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I woke up hangover, with the worst headache possible. Last night was a little bit of a blur, blanks between some of the memories that I couldn't seem to remember at all. I rolled on my side as I opened my eyes to find a glass of water and aspirin sitting on my nightstand. I sat up and took the pill, throwing it into my mouth, picking up the glass of water and drinking it all.

Rye opened the door and entered the room as soon as I set the glass down. "Good morning!" He shouted, making me whine at the loudness.

"Ryan. Headache. Stop." I groaned out, pressing my fingers on my temples while closing my eyes and lowering my head.

"Sorry." He said lower this time and I felt the bed dipping, knowing he was now sitting on the side of my bed, facing me. I opened my eyes to meet his, looking right at me. "Your mom told me to come wake up. It's already 4pm, you've missed breakfast and lunch." He spoke as he placed his hand on mine that was now sitting on the bed. I looked down at our hands before averting my gaze back at him.

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath as I looked away.

"You should at least eat something. You haven't eaten anything all day." I nodded at his words and got up, immediately feeling dizzy as soon as I stood on my feet, almost losing balance. "Woah! Easy there." Rye said as he caught me, preventing me from falling.

"I don't feel well." I mumbled and as soon as these words left my mouth, I put my hands on my stomach and ran towards the bathroom, falling on my knees in front of the toilet, violently vomiting absolutely nothing but the drinks I had last night.

"Hey, it's okay." Rye rubbed my back. I hadn't even noticed that he was there with me until he spoke. I looked up at him before turning to the toilet. I was a mess.

Once it was over, I got up and brushed my teeth, washing away the awful taste that vomit left in my mouth. I went back in my room to pull my clothes on before going downstairs to meet my parents. I walked down the stairs with Rye by my side, holding me, just in case so I wouldn't fall. We walked outside to the backyard and I sat down as Rye did as well. My parents both turned to look at us as soon as we sat down.

"Oh, look who's finally up." My mom joked.

"Looks like you guys had fun last night." My dad said, raising an eyebrow. My mind brought back the memories of what had happened the previous night. All I could remember was the party, the drinks, Rye whispering in my ear that he wants me, the sex. I basically remembered everything but there were many blanks in between, the blur was there when I tried to bring back what happened. I looked at Rye who was looking at me already. He winked then turned his attention back to my parents.

"We did. More than we expected." Rye spoke, hinting at the fact that we had sex in my bed but my parents didn't need to know that.

"We got down more drinks than we should've." I spoke quietly.

"Andy, honey, you should eat something." My mom spoke, making me look up at her.

"Maybe later, I'm not hungry." I fiddled with my fingers as I looked away, having taken everything -the drinks- out of my system a few minutes ago in the bathroom.

"She's right. You should." Rye spoke up, making me turn to him. I really didn't have the appetite but I knew if I didn't eat, he would push me until I gave in.

"Fine." Was all I said as me and Rye got up, heading to the kitchen. I jumped up on the counter as Rye handed me a plate with food. I started eating slowly as he stood between my legs.

"This is so good, who cooked today?" I asked, moaning at how good the food tasted.

"I did!" Rye grinned as he placed his hands on my thighs, sending a shiver through my whole body. He looked so proud and that brought a smile to my lips. "Your parents had to go out to run some errands so I offered to cook for them." He added as he bit his lip. He stepped away to clean up the kitchen as I kept eating, slowly finishing up the food in my plate before handing it to Rye.

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