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A/n: It's not much of an update, but here you go.


3rd PPOV

Everyone was busy  walking around setting up a cozy atmosphere for the interview set. And in the other room they were setting up the lighting for the photoshoot.

You where busy over looking the interview set up.

JS: Y/n.

Y/n: Do you need something?

As you turned to look in his direction, you noticed someone standing beside him. You'd never seen him before.

JS: I want to introduce you to my friend, he'll be the translator. His name's Jun.

Y/n: oh, nice to meet you.

You both had a light handshake.

Jun: Nice to meet you too.

JS: He's actually currently living in Korea, but Coups asked him to be the interviewer. His flight was actually a day earlier then ours.

Y/n: oh.. umm. c- cool.

JS: Damn you're so awkward..

Y/n: Gosh. Let me live.

At that moment Seungcheol walked over.

SC: Ok great. You know each other now. Let's get this finished.

Jun: sure thing.


Next Day

Y/n: Dude.. she's really pretty.

JS: Well she is a young actress that's really popular for her sweet personality and charming looks.

Y/n: wow. just wow.

JS: Why are you so starstruck? Is this your first time seeing a celebrity.

Y/n: I mean yeah. Does this look like someone who's got time for bumping into celebrities?? Dude.. I don't even have friends.

JS: ouch.. then who am I.

Y/n: ..am i supposed to know??

JS: i'm your friend.

Y/n: oh.. i thought.. this was just business.

JS: no.. this is.. friendship.

Y/n: joshua..

You made a "I'm touched" face, as well as a "fake tear" (a/n: stan BTS) gesture.

Joshua muffled a laugh.

Y/n: Alright, let's focus.

JS: I mean.. there's really nothing else we need to do.

Y/n: Oh, really?

JS: Yeah, usually the rest is left to the editors. We just check the final draft and make sure everything is perfect.

Y/n: Oh... so, want to go get a snack or something? I'm really hungry.

JS: Oh my god. I forgot I was supposed to order lunch for everyone.

Y/n: Joshua.

JS: What do I do?

Y/n: Oh I don't know, go buy lunch.

JS: Uh, you come with me.

Y/n: uh, why?

JS: Umm, you were hired to help me. Also, I can't carry that much food with out another set of hands.

Y/n: Okay.. so your going to be driving around to find food?

JS: Yes.

Y/n: Okay, I'm down. I want to look around and experience Shenzhen.

JS: I'll go tell Coups we're leaving to go pick up some lunch.

Y/n: Okay.


Y/n: Dude, why did I assume this wasn't going to be that heavy?

JS: maybe because you assumed.

Y/n: hahaha. Don't start with me.

The two of you placed everything properly in the car and got on.

Y/n: We should hurry. We kind of took a lot of time, everyone's probably hungry and I'm starving.

JS: Don't worry. The drive isn't that long.

And so off you went.

[ . . . ]

JS: So.. would you say Seungcheol is attractive?

Y/n: Okay.. weird question, but he is indeed very well blessed with visuals.. and he's very kind.

JS: Okay, nice to know.

You looked over to Joshua very suspiciously.

JS: It was just a question, stop glaring.

Y/n: Your acting very suspiciously Joshua, you're totally up to something.

JS: Stop assuming.

Y/n: hmm.


- Earlier -

JS: So.. would you say y/n is the kind of girl you would consider dating?

Seungcheol turned to look at Joshua skeptically.

SC: I don't know why your asking, but she is very reliable and thoughtful. She's also very cute in her own way.. so~ yeah.


JS: Just come to me if you want help.

You turned to Joshua with a sence of confusion.

Y/n: Help with what?

Joshua only smiled and drove quietly the rest of the way.


A/n: Like I said, not much of an update. I'm in the process of moving so I don't really have time to sit down and write. Hopefully once things are settled down, I'll be more frequently updating.

Bye 🖖💚


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