu. I would like to think that Tzuyu was the final push I needed to make that step. Being in a relationship where I couldn't have male friends without him throwing a fit or I couldn't party with my friends without him being there. I felt controlled, suffocated and scared that one day his anger might get out of hand. After seeing that he followed me and my friend Momo to the Huong Shin's opening I had to tell him to stop or I would have to take drastic measures. I loved Baekhyun but somehow a bolt in his head got loose and he became a mad dog after my friend Jae came to town and stayed with me for 2 weeks. Even though I had told him a million times Jae was gay.

I needed some distraction so I decided to text Tzuyu to come over. Even though I said that there would be no sexual activity, I knew it would still happen because I plan on teasing her. As I opened the door, I saw the way she was looking at me and my body suddenly got hot. She is so sexy wearing a sleeveless crop top that showed her perfect core and biceps. The way Tzuyu affected me scared me but I'm willing to explore where things could go with her, and I'm starting to think it's not just about sex anymore. I've developed some sort of feeling towards her.

Tzuyu's POV

I stared at her looking all over her body till our eyes met. She was wearing a knotted shirt with booty shorts.

"Hi" she said turning around swaying her hips

"Hey" I replied taking a quick look at her ass before looking up to meet her smirk. She wasn't even wearing any underwear. She is definitely teasing me.

"Welcome to my castle" she said

"Nice place princess"

"Sit down, while I get the wine" she said.

She came back with a Pinot Grigio in hand, slightly bending down to pour it in my glass. I was trying to look around, but her ass was all in my face and I swear she wiggled it too. Deciding to play along with her, I held her waist and said "Would you mind not suffocating me with all that ass, thank you". She smirked, turned around and said "It wasn't bothering you yesterday". I looked down at her chest; she definitely isn't wearing a bra either. I need super strength to keep me from not eating her out right now. I thought.

She sat across from me.

"Why are you sitting there babe, I don't bite" I said seductively

"I want to see your face" she smirked as she opened her legs wide

I gulped hard as my eyes went down between her legs. My pulse quickened, my hands became sweaty. She knows what she's doing to me and I decided to play along also. I kept my gaze on her while licking my lips. I started doing some tongue motions in the air as I stared at her. She was biting her lips, keeping herself from moaning. I pushed the table that was between us to the side. I moved forward on the chair and started to air thrust.

"Don't touch yourself, just look at me" I said while sucking on my index finger.

"Shit" she muttered

"I – I ...can't any..." she said suddenly interrupted by a loud knock on the door. We were both startled out of our trance. She got up and opened the door.

"What are you doing here Baekhyun" she said while looking back

"I came to see you and who the hell is in there" he said barging in

"I'm just gonna leave" I said

"No stay" Sana begged

I looked at her and I could see the guilt in her eyes with something else I'm not sure of as I walked out.

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