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A/n: *awkward laugh*


As you walked into your apartment, a screech was heard.

So.. you ran in.

Y/n: w- what. What was that?

You scanned the area. S/n was in front of the stove, a pot with what seems to be, over boiled ramen.

S/n: W-WHAT. You're supposed to be at work?!

You walked over and turned off the stove.

Y/n: Where did you get the ramen.

S/n: It was- a gift.

Y/n: Gift?? From who?

She looked up and placed her right hand on her chest.

S/n: A gift from god-

You smacked her in the arm, but she cried out in pain.

Y/n: Oh- sorry. But if you hadn't joked around I wouldn't have smacked you.

S/n: Ah- Why are you here, go back to work.

Y/n: They gave me the day off.

You walked over to the fridge, to look for something better to cook. S/n pulled out a chair to sit on.

S/n: Who. Was it your boss? Man, he's handsome, I can't.

Y/n: Child, please. Get a grip.

You decided that cutting up some fruit, and making a toasted sandwich would be great for a simple breakfast.

Y/n: So. How did you manage to screw up ramen.

(A/n: me at JacksonW87501 )

S/n: I went to the bathroom. It took longer then I thought it would, trying to get up was time consuming.

Y/n: TMI child.

S/n: You asked.


8:46 a.m.

It was finally the day.
You had a flight to Shenzhen, China to catch at 9:40 a.m.

Your suitcase was already standing by the door. You however, stood in the kitchen setting a plate of pancakes on the table. You already had breakfast, the plate was for S/n, she loves pancakes on Fridays.

She was sitting on the table, starting to eat.

Y/n: Okay. I'll only be gone for 4 days. Please don't hurt yourself while I'm gone, I already paid for a hospital visit. I left you dinner ready, share with Guan, all you have to do is microwave it. You'll have to buy dinner starting tomorrow, I left some money in the second drawer on my desk, please don't eat too much junk food. Feed Kevin. And-

S/n: I thought you were already leaving. You said you wanted to get there early. Plus, everything your telling me is exactly what's written on that note on the fridge.

She pointed at the printed paper you stuck on the refrigerator door.

Y/n: because, I know you'll forget.

S/n: I'm not a kid. Now go.

Y/n: Sorry to burst your bubble.. But your forgetting that I'm waiting to get picked up.

S/n: Oh- yeah. That Joshua guy.. and you're going to meet him looking... like that.

[Outfit below]

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