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A/n: I'm getting a job soon, expect slow updates later on. Sorry, I'll try to make it work.


3rd PPOV

It was already Wednesday, and every piece of equipment was packed and ready. The contrast between your last position and your current one, was something very evident. This one being more physical labor, as all you were used to was, sitting on a chair and typing.

JS: Yo. Let's go eat.

Y/n: ok.

Joshua and you got really close, after all the two of you had no choice but to be stuck to one another.

The two of you went to the buildings cafeteria and filled up the plate in your personal taste. Sitting down in the same table the two of you had sat on for the past 2 days.

JS: So~  how did it go.

Y/n: What are you talking about.

Once those words left your mouth you continued on eating your sandwich.

JS: You know. You and Coups.

You we're now over here, hitting your chest trying not to choke to death. Taking a big sip of your drink, so that it could help clear your throat.

After 30 long seconds, you finally responded.

Y/n: What. Nothing. What did you hear?

JS: I heard from my friend Amber, that he was all over you, the whole back hug thing and stuff.

Y/n: I don't remember any off it happening like that, I mean.. it- technically speaking it wasn't a back hug.

JS: So there was "some kind" of skinship.

Y/n: I mean yeah, he was just holding me back tho.

JS: HoLDiNg yOu BaCK.. from what?

Y/n: Dude. I came to eat, not to talk.

JS: I'll buy you dinner next week.

Y/n: ..really? No lie.

JS: Lying is a sin.

Y/n: Oh. Then I'm already on hell's waiting list. Anyways, it's nothing juicy, just letting you know now. You still want to continue with your offer?

JS: Yeah.

Y/n: pinky promise.

You you stuck out your pinky.

JS: Promise.

He kindly excepted the pinky oath. (A/n: My childish ass, I swear.)

Y/n: Ok. We coincidentally bumped into each other twice during the weekend, we barely talk to each other. The second time it was at Amber's cafe. Long story short, this girl was talking crap to my sister, I got mad, she called me old, I was going to send her off to hell's gate, but Seungcheol held me back. Done.

JS: .. ok. But how was he holding you back?

Y/n: I mean, he just held me from behind.

JS: That's a back hug sweetie.

Y/n: Technically~ it ain't.

JS: Physically~ It is.

Y/n: So if I saw you about to trip and fall on your face, but Seungcheol caught you from behind. Y'all  back hugged?

JS: Think what you want sweetie.

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