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A/n: I gave up on chapter titles, since the beginning of 2018. HAPPY S.COUPS DAY!!



Y/n: Man, I feel great today.

I just need today to end just as great as it started.

I can't believe it's already been 2 years and 8 months since I officially moved to Seoul.

If only someone had told me beforehand, that I would be suffering.. I wouldn't have left so quickly.

Not like it's that great back home. If I had stayed, I could have at least lived off of my parent's money until I turned 20.

Not like they don't deserve it. After all they never really contact me that often.. you'd think they would after leaving me with their kid.

But in their defense, I did willingly bring her with me. Except I didn't expect them to never send me her living expenses at least once.


Too late for that now. All I can do now is work, after all her ass is expensive.
(A/n: someone explain to me why I felt uncomfortable writing down "ass". I'm 20 guys.. This shouldn't be a problem. I mean everyone has one so why?? Ok I'll go.)

Y/n: I think my wallet is crying.

I work at a magazine company. They say it's one of the top 5 in all of Asia, but I could honestly careless. I'm fine as long as I get paid.

Don't get me wrong the place is nice, but my job, not that much. I'm a staff in the connections team. We check the magazine's e-mail and answer calls.

*walks in to elevator*

The work part isn't so bad, my co-workers on the other hand, are asses. I try to have patience with them most of the time tho.

*the sound your phone makes when it gets a massage* [a/n: unless your like me and you forgot what it sounds like cuz, no one texts you.]


The old man wants you to bring him some coffee.

And if you could do it quickly that would be great.


Great. Not like I just got here or anything. If only Mr.Chung didn't like the coffee from the coffee shop 2 blocks away, so much.

I should get off then and just take the stairs back down. After all I'm not the only one in the elevator.

*walked out off the elevator and over to the staircase*

Down the stairs we go. If I hurry and run I could.. nope nevermind I'd still be late once I get back.



I've never revived money from all the coffee I've been delivering to him.

Almost~.. 1 million ₩.

(A/n: I'm nice, but like... GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK BOIIIIII!!!!)

Only You | SeungcheolWhere stories live. Discover now