Chapter 10

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You laid down on your back as he took hold of both your wrists hovering above you.

"You know the rules, do not touch me in any circumstances while having sex", his nose touched yours, "I don't want to be marked", you nodded.

"I want words Y/N!", he spoke sternly and you whisper, "Yes", he retreats leaving your wrists heading to the drawer.

"It will be hard for you to not touch so it would be easier to cuff you", he takes the cuffs holding both your wrists trapping them.

"Only I get to mark you – you remember the rules, don't you?", he spoke cuffing your hands to the bed.

"Yes Mr. Kim", you addressed him the way he mentioned in the contract.

You were watching every movement, he spread your thighs looking at your glistening pussy.

"So wet", he touched your folds, you moved as you felt his cold fingers. His breath fanned in your clit and you shiver.

"Mr. Kim", you whine wanting to feel more. He looked at you and licked your clit maintain eye contact.

You moved your hips and he held them digging his nails keeping them in place.

He sucked and licked your clit harshly while you whimper and moan in pleasure tugging the cuffs. Taehyung notices you enjoying and he bites your clit harshly.

You scream loudly as the pain spreads when he bites your clit, tears fall out your eyes and you shut your eyes tightly.

He leaves your clit and hovers above you, "Y/N I guess you forget this....", he motions between you and him, " all for my pleasure not yours". You see the hatred he has for you in his eyes.

He pushes himself making you bleed, you scream louder, "M - Mr. Ki - Kim I – it hu -hurts".

He smiles seeing you hurt and thrusts harder and deeper inside. You continue to sob as he thrusts inside you.

He bit your neck leaving his teeth marks on your necks, he gropes your breasts digging his nails creating crescent moons in your smooth skin.

He continues to thrust into you not caring about your pain, you beg him to stop but instead he goes faster.

After he is satisfied, he thrusts deeper spilling his cum inside the condom. He grunts into your ear as he continues to spill more.

He pulls himself out throwing the condom to the bin and walks out wearing his boxers leaving you a crying mess.

You were still cuffed, with blood on your clit laying naked, after a few minutes later some maid come in uncuffing you.

They cover you with the blanket and help you wear the clothes, you thanked them and walked out of the room.

Taehyung was sitting in the living room watching the T.V with the popcorn bowl on his lap, you were about to take a step to walk to him.

"Get out! break my rules again and you know what will happen", he spat not even sparing a glance at you.

The maids looked at you in pity as you walked out sniveling silently.


You went home and head straight to the shower. You sat down on the tiles scrubbing yourself harder removing his touch.

You cried every time you scrubbed harder remembering his touch.

You walked out and looked into the fogged mirror. You swiped your hands clearing the fog to see your reflection.

Your lips were red and was cut open, your neck had his marks, you looked down to see your hips having his hand prints.

You moved your fingertips slightly on your marks as you wince in pain. Tears fell down, you still don't get why he is doing all this? For a tease? Why does he hate you so much?

You wore your night wear and curled up in the bed, you dad was not home as he is out for duty, you weren't bothered to eat dinner so you slept.


You walked in with the correct attire for work and on time. You still remember how harsh he was just because you broke his rules.

You regret joining this company and mostly regret breaking his rule, you did it back for fun thinking he would not get so serious but now you looked where you are.

He hurt you physically and mentally for breaking his rules and disobeying him, no wonder the other employees were very timid and quiet.

You saw your machine replaced along with the other documents. You were doing your work quietly and carefully, you stood up as all the employees got seeing Taehyung walk in.

He looked at you who had your head hung low, he analyzed your attire, 

He looked at you who had your head hung low, he analyzed your attire, 

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He smirked that he gave you a good lesson for breaking the rules. He walked in to his room followed by Jimin.

After he left you took your seat and continued your work, you were done with the work and you printed them properly.


You walked in to Taehyung's room, you handed him the completed files. He took them and checked them, "Good you've completed them properly"

You nodded, "Thank you Mr. Kim", you bowed and walked towards the door but stopped hearing his voice.

"It's good to see you following the rules, break them again and you might end up in the bed", you shivered remembering how harsh and mad he was.

"I do not intend to spend another night with you so, follow the rules", a tear rolled down but you wiped it harshly.

You turned and bowed down leaving the room.

You walked to the bathroom, sliding down the wall burring your head in your knees as your cries echoed. 

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