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A few days after Rye and I had sex in my bedroom, we decided to spend some time apart. He went to see some old friends who were in town while I got to hang out with the boys. We were at the river, sitting outside and eating snacks while talking and laughing.

"Where's Rye?" Jack asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"He went to see some old friends that were in town today," I explained, shrugging. "We kinda decided to spend some time apart since we've been doing things together for the longest time now." I took a bite from my sandwich as I hummed softly.

"That's good. You really need to spend some time apart in order to keep the relationship healthy. It gets toxic at some point if you spend too much time together." Brook said as he nodded at his words. He was right being together 24/7 could turn really ugly and we'd get bored of each other.

Once we were done with food, we decided to play Truth or Dare instead of getting into the water. Things could get really messy though but I couldn't complain.

"Okay, Jack. Truth or Dare?" Sonny said as we all looked at Jack, waiting for an answer.

"Dare!" Jack shouted as he chuckled.

"I dare you..." Sonny started the phrase then looked at me and Brook. "...to kiss Brook on the lips." He completed his sentence and we all gasped as if we didn't expect it. We all knew that Brook and Jack had a thing for each other but they wouldn't admit anything because they were both stubborn assholes.

"Okay, fine." Jack said and moved over, quickly smashing his lips onto Brook's as he placed one hand on Brook's thigh. We all cheered and then they stopped. "Happy?" He looked at Sonny and smiled.

"Very." Sonny replied with a grin. "Now, Andy's turn." He completed as he looked at me with a smirk on his lips.

"Okay, Andy. Truth or dare?" Jack asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Uhm..." I stopped to think for a bit. "Truth." I said as I looked at the boys.

"If you weren't in a relationship now, which one of us, would you smash?" Jack said, letting a smirk form on his lips while looking at me.

"Oh, gosh!" I said as I laid back while rubbing my face then sat back up. "Sonny. For sure." I replied as I bit my lip softly.

"WOOOO!" Sonny exclaimed as he threw his hands in the air. "I knew I'd have a chance with you, Fowler!" He joked, poking me playfully.

"Shush!" I said, playfully placing my finger on his lips to shush him. "Okay, Brook. Truth or dare?" I looked over at Brook.

"Truth." He spoke, making me yawn playfully and whisper 'boring' under my breath.

"Is it true that you have feelings for Jack but you don't want to admit it?" I said, raising an eyebrow at him then glancing at Jack quickly.

"Uhm..." He looked at the ground. "Yes, it is." He said as he looked at all of us then Jack.

"I KNEW IT!" I yelled and threw my hands in the air as if I had just scored. "You two should really get together, honestly. Me and Sonny definitely ship Jacklyn!" I said, poking both of them playfully and making them laugh.

"We just need time to discuss about that!" Jack defended himself as he laughed.

"Take all the time you need but it better be soon. We see the way you can't keep your eyes off of each other!" Sonny spoke, chuckling as he looked at them and shrugged.


Time flew by and we decided it was time to head home. It was definitely one of the most fun days we've had but we all needed to rest. We gathered our things and started walking towards the street. Sonny, Brooklyn, and Jack all got in the car while I walked home because the river was closer to mine than the others. I put my airpods in and hummed along to the music. Once I got home, I opened the door and saw my parents sitting in the living room, watching TV.

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