Chapter 01

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"He's here", the workers started whispering to each other organizing their desks, some scurrying to their places to organize their desks too.

'ding', goes the elevator on the highest floor of the building indicating he is here. The elevators open and he walks with his hands inside the pockets. The workplace becomes pin drop silence.

His head was straight, looking in front of him. He was wearing a navy-blue suit with a black tie. His shoes were reflecting to the light indicating it's shined perfectly. His heels clicked every time he took a step forward.

The environment was perfect, no worker dared to look at him instead they hung their heads low.

His assistant walks back who also had equal perfectionism, he wore a similar suit but the color was lighter paired with a white tie and his shoes shined well too.

His assistant and him walked into his room, the door clicked shut indicating he is inside. The workers let out the breaths they were holding and looks at each other with silent, 'phew', slipping pass their lips.


The living room was a mess, there were empty ramen cups on the table so does the sofa. The kitchen had many empty plates that weren't washed at all.

In the corner of the house, laid you in your messy room with your right leg and hand hanging off your bed. Clothes were scattered everywhere, the closet was open with more clothes spilling out, the shoes were thrown in every corner of the room.

The sunlight peaked in straight to your face making you groan in annoyance. 

You scrunched your nose and rolled to your right side and fell on the middle of the bed, you woke up as you remembered you have an appointment at the 'Futuristic Scent' company. It was one of the biggest fragrance companies in the world.

You were lucky that you even got an appointment – getting a job there would be a dream.

The company gives out the best salary to its employees including bonuses and not to mention the handsome CEO that people can only see in a magazine or poster.

You have only seen him once in a poster of his fragrance – it was one of his favorite fragrance and he volunteered to model and ever since he did those posters were everywhere in the city. You cannot count how many times you'd have seen the poster.

You ran to the bathroom tumbling through the pile of clothes you forgot to wash again. 

You wash your self and made sure you smell good since you wanted to make a good impression.

You are twenty – five years old, and this is the eighth interview you're going to. You have finished your studies and you have been applying for jobs. You live with your dad, who is a police officer - who has already left for work. Your mom passed away when she gave birth to you, you sometimes wished she was here but your dad played both roles in your life.

You got ready and took out the clothes your dad bought for you. 


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