Chapter 16

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You didn't go back to work after yesterdays incident, you had thoughts of him laughing with his friends about yesterday and how you went with him.

You cried yourself to sleep with the thought of how cruel he could be.

"Princess?", you dad knocked, you just wanted to disappear and not come back, you throw the sheets away and open the door to see your dad with a concerned face.

"Not going to work?", he asks and you nod 'no', he looks at your tired face, "You know I'll stay back and spend the day with you", he smiles.

You don't want him to skip work because of you, "No dad, you go to work, I'll be fine", you answer and your dad understands that you want to be alone today.

You dad leaves after he has breakfast with you and made sure you ate well, you walked upstairs to the room and cuddled in bed.

You doze off for fifteen minutes and the door bell rings waking you up, you ignore and sleep back again but wake up as the bell rings again.

You throw the sheets harshly away from you and stomp your feet downstairs. The doorbell rings again and you scream in annoyance, "Coming".

You open the door to see Namjoon smiling with a bouquet of red roses in his hand, "Namjoon!", you couldn't believe he came.

You remember how you left him after he kissed you, you should have thought of his feelings at least he is better than Taehyung and does not make fun of you or so you thought.

"These are for you", he handed you the bouquet, you take them and open the door wider as you let him in.

You walk to the kitchen and place the flowers in the vase and walk back to see Namjoon standing in the living room.

"Sit", you sat on the sofa as he takes place in front of you, he rubs his hands on both knee caps due to the nervousness.

He takes a deep breath in, "I am sorry, for kissing you without your permission, I made you uncomfortable"

"No that's okay", as you chuckle shaking your head, you were fine with it really. "So, we good?", he asks with hope.

"Yes, of course", you smile at him, he stands up and so do you, "You aren't going to work today?", he asks.

"No", you answer and he grabs your wrist fast, "Let's go out", he pulls you to the door.

You halt your steps, "Wait, my clothes", you were in your hoodie and shorts, "You look cute, let's go", he pulls you out as you get into the car.


Taehyung never left his room from the time he came to work, he looked through the CCTV and got to know you didn't attend today.

"How was the proposal, lover boy?", Jimin barged in along with Jungkook behind.

Taehyung looks at both of them with puffed and blood shot eyes, "Hyung", Jungkook whispered at the state of Taehyung.

"She re - rejected me Hyung", Taehyung's voice cracked as he remembered yesterday.

"What? How? That's impossible", Jimin sat on the sofa, and Jungkook too.

"She hates me, she told it was another plan of mine to embarrass her", Taehyung spoke and Jungkook whispered, "Well you hurt her before Hyung".

Taehyung shot a glare at Jungkook's words, "I love her Hyung", Taehyung buried his head on Jimin's shoulder.

"Ms. Jung was not at work today right, Kook", Jimin asked and Jungkook nodded.

"Why don't you show her and tell how much you love her?", Jimin asked Taehyung who was sniffling.

"How?", he shot his eyes up.

"Call her, or tell her to meet you, I don't know use your brain and show how much you love her", Jimin spoke letting Taehyung deep in his thoughts.


"I am never going on that Ferris wheel again", Namjoon placed his palms on his knees as he took deep breaths.

"It was fun, don't deny it", you breath in.

Namjoon and you decided to visit the amusement park, you felt good and happy also glad that he was there for you.

"Let's have cotton candy", you point at the stall on and grab his arm pulling him to the stall.

"I want the pink one!", you ask the salesman and search for your wallet, meanwhile Namjoon bought two already.

"Here", he gave you the pink one while he had a blue one, "Wait, you paid?", and he smiles showcasing his dimples.

"I wanted to pay", you take the cotton candy, and take a bite and moan as it melts in your mouth.

Namjoon takes a bite too along with you humming in approval, "This is so good and sweet", you nod and take another bite allowing it to melt in your mouth.


You both arrive and you open the phone to see your dad's text, 'Out for duty today Princess don't forget to have dinner, Love you'

You look at Namjoon who was still waiting at the door, "Dad won't be home you can stay for dinner", you call him and he enters.

"You know to cook?", he asks and your eyes enlarge, "I don't but I can try", you flip your hair walking to the kitchen.

"I don't want to die today god", Namjoon clasps both his hands closing his eyes as he prays, you look at him and slap his chest, "You ain't dying"

You have been trying to do pasta for the last thirty minutes, the pasta had stuck onto the pan and you can seem to move the spoon as well.

You groan and Namjoon peaks to see you've spoilt the food, "Let's order out, I am not eating that", he grabs his phone and you leave the dish and walk with him.

Namjoon and you ate pizza and you were full, "I can't eat more", you spread your legs and hands on the sofa.

Namjoon chuckles and grabs the plate settling them in the kitchen, you follow him to grab water, you gulp it in one go and you turn at the same time Namjoon turns.

Both your faces were close and Namjoon looked at your eyes and lips, as you do too.

He gently places both his hands on your waist and leans in placing his lips on yours.

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