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The next day, me and Rye had planned to spend the whole day with Jack, Sonny and Brooklyn at the lake. We left the house at around 10 am. We would meet the boys there so it wouldn't be a problem. We brought snacks and drinks together as we wouldn't go home to eat at all.

Once we got there, we greeted the boys and laid our towels down. Jack and Brook didn't hesitate to get in as soon as we got there. I sat on my towel as I didn't feel like going in right away and watched them play around, throwing water at each other. Sonny joined them a few minutes later. I looked up at Rye to see him taking his shirt off and I couldn't help but admire the view in front of me. His abs. His fit body.

"Earth to Andy." Rye spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay?" He asked as I averted my gaze somewhere else.

"Perfectly fine. Just got a little lost in my thoughts." Was all I said and smiled softly. Soon enough, Rye joined the boys as I stayed back, admiring them playing.

"Andy! Join us!" Jack shouted, waving his hand towards them. I sighed in defeat and got up, taking my flip flops and shirt off before walking towards the water and getting in, swimming towards them.

"Well, hello there, pretty boy." Rye teased, smirking slightly. None of the boys knew about what had happened a few nights ago between me and Rye as I hadn't told them yet.

"Oh, shush." I placed my index finger on Rye's lips to make him quiet as the others laughed.

A few hours passed by, all of us just swimming around and playing until it was lunch time. We all got out and sat on our towels, taking our foods and starting to eat.

"Soooo." Jack spoke up, glancing over towards me then Rye and back at me. "Has anything happened between you two yet?" He asked, smirking which caused me to blush and Rye to look down at his food. I glanced up at Rye who looked at me as well, searching for approval before speaking up. He nodded which meant "go for it".

"Yeah, we've actually had something happen a few nights ago, at my pool." I spoke, looking at each of them as they all let gasps escape.

"Tell us more. Give us the details." Sonny spoke, eager to know more than ever.

"Well..." I started off saying but Rye quickly cut me off and took over.

"Remember the day we met you guys for lunch?" Rye spoke up as all the boys nodded. "Well, on our way home, we talked about our relationships and Andy asked if I liked girls, guys or both so I told him I'd give him the answer later that night. We were sitting on the edge of the pool and Andy asked me so I just simply kissed him, giving him the answer he wanted which truly left him speechless, I should say." He chuckled as I chuckled too, looking down then back at him. "Then, we messed around into the pool and he ended up in the corner so I trapped him there and we kissed again which was a little more passionate than the last one." He added.

"Hey! Don't forget that you got me turned on then teased me and left." I shook my head as I rolled my eyes and he smirked. The boys all looked at us, unable to form a single sentence after what they had just heard. We had only known each other for what? A month or so now? Things had led to this.

"But wait." I spoke up. "There's more to add." Rye looked at me a little confused. He seemed to have forgotten about the other time but I hadn't. "His parents got in an accident so my parents went to see them. He got to talk to his mom to find out that his dad isn't doing so well." I said, looking at the guys as they all said 'I'm sorry' and you could see the worry on their faces.

"As soon as he hung up, he was crying so I helped him smile and comforted him. I leaned in to kiss him and he didn't back up which took me by surprise but instead we ended up making out for a while. Then later that night, around 3am, we decided to go swimming at the pool." I glanced at Rye who gave a small nod, allowing me to continue. The guys had leaned towards us, more intrigued into this story than before. "I did a cannonball which made Rye laugh. I asked him to help me out, only to pull him in. He told me I'd regret doing this and pulled me into his arms, getting out of the pool and heading towards the sunbeds. He laid me down and got on top of me, locking our lips before- well, things got very heated to say the least." I bit my lip at my words.

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