A/n: :(

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I haven't been updating because I've been going from the doctor to the hospital for the past 2 months. I've gotten 5 different kinds of medications. I've been pierced with a needle around 14 times and I have to go to the hospital again tomorrow and the 22th as well as the 30th and I'm so scared and terrified because they can't identify what's wrong with my heart.
I'll be getting a pulse monitor on the 30th and the 3rd X-ray tomorrow along with another set of needles trying to find my veins and take blood. I'm so done with everything. I'm drowning in anxiety and they tell me not to feel anxious because it makes it worse but I'm seating here crying and shaking because I can't take this anymore. I have zero money and a 3,593 dollar debt with my name on it and i still have hospital visits left that are adding to the debt. I have no friends to talk to because we either drifted apart after high school or they have there own problems to deal with and on my way out of the doctors a nurse told me since the monitor will be placed on me 2 weeks from now I should avoid having a heart attack before then and I don't know if that was a joke or not and I've been crying ever since.

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