Slum it down

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"Tzuyu... don't you ever get bored of..."

"Bored of what?" Tzuyu asked, looking up from the book she held in her hands. Sana was lying across the bed, her head resting over Tzuyu's shins. She was in an oversized shirt and Tzuyu smirked at Sana's visible nipples, knowing she wasn't wearing anything underneath that oversized shirt.

"Bored of... you know..." she whispered, her eyes shifting from side to side, not really knowing how to explain herself,

"Like... Just the way we... you know... and all I ever do is lay on my back and... you know..." she said, desperately hoping that Tzuyu would understand and that she wouldn't have to explain herself any further.

"Oh! You mean, the position? I don't get bored of it, no. Because I find it impossible to get bored of you, if I'm being completely honest. But there are plenty of other things we could try when you're ready to try them. And don't worry about not knowing, because I'll teach you," she answered, looking back down to her book and turning the page,continuing to read as Sana squirmed by her feet.

"Can we...? Can we try? I wanna try...... now," Sana said, biting down on her lower lip and lifting her big shirt up a little so Tzuyu could see her gorgeous light caramel coloured thighs. Tzuyu laughed loudly and put a bookmark in her book, setting it on the bed side table before leaning forward, placing her hand on Sana's thigh.

"Oh... so you wanna have sex now?" Sana lifted it up a little more, making sure that Tzuyu knew she was completely bare under the shirt. Tzuyu laughed once more,"Come up here, little one," she said, sitting up, back against the headboard of the bed,

"Come and sit on my lap. But don't sit. More... straddle. Straddle my hips. I have something to teach you."

Sana nodded her head and awkwardly shifted herself forward, her knees either side of Tzuyu's hips. Tzuyu took it as an opportunity to slip her hand between Sana's thighs to gently stroke her as she explained.

"You're not completely stupid, so you basically know what it is to ride someone. But I know you've never tried it. And I'm telling you, it's a lot more work on your part. And by the end of the night your thighs and legs will beaching from the work you've put them through. So if you wanna try something else, I understand. But what do you think?" Tzuyu asked, kissing Sana's neck gently, playing with the hem of her shirt with her spare hand.

"I like this idea best," she nodded, whimpering slightly as Tzuyu nipped the sensitive skin on her neck, "We dance like... um... eight hours a day! I've been getting so fit lately. So now I can put myself to the test!"

"Oh, by the end of tonight you're going to be so grateful that we don't have work for a few more days," Tzuyu laughed, pulling Sana's shirt off and tossing it aside so she could kiss her gorgeous, big tits, sucking on her nipples lightly. Tzuyu knew exactly what made Sana tick, and her nipples were very sensitive. Tzuyu then tugged her sweat pants off, revealing her semi­hard member. Sana moaned and tilted Tzuyu's head up so she could kiss her roughly, biting her lower lip and pulling on it, "Now, now, Sana, don't get too feisty," Tzuyu laughed, running her hands over Sana's chest,"You're a horny little squirrel," she stuck her tongue out playfully, only to have Sana quickly suck it into her mouth, kissing her messily.

"Do you want me to give you a blowjob?" Sana asked, shyly, her cheeks blushing light pink.

"Nu­uh... use those hands of yours a little," Tzuyu smirked, watching Sana sit back and grab her thick member in her soft hands.

They were like heaven to Tzuyu, twisting and turning in ways that made her squirm with pleasure.
She couldn't help but get rock solid with Sana's skillful hands, and Sana stopped when she knew she'd made Tzuyu as hard as possible, "Okay, now move forward again," Tzuyu ordered, pulling her forward so that she was straddling her again, but this time her hard cock was pressing against Sana's dripping wet core, "Trust me, you're going to fucking love this" Tzuyu carefully lowered Sana down, kissing Sana gently to prevent her from making too much noise as she was filled with Tzuyu's member,

"T-Tzuyu... I feel so full..." she whispered, holding onto Tzuyu's shoulders as she swivelled her hips around a bit trying to get Tzuyu's cock into her, "It feels... so good," she was taking short, sharp breaths, as she moved her ass.

"Hey, stop that. Don't do that yet. It feels good, but look..." Tzuyu placed her hands on Sana's hips, "You have to use your legs, okay, lift yourself back up," she guided her upwards so that she was kneeling upright, sliding up Tzuyu's shaft, "Then slam it backdown," she pulled her hips down harshly, moaning loudly as she slammed inside of her. Sana let out a loud moan, her body shaking slightly as she came back down, "Mmmm,you like that, don't you, baby?"

"I'm sorry I'm not very good at it" she said, slowly starting to move herself up and down, "It's hard..."

"I know what you mean. I know how it is when you feel so good you find it hard to move, is that what the problem is?" Tzuyu asked, still guiding her hips, pushing her down harder and faster, "Just do it a little, okay? I'll still help guide you. It'll be easier for you baby," she kissed Sana's nose gently, instead of her open mouth, teasing her.

"Don't be mean" Sana huffed, kissing Tzuyu as the younger girl pounded into her from below, "Oh god Tzuyu... you make me feel so good with your big cock," she gyrated her hips again once she'd reached the base of Tzuyu's cock again, "Do I make you feel good, Tzuyu?"

"Fuck yes, pretty baby..." Tzuyu said, smacking Sana's ass harshly, "How it possible for someone to be so cute and lovely yet so fucking hot at the same time... Because I wanna kiss you and love you but then I really wanna fuck you until you can't walk. Gets me all conflicted sometimes. But right now I'm set on fucking you until you're limp and sore."Sana shuddered at the thought, her hormones working full time as her head was clouded with lust.

"Fuck me harder, I'm your slut... make me cum..." she whispered, starting to follow Tzuyu a little harder, using her legs as she was sliding on Tzuyu's cock with ease, her huge member hitting Sana's g­spot every time she would slam her body down and grind.

"Well done, pretty baby, look how good you're getting!" Tzuyu assured her, kissing her shoulder as Sana moved her hips skillfully. She bit down on Sana's soft flesh and sucked harshly as she kissed it, "I love you."

Sana laughed breathlessly, burying her face in Tzuyu's neck so that she could give her gentle kisses as she continued to ride her.

"Tzuyu my legs are aching," she said, "But I can feel it... I'm so close..." she whimpered, digging her nails into Tzuyu's shoulders as she started to tense up. Tzuyu took that as the chance to take over, feeling that Sana was getting weaker and weaker with her movement, she started to move the lower half of Sana's body for her, as well as thrusting upwards from below. Sana was moaning loudly and biting into Tzuyu's shoulder to try shut herself up, even though Tzuyu really loved the noises she made. Tzuyu felt Sana tense up and stop moving as her entire body started to shake. Tzuyu slid her arms underneath Sana's ass and held her up enough for her to keep fucking her.

"That feel good, baby?" Tzuyu asked before running her tongue across one of Sana's nipples as she pounded her.

"S­stop... oh god it feels too good..." Sana moaned loudly, leaning her head back and whimpering. Tzuyu gradually slowed down to a stop and pulled out, still hard as a shell. She pushed Sana off of her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "T-Tzuyu...mmm... that was good. I liked that a lot. You fucked me rough, I liked it" Sana admitted as she wrapped a hand around Tzuyu's hard cock, beginning to stroke it slowly, "I like you a lot. I'm your slut forever"

"Mmm, I like teaching you things. So if you ever get bored just let me know and we can try some things out, hm? Now... how about a shower?" Tzuyu asked, kissing Sana's hot, sweaty face extremely gently.

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