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3rd PPOV [yes.. again]

After the three of you finished eating.

You where up in your room and the kids where sitting on the bed infront of the tv, Kevin joined as he was laying on Guanlin's lap, as they watched who knows what.

S/n: No! Idiot, you were supposed to kiSS hEr!

Lin: I don't think it was the right time.

S/n: Every time IS a good time to SMOOCH. Gosh. I hate it when the relationship takes too long to develop.
(A/n: *chokes on her salad*)

Right then you had a thought.

Y/n: Hey!

S/n: What!

Y/n: I'm going to cancel my trip!

S/n: What! Why!?

Y/n: Girl you can't even walk, what do you mean why!? There's no way you can stay home alone!

S/n: Guanlin can stay! Right.

Lin: R- Right.

S/n: Did you hear that! He said, "A'IGHT!!"

Y/n: Girl, stop saying that word.

S/n: A'ight!

Y/n: I'll sleep on your suggestion and decide on it tomorrow.

S/n: As long as you're not sleeping on VAV, KARD, BIGSTAR, SF9, CLC, B.A.P, ect. I'm good. (A/n: I feel the comment coming.. What have I summoned. Then again stan all underrated groups, I stan, you stan, we all should stan.)

Y/n: We stan too many!

S/n: But we like suffering!!

The Next Day

Y/n: Can I really trust you on this.

S/n: Yeah man. No need to worry.

You couldn't believe you decided to let s/n prove her point, by staying home with Guanlin during your trip.

Y/n: If anything- and I mean ANYTHING, goes wrong, I want you to call me.

Today S/n was going to stay home alone.

You weren't fixing to let Guanlin skip school just to watch over her.

S/n: Yeah, yeah. Food's in the fridge, only use the microwave, don't leave the window open, feed kevin.

Y/n: Don't mimic me brat.

S/n: Whatever.

Y/n: I'm leaving, I'll call you during lunch.

And just like that you walked out.

At the office.

JS: What are you doing here?

Y/n: Good morning to you too, Joshua.

He grabbed your arm and rushed you from the door to your desk chair.

Y/n: dude.

You sat down, as well as him.

JS: I thought your sister fell of some stairs yesterday.

Y/n: She did.

His eyes gazed at you with a hint of shock and confusion.

JS: So where is she?

Y/n: At home.

JS: Alone!

Y/n: No, she's with Mary Poppins- Yes, she's alone. I need to make money, I can't afford to stay home.

JS: Can't you ask your paren-

Y/n: I can't do that.

JS: Why not.

Y/n: I already told you, there not in the picture.

JS: I'm pretty sure if they heard that their daughters are in a situation they'd  try to help.

Y/n: I know, at least I think. Look, There's no doubt in my mind that my dad would run over here, but he's already givin me everything I need. My mom... We'll she only has my little brother in her eyes. The point here is, this is my problem.

JS: You're only 20, why are you carrying so much weight on your shoulders.

Y/n: because I'm young.. I don't want my dad to struggle anymore.

Just thinking about your dad made you miss him, Joshua could see that.

He took your hand and gave you an encouraging hold.

SC: What are you doing here?

Y/n: You guys make it sound like I snuck in.

SC: where's your sister?

Y/n: At home.

SC: Alone!?

Y/n: Wow, the two of you react exactly the same..

JS: We've known each other for years.

Joshua looked proud with the tea he had just spilled.
(A/n: *sips tea*)

SC: You should've stayed home.

Y/n: What about work, the trip, th-

SC: Your still going on the trip?

Y/n: To be honest, I wasn't going to but my sister.. persuaded me.

SC: It's not wrong that you want to go, but at least for today, you should stay with your sister.

JS: I mean if I fell down a staircase, I'd want someone taking care of me.

Y/n: Really? So I can leave?

SC: Knock yourself out, there's not much left to do here anyways.

You where, so pleased that you tried to give Seungcheol a hug, but surprisingly, Joshua still had a grip on you.

He let go.

JS: Oh. Sorry, I didn't realize.. I forgot I was holding you.

Y/n: uh. Same.. I forgot too.

But at least his hand stopped you from over stepping, your boss shouldn't be hugged.

Y/n: Anyways, thanks alot. I'll go right now.

You pushed your chair in and politely bent 90 degrees.

Y/n: See you later, bye.

You waved a goodbye, and off you went.


A/n: Yeah, its been a while, sorry.

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