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Where it all began with a Pokémon Battle in the Phenac City Stadium

In the world of Pokemon on the other side of the world, there is another region but no trainer ever heard of it before... It is called the Orre Region. And in the harsh deserts of the Orre region, there is a city called Phenac City. Phenac City has a colosseum, a gym for trainers to practice for the Phenac Stadium, a Pokemon Center and a Pokemart.

In a house not far from the mayor's house of Phenac City, a young lady with two different colored eyes just woke up from her long beauty sleep. Her name is Delilah Flora.

Delilah has beautiful dark red hair, one eye yellow on her left eye and one eye orange on her right eye

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Delilah has beautiful dark red hair, one eye yellow on her left eye and one eye orange on her right eye. She lives with her younger cousin Julie and her older brother Jake Flora. All three of them love Pokemon and battling. But neither of them went on a Pokemon journey never before. They heard of a certain trainer that lost most of the tournaments and only won a few matches.

''Hey Delilah! Breakfast's ready!'' Jake called his younger sister as he served pancakes on a plate. Delilah rubbed her eyes and yawns. As she went to the bathroom to wash her face, she was greeted by Julie, her little cousin.

"Morning Delilah! Are we going to the Phenac Pre Gym to practice battling again with Jake?" She asked her. "Julie, I JUST woke up... Can it wait afterwards...?" ''C'mon Delilah! You ALWAYS say that but you actually don't do anything!''

Delilah sighed at her cousin's response as she finished washing her face and head downstairs to the kitchen followed up by Julie. ''Gallade!'' The Psychic/Fighting Type Pokémon Gallade greeted the two of them. ''Morning Gallade, hope you slept well.'' Delilah spoke to the Pokemon as it nodded as a response.

''BREAKING NEWS! Team Snag is officially disbanding after the events of Shadow Lugia and the Shadow Pokémon in the Orre region! The leader of Team Snag announced the disbandment as of yesterday late evening. More news on this special topic right after the weather.''

''About time they disbanded! They were nasty people Team Snag!'' ''Julie, not everyone on Team Snag are bad people.. Sure they do bad things but inside their hearts are actually good inside for the right reasons.'' Jake explains it to Julie as she pouts not understanding the topic but then asks him a question.

''Hey Jake, were you in Team Snag?''

''JULIE!'' Delilah shouted as she just ate her pancakes. ''We don't ask people those type of questions!'' ''It's okay sis... Truth be told.... Yes, I used to be on Team Snag when I was a teenager... But after the fact of what they were doing to Pokemon I knew my chances were none and stopped being in the team all together. Even I saved this Gallade from being a Shadow Pokemon even. Sure he didn't trust me at first, but once we knew the dangers... We got along well.''

''I see...''

After breakfast, Delilah grabbed her guitar and went outside to play a tune for a bit. The way she plays her guitar is quite amazing as much as her Pokemon battles are. Julie and Jake heard her playing as Gallade went outside to check.

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