Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Steven Stone the Hoenn Champion

Before Delilah, Landon, Marc and Ashley get on the plane to go back to Hoenn, they said their good-byes for now until they will reunite with each other. "Take me with you!" Julie shouted as Delilah shook her head. "It will be too dangerous for you Julie. Just stay with Jake and be a good girl for me when we return. If you behave, I will catch you a Pokémon for you to keep."

"Really?! Oh boy!"

"BUT! You have to behave yourself... Understood?"

"Yes Delilah!"

"Good good Julie." Delilah rubbed her head as she set foot to go inside the plane. Jake watched Delilah going on the plane back to the Hoenn region. Delilah took a seat right in front of the window and smiled back at the others giving them a slight wave as the plane started to take off.

Jake stared at his younger sister one last time as he watched the plane fly away from the distance. 'Good luck on everything you do and promise that Julie will behave.' He slowly took a deep breath as he turned his head to walk to the next town with the rest of the gang. As they began heading to one of Clemont's old Kalos academies that was only specializing on Electric-types. Jake really hopes that they will be safe in the Hoenn region but had a bad feeling about somebody perhaps following Delilah and the others over there.

Joshua noticed Jake's sudden worried look. "What's wrong Jake?" He asked him as he slowly walked closer to him. Jake stared back at the Galar trainer. "It's just that I had a bad feeling about this trip with my younger sister." He calmly explained it as he looked back at the clear blue skies. "Sometimes I can get more worried for Delilah's safety since the first time my father got kidnapped by Team Flare." He quickly paused for a moment and felt completely silent with his mind thinking about his past being an evil team member back in the Orre region.

He had felt a sudden tapping on his shoulder as he looked over to see Ash with a small smile on his face. "I'm truly sorry how you feel... I know this feeling... I'm also worried about Ashley's safety too when it comes to her past getting bullied." "So you do understand where this is coming from." Ash softly nodded and he began to frown for a bit. "Yes Jake!" He peacefully answered him. Jake felt a little relief knowing this Ash is in the same boat as him. "Thanks." Jake quietly mutters to him as he watches Julie joyously talking to her new friend Bonnie as he grows a light smile across his face.


Meanwhile back at the flight to the Hoenn region, Delilah and Ashley were having a nice conversation about Delilah's past travels to the Hoenn region as well showing Ashley her Hoenn badges she had earned in a long time. Marc was leaning his head against the window and watching a few Taillows fly across the clear blue skies as he looked back to see Landon who was reading a guide book about the Hoenn region.

"Landon, are you still reading?" He curiously asked him as he crossed his arms over his chest. Landon quickly stopped reading for a moment as he turned his head to look at Marc. "Yes, I'm still reading this guide book Marc."

He calmly answers his question, giving him a bright smile. "Let's just say that there are a lot of interesting facts about Wattson. You know one of the Hoenn Gym leaders, is planning to redesign Mauville City to look like Lumiose City of the Kalos region." He happily responded to him with Marc eyes widened in shock at what Landon had said about Wattson redesigning the city to look like Lumiose City. But he wasn't even surprised how both regions have a closer relationship when it comes to Professor Birch and Sycamore to be very close friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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