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A/n: hi, guess who finally has the mental capacity to update thanks to new meds?
No need to answer.


[A/n: quick note. I updated the age. Y/N is 24 and Joshua and Seungcheol are 27]

3rd PPOV

As everyone finished up with lunch, the photo session was underway and ready to begin.

The actress was getting a final touch up, and ready to go. The clothing she was placed in looked amazing on her.

Joshua was standing next to Seungcheol as they both stood by the monitor. Seungcheol was having a quiet conversation with Joshua.

And you.. have nothing to do besides stand next to the makeup table.

□ : Hey, sorry but do you mind helping me take the trash out to the dumpster by the front entrance.

You stood there wondering if she was talking to you, so you pointed at yourself and asked, "umm, me?"

□ : Yeah, since you seem to have nothing to do. Could you be kind enough to help around.

You stood there for a second and decided to not look like a total ass.

Y/n: Yeah, sure.

So you followed her as she took you to the trash bags.

□ : Here.

She pointed at three full bags by the back entrance.

□ : I'll leave you to it. Thanks.

Y/n: Uh..

And Just like that, she's gone.

Y/n: I thought she wanted help?

Indeed, she left you to do all the physical labor.

Whatever. You'll just take two trips, you'll go through the back and walk around over to the front. It would be rude of you to just walk across the inside, when there are so many people busy walking around.

You picked up two bags and turned. Only to almost come face to face with someone.

Y/n: holly shhhh-

JS: What are you doing?

You took a step back.

Y/n: I think its pretty obvious what I'm doing.

You lifted both arms holding heavy bags for a second.

Y/n: What's in here? Stones??

JS: put them down.

Y/n: Why? It won't take long.

Joshua took both bags out of your grip.

(A/n: I'm starting to think I'm writing a Joshua fic lmao)

JS: This isn't your job. Who told you to do this?

Y/n: I'm no snitch. Plus what's the big deal its just trash.

Joshua scanned around.

JS: It was her over there wasn't it?


Y/n: ..I can't tell.

JS: it's fine Seungcheol saw her. She's the girl from earlier at the hotel.

Y/n: Why even ask me then.

Now that you recall, it is her, one of the two girls you asked to trade rooms.

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