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A/n: ....I-....Nevermind.


3rd PPOV

You walked over to your desk grabbing your bag and writing a note for Joshua. You really wanted to leave quickly, since you left the car on, with Lin and s/n in it. [A/n: Never leave children in a car people, that's inhumane. But these two are teens, that can easily walk out, so we good.]

JS: Hey.

Y/n: Oh my gosh. You scared me.

JS: Where did you go? And why does it look like you were crying?

Ignoring the last question.

Y/n: I actually need to leave again. I just came for my bag.

JS: Why? What happened?

Y/n: My sister fell of some stairs.

JS: Wow, is she ok.

Y/n: She hurt her leg and twisted her wrist, but she's alive.

He grabbed your hand and gave it a soft squeeze, to give you some encouragement.

Y/n: Anyways, I'm really sorry I have to leave so early like this.

JS: It's fine I'll tell Coups, once he gets back.

He released your hand. You were curious to know where Seungcheol had gone, but you had no time to ask.

Y/n: I'll see you later then. Bye.

JS: Bye.

And like that you left work once again.

At Home

You plopped s/n on to the bed in .02 seconds as your knees gave out in .03 seconds.

S/n: You really need to start lifting some weights.

Guanlin was placing the groceries that the three of you bought on to the table.

Y/n: Not even 10 years of training, would have prepared me for your heavy ass.

S/n: First your all tears, and now you throw shade. Pick a fucking mood.
(A/n: damn should writing curse words hurt?)

Y/n: watch your damn mouth.

S/n: Sorry but my eyes can't comprehend that task.

Y/n: Maybe if you use a mirror for the first time in your life; then they would.

You turned around almost coming face to face with Guanlin.

S/n: *Gasp*

Y/n: Oh sorry.

You step passed him, but that didn't stop one of s/n pillows from hitting your back.

Y/n: Calm down, I wasn't going to do anything.

You picked up the pillow and placed it on her bed again.

*new massage sound* (a/n: girl still sucks at descriptions)

You pulled out your phone from your pocket.


Hi. It's Seungcheol


Y/n: What!

S/n: what what what?

Y/n: My Se- Boss. He just sent me a text.

S/n: Ha Ha Ha. You act like you've never text- nevermind. Let me see.

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