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It had now been 2 weeks since Rye came to stay with us and things seemed to go well. We had so much in common that it was always easy for us to find something to talk about or do something together. I also took him for a walk in the city and showed him some of my favorite places to hang out or go to and he seemed to love them all. 

He spent a lot of time in the library, as well when I had to help my parents with some things and he absolutely loved it. He was so into reading that sometimes it was hard to snap him back to reality from the book, him being too focused on it. Today I decided to take him swimming in the river close to our house as we hadn't gone there yet. It was a sunny day after all.

"I hope you brought swimsuits with you," I spoke breaking the silence that was taking over as we were sitting outside, chilling. 

"I did. It's summer, how could I not?" He asked, chuckling.

"Then go change. I want to take you somewhere." I said as I was already in mine with a shirt on top.

"Okay, okay. I'm going." He got up and disappeared upstairs. I unlocked my phone and went through as I waited.

"What are you doing?"He whispered in my ear, making me jump in my seat as I gasped. I heard him chuckle from behind.

"Bloody hell, you scared me." I placed my hand over my heart as I turned to look at him.

"Sorry, you were just too distracted and I couldn't help it." He rubbed the back of his neck as he grinned.

"Are you ready?" I asked and he nodded. I got up and walked off to the exit of the backyard, him following. I started walking towards the river as he was beside me. It wasn't far from home so it wouldn't take us long to get there.

"Where are we going?" He asked as I looked down at the ground while I felt his gaze on me.

"The river," I answered as I looked up at him, seeing a smile on his lips. 

Soon, we were there as I looked around. There was no one else so it was just me and him and it was perfect because we could just swim and play around without anyone complaining. I let my towel and my phone down, taking my shirt and my shoes off. I jumped in and came up to the surface to see him standing there and looking at me. He had taken his shirt and shoes off.

"What are you waiting for? Jump in!" I shouted as I laughed and he soon jumped in and came up to the surface in front of me. 

"Woah, the water is so nice." He said as he pushed his hair back from sticking in front of his face while he grinned.

"It is amazing." I then threw water to him as he copied my move, making me gasp. We started playing with the water, throwing at each other as we laughed. Some hours passed and we decided to go back home. I climbed out and took my towel, drying my body off before pulling my shirt and shoes on, him doing the same. We started heading back home as we both hummed.

"Well, this was fun," Rye spoke, breaking the comfortable silence that fell between us while walking home.

"Doing things with you is fun. You always find a way to lighten up the mood or make me laugh." I spoke as I turned to look at him, letting a smile form on my lips as one formed on his. 

"I'm glad. I'm trying my best to keep you happy as much as I can while I'm here." He said just before we entered the house. The time was now 7 pm which was dinner time which also meant that my mom was in the kitchen, cooking. I made my way to the kitchen as Rye followed and as soon as we stepped in, mom turned to look at us.

"Where have you two been?" She asked, raising her eyebrow playfully.

"I took Rye to the river to swim, mom," I said as I shook my head playfully. 

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