Chapter 23

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Warning: Uncomfortable scene ahead if you're not comfortable please skip – if you do wish to read this chapter and not the scene, a warning - **** - is given at the beginning and the end of the so watch out and continue to read after the end warning.


Taehyung rushed out of his building along with Jungkook and Jimin. They both went in their cars looking around for you while Taehyung went in his.

Taehyung went to your house but your dad was the only one there, he excused him with a stupid reason and continued searching for you.

Its midnight and yet he still hasn't found you, "Jimin you found her?", he asked as soon as Jimin called her.

"No Taehyung, did you?", he asks back, "No, what about Jungkook?", Taehyung spoke up.

"I called him, he hasn't found her either", Jimin's answers and Taehyung punches the steering wheel.

"Whe – where is sh- she?", Taehyung sobs stopping his car leaning his head on the steering wheel.


You stand up and move away from them, "Aha! Not that easy", the guy pulls your wrist.

You struggle to move as tears stream down, you regret coming here, "No", you whimper.

Another guy from behind comes as he holds your waist carrying you, throwing you on his shoulder.

You punch his back and wriggle your legs but fail as he grips you stronger. "Damn, she is a meal", the guy next to him looks at your exposed skin.

The carry you to an ally but you never stop struggling, "No please", you don't stop begging but they ignore you.

They arrive to a perfect spot for them and throw you on the pile of boxes, you wince as the corners hit you.


The two men approach, "I bet you would taste good", he holds your jaw harshly, you whimper moving yourself.

"Hold her till I am done", he commands the other guy and he takes both your wrists trying them up with his belt.

You struggle but he is stronger in no time he had you tied, the guy started removing his shirt, your eyes widen and you scream on top of your lungs.

"LEAVE ME!", Taehyung shoots his head up when he hears your voice, "I AM SORRY, JUST LEAVE ME!"

Taehyung gets out of the car running towards the source of the voice, he walks in the street feeling your voice getting close and louder.

"NOOO -", the guy scrunches his shirt pushing in your mouth to prevent you from screaming. Taehyung looks around.

You voice stopped making it hard for him to find you but he kept looking.

The guy behind you started removing your top, exposing your breasts, the guy in front moves to touch your bare skin but gets kicked from behind.


"FUCKING BASTARD", Taehyung punches him as the other guy moves away from you to punch him.

You struggle moving your arms covering your chest and crouch down burying your face on your knees.

"FUCK", Taehyung kicks the guy approaching from behind, "Hyung", Jungkook pulls the other guy from Taehyung's back punching him.

You sob looking at them fight, the guys limp escaping, running away from Taehyung and Jungkook, your sobs echo the alley.

"Y/N I am so sorry", Taehyung removes his shirt covering you, you move forward and burry your face on his bare chest feeling safe.

"Please....", you choke on your tears and Taehyung hugs you tightly.

"It's safe, your safe", he pats your back calming you down, "Hyung, let's take her out of here", Jungkook says Taehyung.

Taehyung looks at you snuggled on his chest, he moves his arm under your knees carrying you out of the alley.


You were sleeping peacefully on Taehyung's bed after crying all the way home. He knew he can't take you like this to your house and you wouldn't want it either so he bought you to his.

Your phone starts ringing braking Taehyung from his stance, "Hello", he answers.

"Y/N? who is this, what did you do with my daughter?", your dad bursts into anger.

"Mr. Jung this is Mr. Kim", Taehyung says and your dad takes breath a of relief.

"Can I talk to Y/N its past two in the night, she still isn't home", your dad asks voice filled with worry.

"She was working late and she fell asleep Mr. Jung", Taehyung slaps his forehead for the dumb reason.

"Oh, where is she now? Should I come collect her?", you dad moves to the door.

"I bought her to my house -", Taehyung gets cut.

"WHAT!", you dad screams dropping the keys.

"Mr. Jung it's not like that she is in the guest room", Taehyung lies looking at you sleeping on his bed.

"Ah, I'll collect her in the morning then?", you dad asks.

"Uhh, you can collect her after work, I'll take her to work", Taehyung lies knowing that you won't work tomorrow.

"Okay then, look after her please and call me if there is anything", your dad requests.

"Yes Mr. Jung, good night", Taehyung smiles.

"Good night Mr. Kim thank you so much", he answers ending the call later.

Taehyung keeps your phone down on your bag, a noise comes from his room and he rushes inside to see you awake.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!", you scream as you remember the incidents, Taehyung rushes to you hugging you tightly even when you wriggle and move.

You take your time and calm down, "Tae?", you sniffle wetting his shirt with your tears but he couldn't care less.

"I am right here baby", he caresses your head, you look up at his face.

"Make me forget", you plead as tears fill your eyes, Taehyung's heart aches looking at you week, "I am not going anywhere".

You hold his cheek and press your lips on his, "Make me yours Tae", you whisper against his lips.

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