Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Journey to the Hoenn Region

By dawn, the Flora children and the Takashi children woke up at exactly 4:45 AM to get everything they needed, including their Pokemon. By vehicle provided by the mayor’s wife and the mayor themselves, they drove their way to Gateon Port.

 By vehicle provided by the mayor’s wife and the mayor themselves, they drove their way to Gateon Port

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“How could we forget about Gateon Port!?” Naoki smirked as they finally arrived at their destination. Kawamoto smelled the salty breeze from the ocean. “I’ll never get tired of breathing in the salty air.” Miyoko and Julie went to the Pokemart with Cecelia for a few moments. Hiroshi went to the restaurant one last time to say farewell to the staff he used to work there before leaving. Jake and Naoki went for a little walk around the port, sightseeing as usual when they were little kids. And then there’s Delilah who recently spotted one of her childhood friends who lives here.

 And then there’s Delilah who recently spotted one of her childhood friends who lives here

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Her name is Natasha and she lives in Gateon Port right next door to the Pokemart. Delilah smiled at her and waves. Natasha saw her and giggled happily. She then jogged her way to her. “Delilah! It’s good to see you again! Wanna battle today? Me and my Shiny Pokemon partner Ninetales trained everyday!” “Not at the moment Natasha, I’m preparing to leave the Orre region to go to another region soon in just a few minutes by now.”

“That’s right…” Natasha’s smile faded quickly. “Your father… I am so sorry… I wish I could help you out Delilah… But I have to help with the–”

“Natasha dear! The mayor of Phenac City wants to see you.” Natasha’s mom called her as Natasha jogged her way to see the mayor. Delilah didn’t know what the mayor of Phenac City wanted to do with her but she saw he was handing out a boat ticket and a plane ticket. Natasha Shiny Ninetales looked at Natasha’s mother and walked toward Delilah. “Nine!”

“Wait, does that mean you two are coming as well..?!” “Yup!” Natasha jogged to her and showed her the tickets. It was indeed the items she saw from far. “Together with the Flora family, the Takashi family, my Shiny Ninetales and I, we can definitely help you! Isn’t that right Ninetales?”

“Nine, Nine!” The pokemon cheered with joy. Delilah smiled. “Thanks Natasha, you’re a really good friend.” Just then they heard the boat horn. The two looked at each other and ran to catch up with the others. “HEY! HURRY UP!” Naoki yelled at them as the two ran to the cruise ship and finally made it on time.

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