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I step into the shower rinsing myself in the expensive body wash I brought for myself. I run a hand through my wet hair thinking about what tonight is gonna be like. I rub my face slowly, bringing my fingers and pressing them against my pulse gently, dragging them more down I finally reach my navel and almost in between my legs until my phone ringing distracts me.

I grab a towel and dry myself up as I walk outside to where my phone is. My expression crumbles as I see who it is. I hesitantly answer his call putting my phone on speaker and walking towards my wardrobe.

"Yes?" I question kind of annoyed.

"evening darling. What are you doing right now?"

"I just got out of the shower, I am getting ready to meet a friend"

"send me a picture real quick" I roll my eyes choosing to ignore him.

"Why did you call Hatake?"

"I want to take you out for dinner tonight"

"Can't I'm busy? Didn't I tell you a minute ago"

"C'mon you can surely ditch them for me"

"No sorry Hatake"

"Who is this friend anyways?"

"Just someone. You don't need to know, not that it's any of your business"

"Everything about you is my business" he snaps

"I do not want to hear this over and over again Hatake"

"You wouldn't if you would just listen to me and marry me already"

"We went through this already. You and your dad will never get anything from me. Put that in your head"

"Oh yeah. Is that why you keep ending up in my bed over and over again" he spits bitterly. He continues "You are so lonely. Nobody will ever take you, you are lucky enough I'd even want you as a wife, nobody would keep up with you. You are pathetic" he finishes cutting the phone

I have no words to say. I stare at the wall trying to proceed with the words coming out of his mouth. Is this really how I've shown myself to be?

I furrow my eyebrows, trying not to think about it too much. I walk to my dresser, putting on light make-up and a red body con dress.

I finally do my hair and strap my heels on. Finally, I look into the mirror putting a smile on my face. My lips start to quiver but I ignore it, walking out.


I am almost reaching love

I almost forget about everything, feeling at least a little warm at his choice of words. I stand on the sidewalk, waiting for his ride to arrive. On seeing his gunmetal-colored car. He walks out the door with a bouquet in his hand and gives me a small shy smile.

"Pretty flowers for a pretty woman"

"Thank you, kind sir. So where are we going?"

"That is a secret. I do hope that you will enjoy it though"

"I am sure I will"

He gives a small smile as we get into a small conversation. Soft music plays in the background as I look out the window. The soft breeze flows through my hair as I enjoy the wealth nature has to offer. This feels good. Too good. I feel at peace for once.

"We are here" he gets me out of my thoughts

"I don't mean to sound rude but, it's in the middle of nowhere, literally"

"Trust me on this and follow me" he chuckles holding his hand out.

I take a tight hold of his hand as he leads me up a staircase. I do feel a little underdressed, should've worn something comfier. As we reach the top, my breath stops. I have never, ever, in my whole life seen a view this beautiful. It's like a million, if not a zillion lights emitting from the city. My heart feels so touched, so moved. It's electric.

"L-Loid I, it's pretty. I don't even know what to say"

"Down there is our dinner table"

I look down to see a bonfire and a mat spread across the flat land. It has a basket of food probably and a box freezer for the alcohol maybe.

I smile as he takes my hand and takes me down. His gloved fingers intertwined so perfectly against mine. We sat down as he takes out a bottle of red wine. He opens it, pouring it into two glasses we clang our glasses as we consume the wine. It tastes a little too strong, but I ignore it as we move on to the barbeques and grills.

"So y/n anything interesting happens in work today?"

"No, not really. Just these weird parcels I got to ship personally every other week. Exhausting honestly"

"Why do you send them personally?" he asks.

"I don't know they reach directly to my assistant, she passes it on from there. Don't know what they ship but I'm curious to know really"

"You should be safe"

"Thank you. You look nice by the way"

"Thanks. I am glad to pick a red tie that matches your dress"

He ranks his eyes up and down my body. I clench my thighs together, pretty sure it hasn't gone unnoticed by him by the way his eyes turn dark.

After more eating and flirting, we turn to the bonfire with marshmallows on a stick. Smores are everything.

"You got something on you," he says as he rubs the pad of his thumb over my bottom lips and puts that finger in his mouth.

Oh my god.

I lick my lips on instinct, as he comes closer and closer to my face. I feel his warm breath on my lips as I charge ahead. His lips crash onto mine. I felt euphoric. His soft lips move with mine as he licks the bottom of my lips pushing his tongue inside which I happily oblige.

His hands soon meet the back of my head where he grabs my hair and pushes me harder toward him.

Suddenly, I lose contact with his lips as he pulls away with a frown on his face. Did I do something wrong?

"Um let's go I'll drop you home," he says leaving not even sparing a glance at me.

I grab my stuff and trail behind him. On sitting in his car, I couldn't help but ask

"Uh, Loid did I do something wrong? I am sorry if I kissed you I just-"

"No. You didn't. Just forget about it. Forget about any of this" he spits.


I just look outside. It's not as if he'd listen to what I want to say. I am a little disappointed and hurt. But it's alright. I try to convince myself. It's a bad dream, that I don't feel like accepting rejection from two men on the same day. I just close my eyes and drift off to sleep, hoping at the least, I deserve to be happy. If not now, someday.

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