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A/n: Please enjoy. I'm working on hopefully finishing this story in 20 to 25 more chapters.


3rd PPOV

You and Seungcheol were already sitting at a table waiting for Joshua and the rest to arrive.

SC: Are you sure you want to wait till they get here.

You and Seungcheol were sitting across from each other.

Y/n: Yeah. If I eat now I'd be the first to finish and I'd be stuck having to sit there waiting for the others to finish up.

SC: I could always drop you off.

Y/n: Thanks, but it feels really lonely and weird being in my hotel room.

SC: Sorry. I guess I should have roomed you with someone.

Y/n: It's fine. I mean it would have been awkward with someone else since I'm not close with anyone besides Joshua.. and its not like you would've roomed me with him.

SC: Of course I wouldn't. Males and Females should not room together if they're not blood.

Y/n: I already said I don't like him like that.

SC: I know, it's not that I don't believe you. I just wouldn't like it if people misunderstood the relationship between you guys. People here have a way of thinking.

Y/n: Oh, I guess I didn't think about that.

"Got to tell Joshua plan B is out.", you thought to yourself.

SC: Sorry, I feel like I'm pushing others thought on to you.

Y/n: I don't sense any malice in your words. Don't worry. I'm fine with having my own room, I'll adjust to it.

SC: I've been thinking this for a while, but your kind of dócil.

Y/n: huh.

SC: Oh. I guess not all the time though.

*café flash backs. (from chapter 3)*

Y/n: a gosh. please, never mention that day.

Seungcheol laughed.

SC: We get along pretty well.

Y/n: Of course.

At that moment a hand patted Seungcheol on the shoulder.

Y/n: Joshua, please don't sneak up on him like that. Haha, he got a little flustered.

JS: Sorry, did I interrupt something?

Y/n: will you stop messing around and sit already.

He walked around to sit next to you.

JS: You didn't order anything yet?

Y/n: No, we wanted to wait for everyone else.

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